Reviews for Louder Than Words
Water8 chapter 1 . 2/1
I thought it was multi chaptered, I hoped it was! Great story, thank you so much for writing this!
Finvarra Faerie chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
This was really enjoyable to read. Cheered me up when I was feeling down. I like how you described everything and your writing style is beautiful. :)
AmberAnodyne chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
High school drama! Although I suppose that’s to be expected with a pining teenage girl and pretty boys about. I like the narration from Hwo’s point of view, especially when he describes Xiao’s bedroom. I imagine it as Candyland.

Hwo’s dealing with Jin, I must admit, made me laugh. Just straight to the point and had Jin on the run without saying much. Probably ‘cause he knows he’s being a complete asshat.

Apologizing is hard for Hwoarang. But I think the make-out session made it worth the effort. ‘I don’t like you'. Hahaha... Sure, Xiao. You've really convinced him of that.
Loving love chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
...oh my.

While I've seen a similar storyline before in a variety of fandoms, I have NEVER seen such a strong characterization of a... well, character before. You've a strong voice for Hwoarang. A very strong voice.

I indeed will investigate further :-)
xiaorang ftw chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
this was so lighteharted and lovely! jin sooo deserved what came to hmi!
Riflow chapter 1 . 3/19/2011
Sorry about the late review. I've been very short of time with all my maths work w

'My gaze has since long re-diverted to this manhwa – the porn part, finally – and I don't see her approach me.'...ROFL that is so Hwoarang XD

'My arms are folded across my chest afterwards.' - That's an image I'd laugh my head off at; Hwoarang still on the floor with his arms crossed. Lil' stropper you! X3

'There's a small grunt, and Jin merely picks up his things and scampers off elsewhere to the playground.' Such a pompous ass. This is the exact reason why I've a common dislike for Jin :/

'"You never had a chance," I say softly, "Sorry, kiddo." / And then she's gone. And Miharu's after her again.' - D: Poor thing. Xiaoyu, I mean.

'Without hesitation, I accept and return it, before suddenly finding myself kissing her and her hands are trying to get into my hair and – the whole thing's just gone from an apology to a make-out session, somehow.' - Dohohohoho, get in there Hwoa! ;)

Really adorable. Well done :3
Madame Batolli chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
AWESOME. I really like the conversational style of this fic, the voice is just Hwo all over.'...Her room is so goddamn pink.' Ha! Love it!

I especially liked Miharu in this fic, she was great. It was nice to see her being more realistic concerning Jin rather than just disregarding his behaviour and joining in Xiaoyu's fangirling over him, and then still being supportive and there for her when the penny dropped.

And of course, the last scene was utterly adorable and made me smile and go 'd'aaaaw'.

'She knows she's lying. I know she's lying. And that's fine, for now.' Loved this line especially!

Fantastic job, Razer! I really enjoyed reading this.
Lacuna The Lost chapter 1 . 3/13/2011
"I-I don't like you," she stammers, looking down, her cheeks still furiously red.

I wonder how long Xiaoyu will be in denial before she admits that she likes Hwoarang? Although gentle words are not his strong point he is a caring, protective and overall amazing guy. He could definitely give Xiaoyu strength when she needs it.
spongecake 2 chapter 1 . 3/12/2011
Hey ho. As you may have noticed, my radar needs fixing because this has been out for more than a week and I've not even noticed. Still, I had tons of stuff to do and was knackered, but I'm rambling now.

"My gaze has since long re-diverted to this manhwa – the porn part, finally –" Dude, you're in public! Leave it for the bedroom, man; what depravity would you not stoop to?

"...and it's my shadow that makes Kazama look up instead of listening to the droning speech beside him. He looks at me expectantly..." Jin's gay for Hwoarang lol.

"There's silence.

Then there's a sob. A sniffle. And a hiccup.

Those pieces, they finally fell together." I left the oven on! The ravioli will be ruined!

"Without hesitation, I accept and return it, before suddenly finding myself kissing her and her hands are trying to get into my hair..." That was quick. XIAOYU'S A WHORE! I CALLED IT! NOW IT IS CANON!

I'm only being fatious because if I said anything else, I'd be repeating myself. Thumbs up to you.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
TeaC0sy chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
~My gaze has since long re-diverted to this manhwa – the porn part, finally - aaaahaha. loves for this

~"Sure, because they were totally together," I hiss.

Inwardly, I kick myself, because my weakness was shown. And she'll pick it up. - adore the vulnerability of him you show in this fic (as in every other XD), especially here.

... perfect ending. "She knows she's lying. I know she's lying. And that's fine, for now." hahaha, it's got that kinda 'this is not the f'king end of this story' vibe to it. love. it. Adorable fic, with just the right amount of cannon-ness, humour, romance and dynamics.
idkwhattodowiththis chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
Aww, I really enjoyed reading this! I giggled in some parts and "aww'"d in some.

I think the ending is my favorite. :D

"I-I don't like you," she stammers, looking down, her cheeks still furiously red.

She knows she's lying. I know she's lying. And that's fine, for now.

There's a smirk on my face as I turn away to leave, "'Course you don't. Because, you know, actions speak louder than words." - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
This was awesome! I love how Hwoarang and Miharu have this dynamic going on instead of you leaving him as the standard "cool" loner that many other authors love to write him as.

And the pairing is sweet too, after all Jin does not deserve her loyalty the way he treats her!

Favourite Parts

- Adult manhwa (and that you did not just go with Manga)

- The Pink Room of Doom

Time for me to stop squee-ing, no wonder you are in my favourite authors list :)
P.O.J.A chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
Gotta loves these breaks from uni work _ Heck, it's that very break that brought me to your fic...boy was that story awesome! I just love how you always find a way to portray Hwoarang as a badass but one with a heart deep down...yet still super cool and hot! xD You did well to play with the line "actions speak louder than words" and it made the summary something to truly smile about rather than peak your interest into the fic. This was a really cool one-shot read, totally love your work girl, keep it up!

P.S. If you keep writing Xiaorang like this, I might have to switch fav pairings from Asukarang to this lol :D


P.O.J.A _