Disclaimer: Anyone seriously think I own these characters? I thought not.
Tel-tor: chapter 3
As soon as the captain entered astrometrics T'Pol knew that the conversation she had been expecting had come. Something about the way he paused just inside the door made it clear that he was not here for a report on the binary system she was studying. T'Pol had anticipated this conversation and she had already decided how it must to end.
Two days thirteen hours and twenty-three minuets had passes since T'Pol had awoken next to Captain Archer in her bed and the tension between them had become palpable. All of the bridge crew had noticed it, even if none had yet commented on it. The tense atmosphere had not escaped T'Pols notice, and she was pleased to see that it did not interfere with the crew maintaining an effective working relationship. This had laid her to believe that she and Captain Archer could return to their previous relationship as if these events had not happened. Yes, that was the best possibly solution, they could both continue with their jobs and lives unhindered. Captain Archer should see the logic of this and agree.
With her goal clearly in mind T'Pol rose to meet arche4r in the middle of the room. His first words were exactly what she has expected. "We need to talk." That fact was so blindingly obvious that T'Pol was unable to resist the temptation to be difficult.
"About what Sir?"
"About us." He paused here but not long enough for her make another unhelpful remark. "About what happened between us. About where we go from here." Well he was one third right; they did need to discuss what the state of their relationship would be for the fuitcher.
"I believe it would be I the best interests of everyone for us to proceed as we would have had this encounter not taken place." Archer seemed to dislike that suggestion.
"You mean pretend it never happened?"
"It would be illogical to deny that the events occurred, I simply believe that we should not allow it to interfere with our working relationship."
"What about our personal relationship? Sleeping together tends to change things." Well he was certainly being blunt, not that it was necessarily a bad thing. T'Pol decided to reciprocate.
"You did what was necessary to save me, and I thank you for your assistance. However I have no intention of pursuing a permanent relationship with you Captain." Archer became visibly upset at this statement and began to pace back and forth in front of her.
"I suppose I have no say in this seeing as you've already made up your mind." He stopped in front of her again and his voice took on a new intensity. "Tell me something T'Pol, when we were together I felt what you did. I know that some vulcans are telepathic. Is that what happened? Did you form some kind of connection between us?" This was not a topic that T'Pol wished to discuss but it was a valid point.
"Yes, the formation of an empathic bond is an instinctive part of the mating process among my species, however it is only temporary. The bond is already fading and will be completely dissolved in a matter of days." T'Pol decided it wasn't necessary to explain how Vulcan couples underwent a marriage ceremony to reinforce the bond and make it permanent. The captain moved a step closer, into her personal space and stared intently into her eyes. His voice dropped to a quieter and lower tone that sent a chill up her spine.
"So you know how I feel about you, I know you do. Are you just going to ignore that too?" He would bring up emotion. Didn't he know by now that she couldn't return any feelings he might have?
"Those are emotions and should not effect a decision based on what is best for the this ship and its crew." Archer shifted his body bringing them closer still until she was tempted to back away from the force of him. But she stood her ground not allowing him to see how he effected her.
"I can't do that, my emotions are part of who I am! I can't just turn them off because it's convenient!"
"Then I apologize for any pain it might cause you but I do not return those feeling."
"A few nights ago you did." Part of her wanted to deny this while another, deeper part was glad he knew what she would never have been able to tell him.
"That was part of the pon far; now that it is resolved our baser instincts no longer control us." T'Pol said this as if it were the most logical most natural thing in the world. Archer only sighed and seemed to except the uselessness of continuing to argue.
"You said a moment ago that it would be illogical to deny what took place between us, so why dose it seem like that's just what you're doing?" He didn't wait for her to answer but turned to leave. Just before he reached the door T'Pol said
"Captain," He stopped but did not turn round. T'Pol hesitated for a moment more before saying, "Among vulcans friendships built on trust and respect are rare and valuable. I would consider it a great misfortune if I were to lose yours." Archer didn't say anything in response or even look at her; he just opened the door and left her alone.
* * *
Commander Charles Tucker III decided it was time to find out what was bothering his friend Jonathon Archers as soon as he saw Jon in the corridor. It had been clear for the last week that something was upsetting Jon but today it seemed t have come to a head, judging by the way he was stomping down the corridor.
