So... this is the Epilogue to ''Blood Memory''.
Sorry for the wait.
Please enjoy!
Two years later
Yuuki's head perked up in the middle of the busy market, at the familiar scent that overpowered those of the ones of the humans in the crowds around her, brought to her by a strong fall breeze. Her hand clasped instinctively tighter, though the scent was hardly that of an enemy.
She maneuvered her way through the crowd expertly, sliding past the humans towards Kaname, who was a few streets down-- on his way home, she suspected.
She took a short-cut through an alley, which would bring her to the house before Kaname got there. Walking fast made her nauseous, but she wanted to surprise him by meeting him at the door.
A presence stirred within the alley, and she slowed when a body moved to block her path. The man was tall and reeked of alcohol and garbage, even so early in the evening. She went to move around him, but his hand went for her arm.
She threw him into the wall without a second thought.
''Shh. It's alright sweetheart.''
She pulled on her son's hand, leading him away from the unconscious man towards the end of the alley. They walked through a second alley, and emerged several houses down from theirs. By the time they reached their front steps, Kaname could be seen at the end of the street.
He had walked at human pace until then, but once he caught sight of her he appeared before her.
''Yuuki,'' he sighed, ''This is a nice surprise. I knew you were shopping. You didn't need to stop on my account.''
''I wanted to see you.''
Kaname smiled softly down at her. ''You would have seen me when you got home.''
''I wanted to see you now.''
He chuckled.
He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. One hand gently cupped her chin as he deepened the kiss, while the other slid down to her swollen belly.
Kaname chuckled as he pulled away from Yuuki, looking at the child beside Yuuki, whose hand was still clutched tightly in hers.
''Have you been giving your mother trouble?''
''No,'' Yuuki said for him. ''He's been behaving quite well since he learned his sister's on the way.''
Kaname's smile was soft. ''He's lucky.''
Yuuki frowned. ''Why?''
''He is lucky, as I am lucky.''
Yuuki blushed.
She reached up with her free hand and wrapped it in his hair, gently leading his face down to hers. She kissed him softly, shyly, and he smiled against her lips. He slid his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him until her stomach pressed to his. He sighed contently against her mouth when he felt their daughter kick against her belly.
''You're gonna squish her!'' their son shouted worriedly, trying to push Kaname away from Yuuki's belly. Kaname chuckled and obliged him by moving away
Yuuki laughed, but it sounded tired. Both males looked to her, openly worried.
''Come, Yuuki,'' Kaname said, taking Yuuki's hand, ''Let's get you inside to rest.''
Kaname led Yuuki into the house, leaving the door open for their son to follow.
But just as he started inside, he caught the scent of another vampire as a breeze blew by. He turned towards the alley across the street, and stared at the figure hidden in the shadows within.
The vampire was leaning against the building, body relaxed, face tranquil. He was staring after Yuuki, and only looked away when she was fully encased within the house. His eyes met with the boy's, and while most vampires looked away when their eyes met with a purebloods, he did not. But his presence wasn't threatening, just strangely safe, content.
After a long moment, the vampire turned away. The boy caught one last flash of his white hair before he disappeared.
He turned towards the doorway, where Yuuki and Kaname were standing, waiting for him.
''Come inside.''
He hesitated one last moment, before turning away from the now-empty alley and going into the house after his parents.
Author's Final Note: I hope you enjoyed the final chapter of Blood Memory! I'm sorry it took so long for me to write, I've been really busy. And I know it's short, but I hope it came out well and was worth the wait. There was supposed to be a certain.. tranquil, light mood about this chapter, so I hope I portrayed the feelings right. I loved writing this chapter so much though, good or not.
Since it is the final chapter, I would really love for a lot of reviews. Or... not even a lot of reviews, but long reviews that tell me what they liked about this chapter, and the story as a whole. I always love to read people's comments and what they think. So please review!
I really hope you enjoyed my story!