Author has written 15 stories for Digimon. May 4, 2019: Hello from the depths of 2nd Gen Kpop. SuJu has finally let me go. IN-PROGRESS: Title: In Search of the Two L's INDEFINITE HIATUS: Title: Lockdown Title: The Return: A Rewrite COMPLETED STORIES: Big Girl Now - This is a Mimato LEMON, plain and simple. My first so be gentle. They meet at a club, have some fun, and then we find out it was more than that. Dedicated to the lovely Minamoto Kyari aka Sincere Friendship. Beta read by Sincere Friendship. 01/18/09 Hot Girls and Fast Cars - It's Senior Year and people are going to hook up, break up, make up, drink up, suck up, mess up, and well try to survive this final year of their high school lives. Mostly AUish. Features 01 Digidestined. Michi/Sorato/Jyoun(JoexJun)/IzzyxOC/Takari. Minor Dedication to ThatsWhatSheSaid07. Beta read by PY687. 10/21/08 - 04/14/09 Last Kiss - Oh where, oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven, soI got to be good. So I can see my baby when I leave this world. AU. One-shot. Michi. Beta read by BenignUser. 04/21/09 Smile - And even if he started out crabby and down because he lost one game… that doesn’t mean he’s lost it all. I’m still here. One-shot. Dedicated to my Onii-chan! :D Beta read by Potgenie. 05/24/09 When the Director Yells Cut - Meet Tai, Matt, Mimi, Sora, Izzy, and Joe – the six young stars of a popular television series about… themselves? Birthday Fic for Potgenie. 06/17/09 Bye-Bye, Baby - AU. It wasn’t his fault, but he’d do anything to make it untrue. All she had ever wanted was to become a mother. She desperately craved a beautiful creation that was a part of her, a piece of her very soul, a child. Yet she already had her missing piece. 06/30/09 What a Kiss Means - Kisses can mean a variety of things - I love you, I want you, I need you - but the places they are left also mean a great deal. Find out the meanings of eight kisses. Multi-pairings. AU drabble/one-shots. Takari, Kenyako, Sorato, Mimato, Daikari, Taiora, Koumi, and Michi. Beta'd by Potgenie! 07/09/09 - 07/23/09 Lie - Today is the happiest day of your life. Today you let go of what you truly love the most. Smile, you are marrying the most beautiful girl you’ve ever laid eyes on, shouldn’t you be happy? Drabbly-one-shot/AU. Daikari/Daiken. Birthday fic for CatchingRain. 10/02/09 Hida Iori Through Tachikawa Mimi's Eyes - You never expected them to be close, let alone friends - but they're not so different that they can't find common ground and understanding. Birthday fic for my Otouto, ARCtheElite. 11/28/09 Commitment - They both wanted something the other wasn't willing to give. Michi. One-shot. AU. 5/4/19 |
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