![]() Author has written 45 stories for Negima! Magister Negi Magi/魔法先生ネギま!, and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Team GEMINI a crack team of NanoFate goodness. A little about us-... well, we have Japanese speakers, and people within our rankings. We support gay marriage, boo counter fit Vocaloid figures, value our originality over everything else, oh and we do our own translations. We said our originality is what we value most, and that is true. If we have something that has been inspired by something, we give the credit where it is due, and if someone has the same idea as us and posts it before we do, we drop the project and move on. It's because of this pride we have over originality that we have a lot of dropped projects. :0 So-... that's pretty much it? Let's move onto who we are. Main Writer - xYuki Secondary Writer - Ni-chan (yes, ni as in the Japanese number 2. So 2-chan. XDD) Third Writer - smiggers Main Editors - smiggers, TruePrime, K.O.Nano, QueerProphet Captain AFK - xMeilin (beach stole xYuki's x!) Commander of the Anon Army - Usa Mr. Sour puss - Disgruntled Reviewer These are just the most active members of Team GEMINI. We really are quite large... ~About the Team~ xYuki - Head writer and current leader of Team GEMINI. Fun to talk to and quite knowledgable in the most useless of things such as how to build a flashlight. She is also our head writer, the genius behind all of Team GEMINI's stories. Though because of a recent accident that involved her laptop, she has lost a lot of work. Vigilence is a word well worth calling xYuki at this point. She has literally rebuilt her entire work load in a matter of days. Now xYuki LOVES Vocaloids so much that she'll shove as many Vocaloid references as she can in a story. She is also a vocaloid user, whoever she does not compose-...she just uses Miku to say some funny things. Yes, she spent money on a really expensive program just to say things. Smart isn't she? xYuki is also our head Japanese translator. She translates all the vocaloid songs we have used so far, but she is not perfect, so she will make mistakes. However when ever she does she takes it seriously and goes back and corrects everything she has done wrong. She is also a Japanese tutor, so any inquieries about the Japanese language as well as corrections are all handled by xYuki. Oh and a little known fact about her - She's a giant Yagami Hayate Fangirl, but she worships Akiyama Mio of K-ON. Ni-chan - Team GEMINI's second writer. Although she hasn't made much of an appearance she has been mentioned quite a lot. in Sensei no Petto's shout outs, Fine Line Of Love Between Us, and much more. Ni-chan is participating only in joint projects with xYuki, other than that... she's just here to pester people. Ni-chan is an extremely talented person. She teaches dance for a living, and her main hobby is pestering xYuki as well as playing music. So far she can play: guitar, drums, piano, flute, Hatsune Miku, and the triangle. XD Frankly, she shows more interest in playing gutiar rather than helping out with the writing of Fanfiction. Like xYuki, she too is Japanese as well as a Japanese speaker and writer-... though unlike xYuki, Ni-chan is a mischevious little devil and often incorrectly translates things for fun. So she has been banned from doing anything Japanese related. ;-; TruePrime - xYuki's best friend and fellow writer. He and his wife have helped the team greatly over time and are an irreplaceable part of the team. Although he does not normally write for the Nanoha section, but instead writes for Strawberry Panic!, Sailor Moon, and a few others. Usa - No, not THE Usa of the Usa-koro-ni~, our Usa is actually a Chinese girl who cannot speak Chinese, but speaks fluent Japanese. She was the only one who noticed xYuki's small kanji reading error a while back, but xYuki noticed that a long time ago. :B Usa is also the back bone to this team. She keeps xYuki focused on her tasks and has started the new writing formation which has been proven to be really effective. This new writing style forces our main writer to focus on one story instead of spreading her interest all over the place. Think of a horse with those blinder things, now imagine a 5'8' Japanese girl with those blinder things on. Funny huh? XD Usa is short for Usabarashi/憂さ晴らし which means diversion or distraction. She stressed the fact that calling herself Usabarashi is too long so we've been calling her Usa-... which can be short for Usagi/兎. Much fun is had when she is involved. :3 smiggers - is also another member of Team GEMINI; she is Yuki's best friend. You may know smiggers as the person who has written the wonderful story "My Fate, Our Destiny" as well as "Need For Speed: Rise Of the Demon". Both are amazingly well written stories, check them out! Also known as, "The sex writer". wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Queer Prophet - one of THE best editors around. She's quick and sharp witted, plus funny as hell. She's the leading force behind Team G's epic Star Wars jokes. :) K.O.Nano - A skilled editor, but as of now she is a writer. :) The Team is proud to have her... and no we are not willing to share. Mr. Sour Puss - or Disgruntled Reviewer as he calls himself is a big cuddly teddy bear. He knows Ni-chan and xYuki in real life. He doesn't do much right now because he's so busy with work. So we'll leave his bio at this, "GO! GO! GO! GO!". xMeilin - ... she now lives in Korea. D: (I love Korea btw :D) Meilin is xYuki's bestfriend in real life. She is a smart and playful Korean girl who loves anything involving cats (even though she owns ferrets). She has recently moved back to Korea because of her father's job, we really haven't seen much of her. It is thanks to her constant pestering that we have xYuki writing fanfiction. Really. She pestered all day, night, and every thing in between. Her favorite quote is, "Constant vigilance is the bane of all teenagerdome." what ever that means. Team GEMINI is constantly looking for more people to join, but at the moment we are looking for beta readers who are knowledgeable about the English language and it's mechanics. If you have the free time and care to help out, please don't hesitate in requesting for a beta-ing job. :3 We really won't turn anyone down (as long as you have the skills to back it up). Thank you to those who have supported us, and please don't stop. :P As a group we are breaking boundaries and flying higher then ever |