A quick word to two of my reviewers- LL, this was NEVER A T/M FIC!!! Geez, with all the complaints from you, I would have thought you were going to throw things at me. And BloodLustNight, I thank you for those wonderful words of praise. The book, hopefully be out within ten years max. I promise.

With a contended sigh, Son Marron adjusted her position on the big bed and smiled gently at the scene before her.

It was Sunday morning and her daughter Kira had snuck into bed with her and her husband Goten, and was nestled up against her father. Goten had one arm wrapped protectively around his wife and one supporting the bundle on his stomach. The six-month-old baby boy, Kane, slept peacefully atop his father, only stirring every once in a while.

Almost proudly, Marron held out her hand and admired her wedding ring. She and Goten had remarried on the day of their original wedding, two months after the birth of their son.

Goten had taken the news of Marron's pregnancy much like that of a child who had just learned his mother was going to buy him a present. After nine months of what Marron considered to be the perfect pregnancy, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy with ash blonde hair and deep ebony eyes. He was born in September, and the small family of now four decided that their two-bedroom apartment just wouldn't cut it anymore.

Goten started his own martial arts school in Satan City, and with the profits from that, he and Marron bought a big white house in town by the lake. It was everything that they ever could have wanted; with a big backyard and enough bedrooms to keep all of them happy.

The wedding had been a small one; even smaller than the first one. There were no big fancy gowns and tuxedos like last time, just simple dresses and suits. Except for Kira, who wore a little lavender flower girl's gown as she marched happily down the aisle. Only family (plus the Briefs, who practically were family) was in attendance. But Marron still thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

The phone rang, and Marron reached over to pick it up quickly before it woke up her family. "Hello?" she whispered.

"Hey Mazzie, I've got some exciting news for you," Trunks' voice carried over. "Guess who said yes last night?"

"You're getting married?" Marron couldn't help but shriek.

Trunks laughed. "That's right. I took Kim out to dinner last night and popped the question when we got back home, and she said yes. No one can resist the Briefs charm, of course."

"Hey, what's going on?" Goten asked groggily, taking his arm off of Marron and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Marron handed him the phone. "Trunks is getting married!" she squealed excitedly. She sat up and glanced over to her two children, who were now waking up slowly to see what all the fuss was about.

"What's going on, Mommy?" seven year old Kira asked, propping herself up on her elbows to see over her father's form.

With a smile, Marron stood up and took her now-awake son off of her husband's stomach. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast and I'll tell you on the way." She planted a kiss on Kane's forehead and led her daughter down the sprawling staircase.

"So who was on the phone? Did something bad happen?" Kira asked quickly, averting her eyes from her mother to her brother.

"Not something bad, something good," Marron assured her, placing Kane in a high chair and opening the fridge. "Trunks and Kim are getting married."

Kira's eyes widened and she gave a little jump and clap. "That's really cool! I love weddings!"

Marron laughed as she started frying up some bacon. "You've only been to one wedding. How do you know you love them?"

"Well, I loved the one that I was at, so if you love one, you love them all," Kira said simply.

"What do you love?" Goten asked, as he walked down the stairs. "It better not be boys; you're too young for that."

Kira rolled her eyes. "I was talking about weddings, Dad. And besides, I think Kane is going to have a lot of girlfriends. So you should worry about him, not me." She cocked her head to the side and stared at her baby brother, who was eating a banana that his mother had given him. "Are you sure he's ours? I don't think he looks like us."

Goten and Marron exchanged panicked glances, but then started laughing.


And so it ends, almost as quickly as it began. In reality, I started the story one year ago, with ideas and drafting. But today you see before you the 100% finished story.

I am more proud of this than anything I've ever written, and it may be because of all the work I put into it. This story was worked on anytime from 8 am to 3 am, and the characters are going to be hard to let go of. But first, some more rambling from


I snuck a few song references in there, and I'm going to point them out now.

Prologue: "The Moon Is Down" by Further Seems Forever

Chapter 3: "The Best Deceptions" by Dashboard Confessional (title)

Chapter 4: "The Taste of Ink" by the Used (I altered it a tad)

Chapter 8: "White Wedding" by Billy Idol (title)

Chapter 9: "The Swiss Army Romance" by Dashboard Confessional

Chapter 19: "Last Chance To Lose Your Keys" by Brand New (title and line)

Chapter 20: "Unhappy Anniversary" by Vitamin C (title)

Chapter 31: "Konstantine" by Something Corporate (it's not really a line, but more of an idea… read the lyrics and you'll see)

Another thing I wanted to mention real quick was the names of Marron and Goten's children. I thought about these names, and after scanning a list of Japanese names, I finally picked out Kira and Kane. Kira means light, and Kira was the light of Marron's life, so to say, through her tough time with Goten. And Kane means warrior, and since he's Goten's son, obviously he'll grow up to be a warrior.

Anyway, I've really rambled on long enough, so just let me say that I really appreciate your feedback for this story, and I hope you've enjoyed it.
