Disclaimer: For all ya people out there reading, Yes, I don't own any of the Final Fantasy X characters. Squaresoft does. Lucky people.
A/N: All the characters in this fanfic are in High School. I know that Lulu and Wakka are in there twenties but for this fanfic, they're eighteen! And so is everyone else, including Rikku! Also, Lulu has her black magic, Yuna can summon, and Tidus and Wakka play Blitzball and oh and one more thing! Seymour and Auron are teachers! That's it for now! Just to tell ya all before you read! Enjoy!
Chapter 1
It was the beginning of second semester as the day had just begun and the bell rang to single all the students to go to their next class in five minutes. Rikku opened her locker, took out her books for next period then slammed it closed, locking it. She motioned down the hall.
"RIKKU!" Lulu called waving her arm in the air. Rikku pulled away from her thoughts and walked up to Lulu who was standing at her locker with a group of girls.
"Hey Lulu. Watcha up to?" Rikku asked.
"Me and a couple of friends are going shopping after school today. You wanna come?" Asked Lulu.
"Sorry. Have plans. My cousin Yuna is staying over at my place for a couple of months and we gotta pick her up from the airport today." Rikku replied to her.
"That's cool. When will we meet her?" Lulu asked.
"Well she is going to be attending school here with us for the rest of the year." Rikku told her.
"Sounds like fun. So we'll see her tomorrow then?" Lulu asked.
"Yep! So what class do you have now Lu?" Asked Rikku.
"Math..." Lulu answered not sounding too thrilled about it. "You?"
"I have science! My favorite subject! I can't wait until I see my cousin today. I would ask you to come but—" Rikku had been distracted as she turned to the sound of girls giggling coming from down the hall.
"Great...the school's Blitzball team is coming..." Lulu said uninterested. Rikku eyes sparkled in excitement.
"AH! Tidus is coming then!" Rikku said.
"You still like him? Give it up. That guy dates a new girl every week." Lulu told her.
"But still! He is so cute!"
"So then we won all thanks to me and my amazing Sphere Shot. In three days we'll be going to the tournament, ya." Wakka said impressing the 'ladies.' They all giggled. "But ya did a good Jecht Shot today Tidus, ya?" Wakka said.
"I guess. It could still use some work." Tidus told him.
"Well, I'm off to History. What 'bout you Tidus?" Asked Wakka.
"Science. I better get going. Professor Seymour is gonna eat me if I show up late again. See you at practice." Tidus said as he walked down the hall to science class.
As he walked into the classroom, Tidus took his usual seat at the front of the classroom. "Late again Mr. Tidus?" Seymour said impatiently.
"Sorry Sir. You know me and being held up by the beautiful ladies all the time." Tidus told him as he leaned back into his chair. The class erupted in a laugh.
"I'm sure Tidus. Now open you're book to page 137 and start copying down the notes off the board." Seymour told him.
"Now listen up class. Instead of our usual schedule, you will be tested next week on what you've learned so far. Can anyone tell me what they know on Diatoms?" Seymour asked.
Shelinda, who was sitting beside Tidus raised her hand then stood up. "Diatoms are found in both fresh and salt water and contain chlorophyll. They are enclosed in two thin shells joined together." She said proudly. Tidus rolled his eyes as she sat down.
"Very good. Now class, Paramecium will also be on the test so look over you're notes carefully and..." As Seymour continued to explain the test to the class, Rikku, who sat in the back of the classroom was paying no attention to the teacher but instead has been staring at Tidus throughout the whole time.
Soon after, the bell rang and the class gathered up their books and headed off for the last period of the day. Rikku picked up her books and rushed out of the classroom but accidentally bumped into Tidus before doing so.
"Oh, sorry about that Tidus." Rikku said nervously.
"S'ok. Just watch out where you go from now on." He told her then left the room. Rikku slightly blushed. She then pulled away from her thoughts then left the class.