It only took Trip a quick sprint down the hall to squeeze into the lift with him just before the door closed. A glance at the control panel showed, yes they were headed for deck C, probably Jon was going back to his quarters, after all it was almost twenty one hundred hours.
Now how to begin, this was probably not a conversation Jon wanted to have, but Trip was determined. Oh well, why not go for the direct approach.
"So what's she done now?" Jon stiffened involuntary, proving to Trip that his suspicions were right, in spite of his next words.
"What's who done now?" Tucker didn't feel like playing dumb, so he simply said
"T'Pol, the only time you get that constipated look is from dealing with vulcans." This remark was met with silence. Trip waited until the lift door opened then decided to try a conversational tactic that often worked for him, a little disarming chater. "I remember after one meeting with Savol about a month before Enterprise left dock, you had such a nasty look on your face that ensign Robinson actually turned and ran when he saw you. Not that I blame him, I wouldn't have wanted you glowering at me like that. Especially not if I was supposed to give you the bad news about the intake manifolds failing there final test. I tell ya there where times I thought we'd never get the darned things working right.
At this point Jon gave in "What do you want Trip."
"I want to know what's botherin' you, and don't try to tell me it's nothing, I've known you to long to buy that". Again Jon was silent but this time he appeared to be considering something.
When the silence went on a little to long for comfort Trip decided to up the ante "I suppose I could go and ask T'Pol."
By now they where walking down the corridor outside the Captains quarters, and Jon appeared to have made a decision. "You'd better come in; I'm not discussing this in the hall."
Ten minuets later Trip could only gape in surprise. The idea of T'Pol going into heat or something was strange enough, but that the captain had been the one to 'mate' with her was shocking. But then perhaps it shouldn't have been. Over the last few months those two had become closer then ever. They spent long periods in privet together working and had developed their own ways little of communicating. Truthfully T'Pol had probably supplanted him as the closest person to Captain Archer a while ago. But for them to become lovers, no one would have expected that. Not a Vulcan and the man who had resented them his whole life.
Tucker looked up from his seat on the sofa at Jon who was pacing with Porthos as his heels. He had never known Jon to get this worked up about a woman. Even Rebecca, who everyone thought he would eventually marry, never got him to tear his hair like this.
Trip thought he recognized the symptoms. Even though he had never been in love like this he'd seen it often enough in his friends and colleagues. Jon had finally met his match and now one way or another she was going to up set everything about his life. Trip was also bright enough to know that Jon wasn't ready to hear this, so he simply asked, "What are you going to do now?"
Jon sighed, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "T'Pol wants to pretend it never happened but..."
"You don't want to do that." Trip finished unsurprised. Next he risked a more delicate question "How do you feel about her?"
"I don't know." Jon replied honestly "She drives me crazy. I care for her but she can be so difficult. I want to protect her and keep her safe, but sometimes I want to wring her neck." Yep that was love thought Trip. In love with an emotionally repressed Vulcan, the captain was in for it all right.
"I guess the question is are you going to do what she said and forget about it."
"I can't, she's mine, and we belong together. I don't know why she doesn't see it, but she's mine." This outburst surprised Trip. It was completely unlike Jon to be so possessive Trip thought, and he said so.
"I've never heard you talk like that before about a woman, like you own her."
"I feel like I do," said Jon, calmer now he returned to pacing "but she owns me too, we're supposed to be together."
"T'Pol doesn't see it that way," said Trip deliberately twisting the knife just a little to see what would happen. "As I understand it she's given you a 'lets just be friends' speech."
"There's more to it then that." Jon didn't elaborate and it struck Trip that there was a lot Jon wasn't telling him. It didn't seem like he was going to tell him either.
"It might be for the best. I mean even if she was willing what kind of relationship could you have? You're not even the same species and logic isn't enough for a real relationship. Trip had meant the comment in all earnestness but Jon seemed to take offence, and broke in.
"This isn't about logic, or emotion! It's something more basic then that. We belong together! Why doesn't she see that?" Now Trip was starting to get worried, this wasn't the man he knew; this was someone much darker and more dangerous. He tried to back off a little.
"I don't know what she's thinking. What's more important is what you are going to do about it." He noted that this was the third time he had asked the question, however Jon didn't seem to have an answer for it, but instead remained silent.
