Author has written 101 stories for Digimon, Gundam Wing/AC, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yami no Matsuei, and FAKE. Hey everyone!Well, now that I've gotten older, wiser, and more proficient at writing fanfics, I've retired the pen name "Kawaii Li'l Lia" and picked up a new one. But don't worry, I'm still the same crazy author who first penned the Batpig stories like, what, four years ago? Anyway, I've moved into the Yami no Matsuei and FAKE franchises, mostly because I haven't watched Digimon since forever and have kind of lost my momentum in Gundam Wing. And from time-to-time I might go back to dabbling in Yu Yu Hakusho, depending on my mood. Mostly YnM, though, because it's probably one of the best series I've seen. And stop by my Livejournal, too, because you never know what I might end up posting there. Hell, I don't even know! General Warning: For those of you who insist on reading my old Digimon stuff, remember, it's old. I don't necessarily feel the same way I did about characters and positions now as I did before. Example: I hated Daisuke at first, he became one of my favorite characters by the end. So there. More Specific Warning: I write yaoi. If you're not comfortable with boy on boy action, go away and read somebody else's work. Don't come crying to me if I've warped your fragile little mind. |