"Lu! Hey Lu!" Wakka shouted from down the hall. Lulu turned around and noticed Wakka walk up to her.
"What do you want Wakka?" Lulu asked impatiently.
"I'm giving you an opportunity to go out with me. Tomorrow night, 7:00, you pick me up. Got it? Good! See ya then!" Wakka said then walked away.
"That...was unexpected." Lulu said to herself. She turned around and opened up her locker, placing her books in and taking out her English books. She then closed her locker and locked it.
"Heeeeeeeeeey!" Rikku shouted then ran up to Lulu.
"Hey Rikku." She said.
"I just had the best science class ever! Tidus actually talked to me and...well I kinda bumped into him but that's not the point. The point is that I need you to do me favor Lu!" Rikku said.
Lulu was clueless. "What is it?" Asked Lulu.
"I want you to set me up on a date with Tidus for tomorrow!"
Lulu was shocked. "WHAT!"
"Please Lulu? You're so good at doing this kind of stuff! PLEASE!" Rikku begged.
"Well...I'll try but there are no guarantees." She told him.
Rikku was overjoyed. "YAY! Thanks so much Lulu! OMG I'm late for gym! Bye and thanks!" Rikku told her then ran down the hall to the gymnasium.
Lulu entered her English class, she sat down beside Tidus who was slouching in his chair. "So you're actually here early for once." Lulu told him.
Tidus just shrugged.
"You're friend Wakka is a real pain."
"Always has been a fan of the ladies." Tidus told her.
"I gotta ask you a favor."
Tidus looked at her. "Yes?"
"If you're not busy tomorrow night, I want you to go out with a friend of mine." She told him.
"Really? Who?" Asked Tidus.
"Rikku." She told him.
"The Al Bhed girl...well...I dunno." He trailed off. Lulu glared at him.
Tidus knew that he shouldn't get her pissed off cause she is a black mage. What other choices did he have?
"Whatever, fine. Tell her I'll pick her up at 8:00." He said. Lulu smiled then drew her attention back to the teacher.
That night, Rikku and Cid had just arrived at the airport and noticed Yuna standing outside waiting for them. Rikku got out of the car and walked up to her. Yuna was happy to see her.
"Hi ya Yunie! So good to see you again!" Rikku said as he gave her a hug.
"Thanks so much for letting me stay for you." She said. Rikku smiled then helped her with her luggage to the car then began to drive home.
"So how is Braska doing, Yuna?" Cid asked.
"Very well." She replied.
"That's good. Ready to go to school with Rikku tomorrow?"
"I'm looking forward to it." She said excitedly.
Although she had no clue then, her life would change from then on. And she would not look back.
As they arrived home, Rikku showed Yuna her room and helped her unpack.
"Rikku! Phone call!" Cid yelled from the kitchen.
"Coming!" She replied. Rikku made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen then picked up the phone.
"Hi Rikku! Its Lulu."
"Hey! Did you ask Tidus today?"
"Yep! Congratulations Rikku. You got a date tomorrow night at 8:00 with one of the most popular and cutest guys in the whole school"
"YAY! Thanks so much Lu!"
"No prob! So is you're cousin over there with you?"
"Yeah, just got back from the airport. You'll meet her tomorrow."
"Can't wait. Well, I got to go now. Unfortunately I got a date with Wakka tomorrow. Well, see ya."
Rikku hung up the phone and walked back to Yuna's room. "Everything okay Yunie?" Rikku asked.
"Yep. So who was on the phone?" Asked Yuna.
"My friend Lulu. I got a date tomorrow with one of the most hottest guys in the school! He's popular and plays Blitzball." Rikku said.
"Sounds cool."
"Yeah...well don't stay up too late. We have to go to school first thing in the morning." Rikku told her then closed her door and walking down the hall to her room.
That's that first chapter people. What do ya think of it? R R and I'll continue. E-mails are always welcome too. Bye .