Tel-tor: chapter 3
As soon as the captain entered astrometrics T'Pol knew that the conversation she had been expecting had come. Something about the way he paused just inside the door made it clear that he was not here for a report on the binary system she was studying. T'Pol had anticipated this conversation and she had already decided how it must to end.
Two days thirteen hours and twenty-three minuets had passes since T'Pol had awoken next to Captain Archer in her bed and the tension between them had become palpable. All of the bridge crew had noticed it, even if none had yet commented on it. The tense atmosphere had not escaped T'Pols notice, and she was pleased to see that it did not interfere with the crew maintaining an effective working relationship. This had laid her to believe that she and Captain Archer could return to their previous relationship as if these events had not happened. Yes, that was the best possibly solution, they could both continue with their jobs and lives unhindered. Captain Archer should see the logic of this and agree.
With her goal clearly in mind T'Pol rose to meet arche4r in the middle of the room. His first words were exactly what she has expected. "We need to talk." That fact was so blindingly obvious that T'Pol was unable to resist the temptation to be difficult.
"About what Sir?"
"About us." He paused here but not long enough for her make another unhelpful remark. "About what happened between us. About where we go from here." Well he was one third right; they did need to discuss what the state of their relationship would be for the fuitcher.
"I believe it would be I the best interests of everyone for us to proceed as we would have had this encounter not taken place." Archer seemed to dislike that suggestion.
"You mean pretend it never happened?"
"It would be illogical to deny that the events occurred, I simply believe that we should not allow it to interfere with our working relationship."
"What about our personal relationship? Sleeping together tends to change things." Well he was certainly being blunt, not that it was necessarily a bad thing. T'Pol decided to reciprocate.
"You did what was necessary to save me, and I thank you for your assistance. However I have no intention of pursuing a permanent relationship with you Captain." Archer became visibly upset at this statement and began to pace back and forth in front of her.
"I suppose I have no say in this seeing as you've already made up your mind." He stopped in front of her again and his voice took on a new intensity. "Tell me something T'Pol, when we were together I felt what you did. I know that some vulcans are telepathic. Is that what happened? Did you form some kind of connection between us?" This was not a topic that T'Pol wished to discuss but it was a valid point.
"Yes, the formation of an empathic bond is an instinctive part of the mating process among my species, however it is only temporary. The bond is already fading and will be completely dissolved in a matter of days." T'Pol decided it wasn't necessary to explain how Vulcan couples underwent a marriage ceremony to reinforce the bond and make it permanent. The captain moved a step closer, into her personal space and stared intently into her eyes. His voice dropped to a quieter and lower tone that sent a chill up her spine.
"So you know how I feel about you, I know you do. Are you just going to ignore that too?" He would bring up emotion. Didn't he know by now that she couldn't return any feelings he might have?
"Those are emotions and should not effect a decision based on what is best for the this ship and its crew." Archer shifted his body bringing them closer still until she was tempted to back away from the force of him. But she stood her ground not allowing him to see how he effected her.
"I can't do that, my emotions are part of who I am! I can't just turn them off because it's convenient!"
"Then I apologize for any pain it might cause you but I do not return those feeling."
"A few nights ago you did." Part of her wanted to deny this while another, deeper part was glad he knew what she would never have been able to tell him.
"That was part of the pon far; now that it is resolved our baser instincts no longer control us." T'Pol said this as if it were the most logical most natural thing in the world. Archer only sighed and seemed to except the uselessness of continuing to argue.
"You said a moment ago that it would be illogical to deny what took place between us, so why dose it seem like that's just what you're doing?" He didn't wait for her to answer but turned to leave. Just before he reached the door T'Pol said
"Captain," He stopped but did not turn round. T'Pol hesitated for a moment more before saying, "Among vulcans friendships built on trust and respect are rare and valuable. I would consider it a great misfortune if I were to lose yours." Archer didn't say anything in response or even look at her; he just opened the door and left her alone.
* * *
Commander Charles Tucker III decided it was time to find out what was bothering his friend Jonathon Archers as soon as he saw Jon in the corridor. It had been clear for the last week that something was upsetting Jon but today it seemed t have come to a head, judging by the way he was stomping down the corridor.
