Aiight, guys. Here's the last chapter; an epilogue, if you will. So please enjoy, and feel free to re-read the entire story at a later date because like I said, I'll probably be editing this soon (and possibly re-writing it over the summer? If I do, a new story will be submitted. I think I love it so much that I wanna do it over lmao).

As a side note, the second "season" of Ouran is out. Feel free to go out and buy it :D

White Houses

Remember Me

And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses

The young woman gripped her briefcase-like suitcase tightly, reassuring herself that this had to be done. The bus pulled to a halt; she hesitated for a moment before rising and getting off. She looked around her; it was all so familiar. She breathed deeply, her shoulder-length, dark brown hair blowing in the breeze- yes, even the scent, the taste of the air was the same. She proceeded to walk down the sidewalk.

Hmm…Should be somewhere around- Ah! Here it is! She thought, stopping in front of her destination. Before her stood a white fence, so clean and perfectly white that it almost blinded her, and beyond that, a house of the same nature, if not even more blinding. She opened the gate, gathered her bearings and was about to enter the yard when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Excuse me, mademoiselle, I-"

"EEEEK!" she screeched, and turned, hitting the unsuspecting man in the side of his head with her suitcase, sending him crashing to the ground.

"R-really, I'm terribly sorry about that," the young woman apologized as she set the cup of tea down in front of the young man. They were seated at the kotatsu inside the house- I guess everything changes; when did this get here? "I'm sorry, I was too panicked to really realize what you were saying before; could you explain again?" she bowed, embarrassed.

"It's no problem. Really, I don't know what I was thinking; probably would've done the same thing in your situation," he laughed, "I thought you might be the landlady; I was actually just passing by, but I was planning to rent this place out sometime over the next few weeks. Usually I call her up, but…well, to tell the truth, I've never seen her in person, and I've never known anyone else to rent this place out for…a while now, so I thought I'd just save time by speaking to her then but well…obviously, it wasn't her."

"This is the first time I've been here in years, myself," the woman explained, "I…guess it was just an impulse. Or maybe I just need to figure some things out." She sipped her tea. "Do you mean that you rent this house every summer?

"Yeah. It started with me and my friends, but…well, we don't really talk much anymore, unfortunately. So they don't come anymore, I guess. I even brought in this kotatsu; aren't these things just the best?!" he beamed at her.

"…But at least you get some time with your family without your friends interfering."


"Wife and kids? They must love the pool."

"Wife and-? Oh. Oh no," he laughed, "No, I'm not married. Do I really look that old?"

"I-I'm sorry!" she exclaimed and bowed repeatedly.

"No, no, it's okay," he continued to laugh.

"I'm sorry, I just thought," she blushed and averted her eyes, "Well, you seem very kind and…" she coughed, "Attractive. Ahem. I just assumed-"

"Ah, no," he smiled at her, but she saw a bit of sadness hidden there, "In fact, I haven't dated anyone since high school."

"Really? You must've broken many girls' hearts."

"Just one, I'm afraid," he smiled that same smile at her again, and she began to feel uncomfortable.

He seems so familiar…but…he's a foreigner…Just look at that hair! Then again, he speaks perfect Japanese, though I couldn't understand that one thing he said just before…hit him…

"Are you alright? Your face is turning red…" he broke her from her thoughts.

"Um! I'm sorry, I'll be right back!" she exclaimed and ran upstairs to the bathroom. When she got there, she locked the door, and turned to the mirror, staring herself down. I know him…I definitely know him…but my god, why can't I remember him!? It's like I've erased him from my memory…and me from his, or else he would've recognized me. I need to know who he is.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner!"

"Ah…it's no problem. It's the least I could do for hitting you like that; the side of your face will probably be all bruised tomorrow."

"I already told you, it's no problem," he smiled, placing a finger on her lips, and she blushed again. "But if I can get a fantastic meal like this out of it? Well then, I suppose I can be injured."

She rolled her eyes. "You're such a drama king."

"Really?" he laughed, sitting at the table, "You know, I have been called a King before…" he flashed her a smile.

"Probably the King of Idiots," she chuckled.

"Hey now! That's…" he coughed, "Sort of true."

"Really." They ate in silence for a few minutes before she pushed back her chair. "Please, continue eating; don't mind me."

"Is everything alright?" he asked, concerned.

"Oh- yes! I just don't eat much. I mean, I don't have an eating problem, I just…never eat all that much. Don't worry, it's nothing you've done, just…enjoy your meal!"

"…Alright…" he said slowly and after staring at her for a few moments, continued eating.

And just why the hell am I getting so nervous?

"Again, thank you for dinner. You really didn't have to."

