![]() Author has written 26 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Dragon Ball Z, and Tekken. Updated 16th March: TheMessangerVIII drew some adorable art of some scenes from Monochrome, go to http:///art/Hwoa-and-Xiao-Monochrome-197118253 to take a look! My cousin did a gorgeous front cover for Never Ever, go to http:///art/Tekken-Hwo-Xiao-The-Devil-140748721 to see the pretty! favourite quotes "A bit of lusting after someone does wonders for the skin." ~ Elizabeth Hurley "I can resist anything but temptation." ~ Oscar Wilde "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." ~ Oscar Wilde "My father was a beekeeper before me, his father was a beekeeper. I want to follow in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this. (Runs screaming) AAAAAAAH! I'm covered in beeeeees!" ~ Eddie Izzard "We have toasters in this country...and they lie to us! Because it has numbers from one to six and it lies to us!" ~ Eddie Izzard "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I did an original sin. I poked a badger with a spoon." ~ Eddie Izzard "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." ~ Bette Midler "I like the word "indolence." It makes my laziness seem classy." ~ Bern Williams me, me, me Madame Batolli: 1. A character from the manga series Under The Glass Moon. She's a witch who lives next door to the main character, Luka Reinhardt. 2. Lifelong girl gamer, twenty four. Lives in Yorkshire, England. Reads manga. Loves Placebo, The Killers, Stereophonics, Feeder, Morcheeba, dance music, and numerous J-Pop, especially Ayumi Hamasaki, Hikaru Utada, Kumi Koda, Maki Goto and Namie Amuro. All the J-Pop princesses, basically. Also loves to buy SHOES. Apparently I have too many pairs of shoes, but I sincerely doubt that, since there's space in my wardrobe for more of them. Got into anime and manga when I was about thirteen, and since then I've become hopelessly addicted to it, especially shoujo, sparkly pretty boys and all. Favourites are: Fruits Basket (Kyo/Tohru, Shigure, HATORI, Ayame, what's not to love?) Ayashi no Ceres and Alice 19th (no one does melodrama better than Yu Watase!), Paradise Kiss, and Skip-Beat. ESPECIALLY Skip-Beat! It's my biggest favourite, I'd say. Kyoko and her evil demons, Ren's mega-watt smile when he's angry, Lori Takarada's flamboyance, Yashiro's blatant Kyoko/Ren shipping, Moko-san... I just love it. And the voice acting in the anime is top-notch! Watching the subs has made me want to reread the manga until my eyes fall out. I don't stick exclusively to shoujo though. Read or Die, Read or Dream (MICHELLE) Hellsing and Trigun are love, and GTO never fails to make me lol. As for gaming, it's what convinced me that there aren't enough hours in the day. I've often found myself deciding to play Final Fantasy for half an hour in the evening and eventually looking up to see it's stupid 'o clock in the morning or something. RPGs are my downfall. RPGs and survival horror, and the Sonic Mega Collection. And Tekken, obviously. And Devil May Cry (Oh, Dante, why are you so awesome?) And retro games ported over to the DS. And Pokemon. And Phoenix Wright. "Please explain to me so that I may be shocked along with the rest of the court!" Oh, Mr. Your Honour. You're so bloody dumb. Other than gaming, I like to use my beloved PS2 for watching my DVDs of Sex and the City, anything Johnny Depp, Supernatural, Scrubs, House M.D, and bootleg anime TV boxsets. Hey, if they didn't charge £19.99 for a disc with three goddamned episodes on it, maybe I wouldn't buy bootlegs instead. Just a thought. And of course I enjoy a good book every so often. I heart Haruki Murakami. I've read Dance Dance Dance, Kafka on the Shore, Norwegian Wood and After Dark. Now I'm onto The Wind Up Bird Chronicle, and I've got A Wild Sheep Chase to read too. I want to read all his works eventually. Oh yeah, if you're ever bored and want to read my babbles on life, books, fandom, games, e.t.c, I'm on Livejournal. pairings i heart Tekken Xiaoyu/Jin. X/J was my first Tekken OTP, and I love that you can spin a whole tragic, history repeating itself angle to the pairing or keep it fluffy and light. Jin needs someone like Xiaoyu in his life, and I think her connection with Jin stops Xiaoyu from falling into that category of token sugary schoolgirl. And then Tekken 6 came and shattered my misconceptions... I can't say that I like how Xiaoyu transformed into JinStalker!Xiao in T6, but I'm still fond of this pairing. Just not the T6 version of their relationship. Xiaoyu/Hwoarang. They'd be hot. I grew to love the idea of them together when I was writing their interactions in Monochrome, and although I'd originally planned that 'fic to be a Miharu/Hwoarang, it never worked out like that. But since Monochrome Xiaoyu was a hundred percent focused on Jin, I wrote Restless. Where she was with Jin, but more focused on sex with Hwoarang. Ahem. Anyway, right now I have a collection of X/H oneshots on the go, and I always enjoy writing their scenes together in Never Ever. I think I've kinda become a hopeless fangirl... Final Fantasy VII Aerith/Cloud. Love love love for this pairing. It's bittersweet and tragic and just flat out adorable and such is the extent of my dorkery that I used to have a website about them and everything. Aerith/Zack. Their relationship in Crisis Core is refreshingly lighthearted and sweet, and their personalities really work well together. And he made her a flower wagon! Cuteness. Cloud/Aerith/Zack. OT3! 'Nuff said. Tifa/Rude. Because they have complementary personalities, and Tifa deserves someone who adores her, and Rude is sexy and has lots of pairs of sunglasses so if the sun was getting in her eyes, Tifa could just borrow a spare pair. Could she do that with Cloud? I DON'T THINK SO. Random shiz Skip-Beat: Kyoko/Ren, Kyoko/Reino (Mr. Beagle!) I'm not exactly rigid in my pairing preferences I guess. ;) in progress Never Ever. (arghbattlescenes) Snag the playlist here. Bloom. (Final Fantasy VII drabble collection. It was supposed to be C/A focused, but I'm in a Tifa mood atm) Drowning By Numbers. (Xiao/Hwo stuffz, b/c they're sexier than you) |