Gilded Wings

By xYuki and General Wolf

Chapter 5

All To Soon

(Part 2)

"Ojou-sama, it is time to leave for school." a rather stiff voice called out behind the door. The group froze up, knowing that something... bad was about to happen. They could all feel it, the straining wait of suspense.

Konoka looked at Dai-Konoka, Dai-Setsuna looked at the door with a taunting grin, Asuna was near to panic, and Negi... well Negi was off the deep end. He ran around the room panicking, screaming out what if stories, until Asuna shut him up by shoving a throw pilling into his face.

Dai-Konoka held on tighter to Dai-Setsuna, only to feel something well nothing to be exact. She tried to hold the taller girl again only to fail once again. Giving up she turned her head and saw that her winged guardian had just opened the door.


"Ojou-sama, ohiyo gozai-oh what the hell?!" Setsuna screamed as she stared at the white haired. Dai-Setsuna looked down at her younger self and grinned. Setsuna stared at the much taller girl, her neck aching from the angle she had to look up. 'I sense a strong demonic aura in the room... but from who? Don't tell me it's from this whack job.'

Dismissing the unsettling feeling, Setsuna's eyes widened as she got a closer look at the obstacle in her way, but brushed it aside for a more important activity. Her eyes quickly leaving that of her older self and began to search for Konoka. She pushed passed herself and took a few weary steps into the dorm's living room.

She looked ahead and saw Dai-Konoka smiling at her nervously. "Hi-nya?" she said a little weary at her guardian's younger self. Setsuna stood there a little disbelieved at the long haired beauty in front of her.

"Ano, Set-chan... I can explain." Konoka said walking over to the dazed swordsman. Setsuna snapped out of and looked towards Konoka, then at Dai-Konoka, and then at the white haired stranger behind her.

"If you're gonna keep staring... you might as well take a picture." Dai-Setsuna said in a calm voice as she walked towards her confused younger self. She walked passed her and sat down beside Dai-Konoka who instantly hit her on her head. "Itai..." Dai-Setsuna said swiftly.

Dai-Konoka glared at Dai-Setsuna, and then over at her younger version. "Mougamandekinai..." was all she said. Standing up, Dai-Konoka brushed off her pants, and walked up close to Setsuna. She raised her hand up and brushed her finger tips against's Setsuna's soft cheek.

Konoka stared mystified at her older self, and the fond stare she gave to the younger Setsuna. They were so close together, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. 'There it goes again... why does my chest hurt so much?' she thought to herself grimly. Asuna looked at the girl beside her and felt a little sorry, but didn't really express it. Dai-Setsuna looked up as well, but averted her eyes.

Dai-Konoka leaned in close to Setsuna, and whispered something into her ear making the younger girl blush. The younger Setsuna stuttered as the older Konoka looked at her."Kya! Set-chan so kawaii!" Dai-Konoka exclaimed with glee as she threw her arms around the girl's neck.

"Uhwah!?" Setsuna sputtered in surprise. She tried to fight Dai-Konoka's embrace but found it surprisingly hard.

"Set-chan, you were so cute back then!" Dai-Konoka squealed as she cuddled the blushing Setsuna. Dai-Setsuna looked at Dai-Konoka with an exasperated look and rolled her eyes. "Why don't you blush like this no more?"

"Because... you've smothered me so much I got used to it." was all Dai-Setsuna said. But her reply wasn't enough to satisfy the older Konoe heiress.

Sticking out her tongue Dai-Konoka, glared at Dai-Setsuna. "You're not cute no more, Set-chan." she said clinging harder to the red Setsuna. "I wish you stayed this cute forever, Mini-Set-chan... I should just run away with you." she added as she rubbed her cheek against Setsuna's.

"Mou iiyo, then does that count as a request for divorce?" Setsuna mumbled absent mindedly, but realized what she had just said. "Oh shi-!" The room went silent quickly, and all eyes were on the white haired samurai who averted her eyes to the window. "A-re? Kawaii tori desu! Tori-chan no tsubasa, honto kirei."

Dai-Konoka's eyes widened as her grip on Setsuna loosened. A devious grin played on her beautiful face as she glomped Dai-Setsuna, toppling the older girl easily. "I was wondering when you'd slip up!"

