Author has written 18 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Princess Bride, Assassin's Creed, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy I-VI, Life is Strange, and Final Fantasy XIII. Hello to all people out there. I'm Cale. Life is crazy. If I pump out a story, it's a miracle these days. But nagging gets results! I'm sorry if I've started stories and haven't updated forever, I WILL FINISH THEM. EVENTUALLY. Nag away! I love feedback. Tell me what you love/hate/whatever. I like to talk! Ao3 is Amateur_Warden, I am currently working on getting all these fics up there too. Twitter is @amateur_warden, I draw things there sometimes. Feel free to chat anytime! deviantART is Ktechhelvetiin, and art tumblr is amateur-warden. I never update these! Finally, I apologize for anything written in high school. I leave it here for posterity. They're not good. But read them! |
BetweenBlueLines (6) Carlis.B (13) | LadyNightRunner (133) MikariStar (137) | spopococ (25) |