![]() Author has written 22 stories for Twilight, Sleepy Hollow, 21 Jump Street, Merlin, and Harry Potter. I update my stories sporadically (sometimes a month or more between chapters). You have been warned. Fan-Fiction is a huge part of my life. Some may think it's weird, some may think it's silly. Well, I think they're weird and silly. Fan-Fiction is important to me because it allows me to take characters and settings that I know and love, melt them all down, and then re-forge them in my own way. It is a great way for me to get feedback on my writing, allows me to play with other universes that I enjoy so much, and it's a great way to practice and develop my writing for the novels I'm working on as well. So yes, Fan-Fiction is a massive part of my life. It helps me escape. Post this on your profile if this fits you. :D Fave Movies: Anything with Johnny Depp, Twilight Saga, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Animal House, Accepted, Amazing Grace, 1776, The Notebook, The Vampire's Assistant, Sherlock Holmes, Pride and Prejudice, Holes, Twelfth Night Fave TV Shows: Merlin, 21 Jump Street, The Vampire Diaries, Bones, Merlin, The X-Files, Doctor Who, Angel, Psych, That 70s Show, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Total Drama Action/World Tour, The Big Bang Theory Fave Books: Twlight, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Vampire High, Evernight, Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception, The Vampire Diaries, Holes, Horse Angel, Warriors, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, Anything by Edgar Allen Poe, Anything by Shakespeare, Fallen series, Wings series Fave Actors/Actresses: Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Katie Mcgrath, Johnny Depp, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Michael Gambon, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, John Belushi, Shia Labeouf, David Boreanz, TJ Thyne, Eric Millegan, Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Helena Bonham Carter, Ashley Greene Fave Bands: Adam Lambert, Paramore, Taylor Swift, Carter Twins (So What...more like SO HOT!), Muse, Within Temptation, Evanescence, Mitch Hansen Band, Bella Cullen Project, Ministry of Magic (Wizard Rock ROCKS!), Drake Bell, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, 100 Monkeys, Kelly Clarkson, Rascal Flatts, Charlotte Sometimes, The Veronicas, Nightwish, Shannon Thomas, Stream of Passion Fave Pairings: Bella/Jasper, Bella/Carlisle, Bella/Edward, Esme/Carlisle, Emmett/Rosalie, Alice/Jasper, Jacob/Bella, Jacob/Leah, Harry/Hermione, Draco/Hermione, Lily/Severus, Booth/Brennan, Angela/Hodgins, Hyde/Jackie, Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Arthur, Merlin/Freya, Merlin/Morgana, Merlin/Lancelot, Merlin/Gwaine MERTHUR FTW! Favorite Director: Tim Burton (He's a GENIUS!) Favorite Color: Blue and Black I am TEAM JASPER!! Not that I don't like Edward, but I would rather date a scarred, tragic vampire than one who is a control freak. Just saying. ;) I found these on other profiles. I take no credit for them. Heaven doesn't want me, and hell's afraid I'll take over. (Ask anyone- this is definitely me! Haha!) Chaos. Panic. Pandemonium. My work here is done. When the world is ending, I'm throwing the party! Parents spend the first half of your life teaching you to walk and talk, and the other half telling you to sit down and shut up. You cry, I cry. You laugh, I laugh. You fall off a cliff, I laugh harder. People are like Slinkys. Basically useless. And yet it's so amusing to watch them fall down the stairs. (It is!) You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family. You can, however, pick the insane asylum where you have them all locked away. Something everyone should remember: Emmett is the strongest. Edward is the fastest. But Jasper can sit alone in a corner and still make you feel jealous. One day, we will look back on this, laugh nervously, and change the subject. We live in an age where pizza gets to your house before the police do. The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? God made man, and then he said, "I can do better than that," and made women. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. People that don't know me think I'm quiet. People that do wish I was. I don't know what your problem is but I bet it's hard to pronounce. They keep saying the right person will come along. I think a truck hit mine. You're diagonally parked in a parallel universe. If it wasn’t for physics and law enforcement, I’d be unstoppable. This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology and extreme violence. When I die, I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car. Riddle me this- can you moonwalk into Mordor? (Thanks to a guy in one of my classes. You know who your are...) ;) That, my children, is called a wall. But beware, the wall is solid. Yes, be afraid! Be very afraid, for we cannot walk through it! Believe me, children, for I have attempted this many times before. My knight in shining armor turned out to be a loser in aluminum foil. Normal people scare me...but not as much as I scare them. Well, the voices and I took a vote. It's unanimous: you suck. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying. A drunk driver is very dangerous. But so is a drunk backseat driver if he's persuasive... 'Dude, make a left.' 'Those are trees...' 'Trust me.' Just say no to drugs. Because if your drugs are talking to you, you've probably had too many. If you are addicted to Merlin and can't get enough, post this to your profile. (Best. Show. Ever.) If you are constantly thinking of situations to put Merlin and Arthur in, post this on your profile. If you want a clone of Colin Morgan or Bradley James, post this on your profile. If you want to marry Colin Morgan or Bradley James, post this on your profile. (I get Colin, and my best friend gets Bradley. We're gonna have a double wedding.) If you can easily finish a novel in one day, put this on your profile! If you believe Middle Earth is real, copy and paste this to your profile. If you've ever walked into a doorway that you could've clearly dodged, you just weren't paying close enough attention, copy and paste this on your profile. If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just one review, paste this into your profile. If you are Harry Potter obsessed, copy this into you profile. If you are obsessed with fanfiction, copy this into your profile. You're obsessed with Harry Potter when you have theories about how dead characters could still be alive. If you're in denial over Tonks and Remus' deaths, copy and paste this into your profile. If you want to see a Quidditch match, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever talked to yourself, copy this to your profile. If you support werewolf rights, copy & paste this into your profile. The Most Intelligent Text Convo I Ever Had: Friend: Now what's happening? Me: Stuff. Friend: What stuff? Me: Stuff stuff. Friend: WHAT kind of stuff? Me: Just stuff stuff. WHAT A KISS MEANS Kiss on the stomach = "I'm ready" What the gesture means... --Advice-- --Requirements-- If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now Okay, so my schedule is completely insane... I will update Blood and Spells as soon as I can. This is my priority fic. The Lady in Gray and Betrayed will be updated as soon as possible. An Unexpected Opportunity For Love: I will continue this as soon I finish my other three stories. I thank all my readers for their patience. I know they probably want to strangle me for my lack of updates. :) *Also, important note to my FRIENDS: DO NOT READ IMPOSSIBLE DESIRES, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DREAMS AND REALITY, MERLIN'S CHRISTMAS WISH, OR WORST VALENTINE'S DAY EVER. If you read them and are mentally scarred, not my fault. If you read them and start giving me weird looks, I'll slap you. Understand?* |