"WAIT! You planned this?!" Dai-Setsuna barked back angrily. Dai-Konoka cuddled the frantic samurai tightly. Dai-Setsuna went silent, her eyes shifting in all directions. Her eyes shot wide open, she looked to her left, then her right, then up. "Zetsuboushita! Ano yasashi hime-chan, zetsuboushita!"

"Mah, you didn't have to go that far, Set-chan." Dai-Konoka said with a soft smile. Dai-Setsuna stopped her rant, and looked at Dai-Konoka with a smile.

"Sou da?"

"Hai, sou da." Dai-Konoka said with an affirmative nod.

"Sou iu koto desu." Dai-Setsuna replied with a defeated shrug. "Kousen..."

"Katta!" Dai-Konoka shouted happily.

"What's just happened?" Asuna asked with a stutter. Konoka shrugged and sighed. "I'm not getting any of this..."

"That's Baka-Red for you." Dai-Setsuna said with shining smile.

Silence. Everyone sat there silently, waiting for someone to crack and make the first sound. But non dared to say anything. Dai-Setsuna looked a little paler from before but no one paid mind to it. They figured it was because of Dai-Konoka being so close to her. Let things be as they are, for everyone knows you let a sleeping lion lie.

Feeling a sudden queasiness washed over her, Dai-Setsuna shot up and dashed towards the sink jumping through the counter and successfully emptied her stomach's contents. Her grip on the rim of the sink tightened as more and more came out.

Worried Dai-Konoka stared at the white haired girl letting go of Setsuna slowly, making her way to the distraught swordsman. It started out as a small shuffle, then a light jog, all the way to running for her life as she near the ill warrior.

"Set-chan, what's wrong?" Dai-Konoka asked as she held onto Dai-Setsuna's shoulders, "Aren't I the one who's supposed to be havingmorning sickness?" Konoka asked trying to lighten the mood. Setsuna stopped, her body quivering, but after a few more anxious seconds, she began to throw up once more.

"A-ah... gomen. Kibun ga warui..."

Dai-Konoka was worried about the older girl as she petted her head gently. Everyone remained silent trying to figure out what was wrong with the girl that was perfectly fine just a moment ago. Setsuna's upset stomach settled eventually, and she offered her apologies with a bow. But somewhere in the back of her mind, something was itching.

Dai-Setsuna shuffled in her seat, placing a hand on the place where her white wings should be. Her face showed discomfort, and something was definitely acting as an irritans to the warrior. A frown played on her handsome feature, and her left eye twitched slightly every few seconds.

"Neh, Set-chan... you're awfully fidgety." both Konoka said at the same time. They stared at each other with wide eyes, and broke into a giggle fit. The two Setsuna's sat side by side, and both equally unsettled. Their eyes darted at each other emitting low growls.

Dai-Setsuna's eyes went blank as she stared at Dai-Konoka. "Shouldn't school start soon?"

"Wasuretakatta desu." everyone groaned.

Ok, this is a little better. But in fact its longer then it originally was. XD Yuki really slacked on this chapter. Oh well.

On a lighter note... what are the chances of me and Yuki getting sick on the same day, and missing school? 100 percent! XD We both called in sick on Friday... she had a bio test and I had a math test. :3 Lucky? Deshou!

Anyways, here be the translations I promised! Also I'll reply to reviews next chapter... I'm to lazy and my cold is still here.

Mougamandekinai! - I can't stand it anymore!

Mou iiyo - That's enough

"A-re? Kawaii tori desu! Tori-chan no tsubasa, honto kirei." - Hm? Cute birdy! Birdy-chan's wings are really pretty.

"Zetsuboushita! Ano hime-chan, zetsuboushita!" - I'm in despair! This kind princess has left me in despair!

Sou da? - Is that so?

Hai, sou da. - Yes, that's right.

Sou iu koto desu - That's the way it is.

Kousen - I give up

Katta! - I win!

"A-ah... gomen. Kibun ga warui..." - A-ah... sorry. I feel sick.

Wasuretakatta desu - I wanted to forget.

:3 Chapter 6 will be much longer, I promise!