![]() Author has written 12 stories for Darren Shan Saga/Cirque Du Freak, Merlin, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. contact: message gender: female I VOW TO REPLY TO EVERY REVIEW I EVER GET. So review. :) NOTE: My story A Rose by Any Other Name is currently on HIATUS, just because school/life sucks like that... Currently Obsessed With: Sherlock (BBC...or, not just BBC, I suppose, because now I'm reading the books/watching other films...) and Portal...and Kuroshitsuji. I love music, My friends mean the world to me, I wish I could go on an adventure, I'm creative, I love to read, I wish I could be a spy, Sometimes I hear a noise in my house and briefly wonder if it's the Doctor coming to whisk me away in his TARDIS, I'm hopelessly, completely, utterly in love with anyone who captures my attention (I'm such a fangirl...) I drink tea out of a Doctor Who mug while watching Sherlock and wearing Harry Potter robes, And I want to travel to Britain so bad I could cry just thinking about it. xx I am kind, plain and simple. Or...not simple, either way you look at it. I consider myself to be semi-talented in many different fields, but rarely am I the best at any of them. I am a writer, a photographer, and a thinker. I am a listener even as I am a chatterbox. I am hyper as much as I am quiet and reflective. I am inspired at the same time I have no idea what I want to do. Rarely does any one person see every side of me, but everyone is welcome to try! Favorite Quotes: "Lancelot needs to lace up his shirt..." convinces Merlin and Arthur they love each other, therefore breaking the laws of the Time Lords, but who gives a crap?* "In dinosaur, the way of saying, 'Hey. You there. Yes you, good sir. I wanted to afford you the courtesy of letting you know that I am about to eat you. Quite right, eh?" ~Urban Dictionary's 5th defintion of the word "rawr." If Hunith and the Great Dragon were penpals... Dear Hunith, Merlin is being just a little bit stubborn. Mind coming round here to set his mind straight? Mention coins, that seems to work with him, I find. Sparky XOXOXO "Emo Merlin: 'Gaius, why should I bother saving Camelot from this giant, terrible monster? They're all just going to die anyway. It's inevitable. I just don't see the point..." From 'Merlin' bloopers: Arthur: You know what's nice after a long day's hunt? Merlin: Sleep. Arthur: A nice cold tankard of mead. *Bradley urges his horse forward. The horse turns around to go the opposite way.* Oops, not that way, mate. "Hello, God's busy at the moment, my name's Lucifer, how may I help you?" "If there was no change there would be no butterflies." "She had a point. Just not one I particularly cared about." "Well done. Here come the test results. 'You are a horrible person.' That's what it says. A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that." "What is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring." "Can you hold, I have to eat a biscuit." Merlin Pick-Up Lines: Is that your sword or are you just happy to see me? Can you walk on your knees? (Hah...admit it. That was a pickup line.) Your eyes are like the Labryinth of Gedref. I get lost in them every time. You don't need a unicorn to prove I'm pure of heart. Care for some target practice? The dragon told me to shag you. You don't need a spell to make my snake come to life. Sword fighting is like everything else: it's all about the thrust. Camelot? Well now that you mention it, I did. So you're the Lady of the Lake? Well don't be surprised if I go fishing sometime soon. Did the blacksmith charge you more for the extra metal required for your breast plate? Arthur: So...you're a sorcerer. Merlin: *nods* Arthur: Well then it's up to you. Either you burn at the stake or I use my stake to make you burn. |