Author has written 3 stories for Star Wars, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Dragon Age.
PenName: MLyn1990 (or just call me 'MLyn' for short.)
~Used to be: Magenta2
Real Name: Marielyn C.
Current Age: 20
Birthday: Feb 22, 1990
Personal Interests:
Entertainment: Reading, music, writing, video games, and art.
Reading Material: Mysteries mainly; I also like dramas and romance novels.
Musical Taste: It's varied. I'll listen to anything really, but alt. rock is my main ear candy.
Television: House M.D., The Tudors, Ugly Betty, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy, Reba, Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, Jon and Kate Plus Eight, Kathy Griffin: My Life On the D-List, and Avatar: The Last Air Bender.
Movies: Fan of the classic Disney movies, comedies, and horror.
Work That Joy-Stick: RPG games are my fancy. FPS are also the bomb digitee.
Current Obsession: Dragon Age: Origins.
Author Stuff
- I'm still growing as a fanfic writer. I'm learning new writing technique everyday and I think it shows. I mainly stick with writing romances dealing with animes or video games.
Stories Completed:
The One I Love- A Pashmina&Stan Hamtaro fic. I did this a very long time ago... very long. I'm kinda embarressed by it now, but it's the first fanfic I actually completed so it has a little place in my heart.
~Update: Story deleted. Grown up as a writer and having that still under my belt was embarrassing.
Stories In Progress:
Emotions- A Kotor II fic that chronicles(I guess...?) the budding relationship between the Exile and Atton Rand. 14 chapters so far and still working on the next chapter. Statues: Discontinued
A Personal Memento- An A:TLA fanfic. Maiko story.
Not For the Lack of Trying- Post game Dragon Age: Origins story. The Warden, now married to her beloved Alistair, deals with the pressures from court to birth an heir for the throne. Status: Hiatus until Mid September.
Rough Drafts:
I have many new stories in mind...