"Again, I insist, and again, I apologize for hurting you."

"Again, it wasn't your fault."

"…Okay, can we stop this?"

"…Right. Alright then…I guess I'll be off," he said, opening the door, but hesitated. He turned to the young woman and smiled. "Thank you again, and good evening, mademoiselle," he said softly before leaning down and kissing her even more softly on the lips for a mere second. Before she could even speak, he turned, and was gone.


"-but at least it's a meeting we'll never forget!"

"I'm gonna go for a swim. Come out, if you like."

"You little devils! Step away from Haruhi!"

"Honestly, you're like an over protective father."

"You ok? You look a bit out of it."


"-maybe you should have stayed sober."

"-that might be fun!"

"You like him."

"…I bought you something…"

"No one's…ever gotten me anything like this before. It's so beautiful. I just…I don't know what to say."

"I really like you, Haruhi."

"Kyoya! How could you!?"

"I…love you too…"

"…whatever you want."

"-you're just so cute…!"

"-I'll bet you thought I wouldn't find out!"

"I'm never going to see you again!"

"…Oh my fucking god." Haruhi held onto the door for support. My god, no…I can't just let him walk away…I'm not going to loose him again, not after all of this. I need to move… Just as he turned past the fence, she finally got her legs to work again, and ran after him. "Tamaki!!" she cried as she neared him. He turned around as she went crashing into him, latching her arms around him; he stumbled backwards a few steps but didn't fall, and though he was confused, wrapped his arms around her as well.


"Tamaki! Tamaki, do you recognize me now?" she asked, pulling her shoulder-length hair up, letting the ends fall around her face, making her appear as if she had short hair.

"Ha…Har…It…" he lost his voice for a moment. He swallowed, and tried again, softer. "Haruhi? …Really?"

"Oui," she smiled, tears running down her face. "Oh god, Tamaki, how long I've wanted to see you again- I need to tell you how sor-" she was stopped mid-sentence as Tamaki kissed her on the lips again, holding her even closer. Forgetting her apology of a moment ago, she also wrapped her arms around him again, and held him as close as she could. It was only reluctantly that they stopped and pulled apart. "Tamaki…I'm so sorry- for that day…I was too hasty, I didn't listen to you and I should have at least done that- I don't know what was wrong with me, I-"

"Shhhh," he soothed her, with his finger over her lips. "I forgive you. I forgave you even before you left. The only thing I ask is that you don't apologize anymore. Kay?"

Haruhi nodded, and he moved his finger. "Tamaki…" she said, and began to cry.

"And no crying, either," he added, wiping her tears away.

"'Kay," she sniffed. "I just…oh, Tamaki!"

They stood there for a while, just holding each other; her face buried in his chest, his hand stroking her hair. It began to drizzle, but they took no notice until the clouds lingering in the sky burst and it began to rain harder.

"If you'd like…you can come back inside. At least, until the rain clears up," Haruhi invited quietly.

"It'll be dark by then," Tamaki said slowly.

"Are you saying something would happen…between us?" she searched his eyes, "Well, it's not like it'd make a difference. I hear, as far as things like that are concerned, a cloudy day is the same as the darkest night," she smiled.

"Really," he laughed, and took her hand. "I wasn't insinuating anything of the like."

"Yeah right," she mumbled.

"Haruhi…? That glass rose I got you- do you remember it?"

"Well…yeah," she blushed, embarrassed by all of the memories concerning it.

"I…I got it fixed. Just in case I ever ran into you again. It's in the house, in a small glass case upstairs."

"Idiot!" Haruhi exclaimed, hitting him on the head, "How did you know you'd be the only one to rent the place out? What if someone came along and stole it or something? Or broke…it…" What she said registered in her mind, but Tamaki just laughed. Haruhi, the sad feeling lingering, said slowly, "Hey…let's not be the only ones with a happy ending. Let's call everyone else up tonight…we can all get together again."

"Yeah. That would be fun," he replied, suddenly serious as well.



"Yeah?" she looked up at him.

"Do you think…maybe…we could try again? Pick up where we left off?"

"Can we take it one day at a time?" she suggested, albeit sadly.

"Yeah," he swallowed, and she kissed him again.

Okay…That was the end forever. I'm sad I couldn't bring any of the other characters back but…that's life. And I know I kinda stole the kiss/memory thing from Code Geass R2, but seriously, I didn't even realize it till I had it written down. Also, Haruhi's last line is from Avenue Q. It just fit, kay?

I may be doing fanart for this…possibly. So you may wanna check my DA (KibaInuzuka314) from time to time :D

Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me until the end!! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I'll see you next time I write! –bows-