Author has written 13 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, and StarTrek: Enterprise. Hello! Welcome to Anna Yolei Fanfiction! Oct 10, 2014: Who many life changes. Joined the Navy, about to separate. LOL! In case anyone is wondering what happened to me, I mainly mod this site here: June 2nd, 2006 Whoo boy...this has got to be the first time I've logged in in a year now blows cyberdust off account _ Um...yeah. I got a couple of fics that are incomplete, and due to a hectic work schedule, they're probably gonna stay that way for now. After my first computer crashed back in 2004, right around the time I was about to start college, I really lost momentum. ESV is completeled and you may all e-mail me for what I have as the conclusion. I'm not completely happy with it, and I won't publish it until I am That's pretty much all for now. Thanks for a wonderful four years at ! |