It only took Trip a quick sprint down the hall to squeeze into the lift with him just before the door closed. A glance at the control panel showed, yes they were headed for deck C, probably Jon was going back to his quarters, after all it was almost twenty one hundred hours.
Now how to begin, this was probably not a conversation Jon wanted to have, but Trip was determined. Oh well, why not go for the direct approach.
"So what's she done now?" Jon stiffened involuntary, proving to Trip that his suspicions were right, in spite of his next words.
"What's who done now?" Tucker didn't feel like playing dumb, so he simply said
"T'Pol, the only time you get that constipated look is from dealing with vulcans." This remark was met with silence. Trip waited until the lift door opened then decided to try a conversational tactic that often worked for him, a little disarming chater. "I remember after one meeting with Savol about a month before Enterprise left dock, you had such a nasty look on your face that ensign Robinson actually turned and ran when he saw you. Not that I blame him, I wouldn't have wanted you glowering at me like that. Especially not if I was supposed to give you the bad news about the intake manifolds failing there final test. I tell ya there where times I thought we'd never get the darned things working right.
At this point Jon gave in "What do you want Trip."
"I want to know what's botherin' you, and don't try to tell me it's nothing, I've known you to long to buy that". Again Jon was silent but this time he appeared to be considering something.
When the silence went on a little to long for comfort Trip decided to up the ante "I suppose I could go and ask T'Pol."
By now they where walking down the corridor outside the Captains quarters, and Jon appeared to have made a decision. "You'd better come in; I'm not discussing this in the hall."
Ten minuets later Trip could only gape in surprise. The idea of T'Pol going into heat or something was strange enough, but that the captain had been the one to 'mate' with her was shocking. But then perhaps it shouldn't have been. Over the last few months those two had become closer then ever. They spent long periods in privet together working and had developed their own ways little of communicating. Truthfully T'Pol had probably supplanted him as the closest person to Captain Archer a while ago. But for them to become lovers, no one would have expected that. Not a Vulcan and the man who had resented them his whole life.
Tucker looked up from his seat on the sofa at Jon who was pacing with Porthos as his heels. He had never known Jon to get this worked up about a woman. Even Rebecca, who everyone thought he would eventually marry, never got him to tear his hair like this.
Trip thought he recognized the symptoms. Even though he had never been in love like this he'd seen it often enough in his friends and colleagues. Jon had finally met his match and now one way or another she was going to up set everything about his life. Trip was also bright enough to know that Jon wasn't ready to hear this, so he simply asked, "What are you going to do now?"
Jon sighed, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "T'Pol wants to pretend it never happened but..."
"You don't want to do that." Trip finished unsurprised. Next he risked a more delicate question "How do you feel about her?"
"I don't know." Jon replied honestly "She drives me crazy. I care for her but she can be so difficult. I want to protect her and keep her safe, but sometimes I want to wring her neck." Yep that was love thought Trip. In love with an emotionally repressed Vulcan, the captain was in for it all right.
"I guess the question is are you going to do what she said and forget about it."
"I can't, she's mine, and we belong together. I don't know why she doesn't see it, but she's mine." This outburst surprised Trip. It was completely unlike Jon to be so possessive Trip thought, and he said so.
"I've never heard you talk like that before about a woman, like you own her."
"I feel like I do," said Jon, calmer now he returned to pacing "but she owns me too, we're supposed to be together."
"T'Pol doesn't see it that way," said Trip deliberately twisting the knife just a little to see what would happen. "As I understand it she's given you a 'lets just be friends' speech."
"There's more to it then that." Jon didn't elaborate and it struck Trip that there was a lot Jon wasn't telling him. It didn't seem like he was going to tell him either.
"It might be for the best. I mean even if she was willing what kind of relationship could you have? You're not even the same species and logic isn't enough for a real relationship. Trip had meant the comment in all earnestness but Jon seemed to take offence, and broke in.
"This isn't about logic, or emotion! It's something more basic then that. We belong together! Why doesn't she see that?" Now Trip was starting to get worried, this wasn't the man he knew; this was someone much darker and more dangerous. He tried to back off a little.
"I don't know what she's thinking. What's more important is what you are going to do about it." He noted that this was the third time he had asked the question, however Jon didn't seem to have an answer for it, but instead remained silent.