Title: Mr. Nice Guy
Author: Christina-lives-here
Rated: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned Enterprise, I'd write better dialogue.
Summary: Travis is crazy. And evil. At least in this fanfic.
The hum of the engines was a familiar sound on the Enterprise. Eventually, it just faded for each crewmember and became background noise, just something else to be ignored on the ship. Like Travis Mayweather.
The halls were quiet and conveyed a drab grayness, nothing really unique. Just like Travis Mayweather.
In the mess hall, officers were eager to grab the pecan pie, but precious few even glanced at the mashed turnip. You know I'm going to say just like Travis Mayweather, right?
Well, Travis was sick of it. Clearly, he was the most charming, intelligent male member of the crew. As far as he was concerned, Archer needed to iron his forehead, Tucker needed to return his wardrobe to the dumpster he found it in, and Reed needed to pull that stick out of his ass. Unless Reed enjoyed it there, of course.
Perhaps a plan was in order… yes, an evil plan. A plan so sick and disgusting yet in a glorifying and…..
"Travis! I told you to change course! What's the matter with you?" Startled, Travis whipped around to stare into the eyes of his nemesis, I mean Captain.
"Sorry, sir. I guess I was just daydreaming. Changing course, sir!" Turning to his station, he mumbled, "I'll get you Archer, and your little dog too…."
Thinking quickly, Travis turned around and said, "I said, 'I'll get through, Archer, even though I'm new."
Archer raised an eyebrow. Travis gave him his most dazzling smile.
"Proceed, Ensign. Be aware, however, that we are not on a first name basis. I'm Captain Archer."
"Of course, sir." Smile still frozen on his face, Travis changed course. For like the zillionth time. Travis wishes he had a starship to cruise the galaxy in. Then maybe he would command the respect that he deserves.
No matter. Soon I will put my plan into action, and Archer will get what he deserves. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Travis? What's so funny?"
Did I laugh out loud? I must learn to curb my maniacal laughter in public.
Travis pasted another smile on his face. Slowly turning to face Archer once more, he said, "Nothing, of course. Sir."
Leaning back in his chair, Archer wasn't so sure. He had noticed Ensign Mayweather's odd behavior lately, and he was beginning to become unnerved by it.
Maybe I'll get Phlox to medicate him.
This is my very first fanfic, and I would love to hear from you. If you love it, hate it or want me to continue, please review!