Author has written 10 stories for Camp Lazlo, Gorillaz, Dude, That's My Ghost!, Regular Show, and Hunter X Hunter. I try to write when I can. Certain muses bring out the best in me. Update 3-14-15 With my final installation of The Meaning Of - Salt Skin Drafts successfully posted, I thought I'd go ahead and throw an update at you guys. After putting a lot of thought into it, I've decided to make the transition over to Archive of Our Own. I've had an account with them for the past year and have been posting most of my Hunter x Hunter work there. There's plenty more Killugon drabbles and multi-chapter stories to come...believe me. I may also continue writing for Dude That's my Ghost at some point. Further Gorillaz fanfiction is a possibility as well, although it may not happen until Phase 4 begins. If you'd like to continue following my work, please check out my AO3: http:///users/iulli This being said, I'll no longer be posting any future projects to FF. It's been a wonderful 8 years on this website. I've been able to express myself and my interest for different fandoms. I've grown a lot in my writing style and hope to continue practicing and learning. I'd love for all of you to continue doing what you love no matter what it is and grow as individuals. Thank you for always staying loyal and keeping up with my work. It means more to me than I can say. Catch all of you on AO3! You can also keep in touch with me via the following sites... x Tumblr: http:/// Film work: Twitter:!/iulli17 AO3: http:///users/iulli |
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