Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. Hey there, if anyone actually stumbles across my profile and bothers reading! Right... I'm a girl from Denmark, the smallest of the Scandinavian countries (yeah, the one without the reindeer and elks) - vikings forever! I moved to England five years ago, though, and I absolutely love it there (it's the land of Harry Potter - enough said). I've got orange glasses and a strong like for stripy and colourful things, especially socks. That's a bit of a profile, isn't it? I absolutely love Harry Potter (and JK Rowling for creating it) - always have, always will - and I'm one of those fortunates who can say I grew up with the books. I distinctly remember running around my old school pretending to be Harry and forcing two of my friends to be Ron and Hermione and to read the books when the rest of my class was still in the stone-club (we may have been slightly nerdy. We also had a Stone-Age group) and hadn't heard of him yet. I was - proudly - the first in my school to dress as him for the yearly Carnival, and a few years later, I took the final step on the way to craziness and actually dressed up as the Philosopher's Stone book, which was a great costume, but a little boring when we had to be in-character for the whole evening. I strongly need to mention (and warn) that I tend to babble when writing, including in my profile, it seems. I digress more than even Holden Caulfield. I have this new theory about that involves me getting bitten by a typewriter with diarrhea at the age of six. I've never been able to write compactly since, and always need about twenty pages to explain myself properly when it could be done much better in a sentence. It shows in my reviews too, I'm afraid. They tend to get overly long - I've done more words in reviews than in stories by far. Can't help it. On here, I'm reading Marauder stories exclusively at the moment. I've always liked them (Peter as well - he was a proper Marauder before he turned), but currently, they seem to be the only thing on my mind. The Puppies especially. RLSB all the way! I'm a sucker for happy endings, and I tend to keep away from angsty stories. I think I'm a huge coward (though those lovely online tests still inform me I'm a Gryffindor) really and just don't dare face those really tragic stories. I also like to think they all have happy endings (speaking Harry Potter) - especially the Marauders. I imagine them sitting in a Heavenly place somewhere, staring down at Harry and co, and poking fun at Sirius for his death by curtain. Remus and Sirius would be together, of course, and Peter would (eventually) be forgiven. Except for that (barmy) Heavenly Dimension idea, I tend to prefer stories that are kept cannon and non-AU (though of course there are brilliant exceptions). I also usually prefer the cannon ships (the Puppies ARE cannon. They are, they are! I have no problem with Tonks, though) because... well, they're cannon. A huge, great big thank you to Nicole, aka HallowedInk in here, for getting me unto in the first place. And for her lovely stories. She writes very diverse and funny fics, and her profile's worth a visit (especially her RemusSirius story, a favourite of mine. And dedicated to me :D ). I'm currently reading through all the Sirius/Remus Humour fics on , going back through time, and I have a feeling I'll never manage. I'm two years back now, and have read some really good fics along the way, so if you enjoy the Puppies (and just plain Maraudery fun), you could take a look at my favourites. They're exclusively Maraudery so far. If you're looking for good, long Pup stories and you dare, I would strongly suggest you embark on these two long fics. They're my favourite long-shot Puppies-stories, and are both still going. Very Bad Things by violet gallagher - this is hilarious and sweet. The first chapter sets a great, hilarious tone which is continued through the whole fic - includes my all-time favourite HP swearing, "Oh, Great Buggering Fairies". How great a curse is that?! It was only a Kiss by remuslives23. Epic, just epic. And still going strong! Shows all the sides to the Pups' relationship with some (good and necessary) angst and great deals of humour, tenderness, fluffiness and romance. I'd link them if I could make it work... I'm babbling again. |