Author has written 7 stories for Star Wars, and Alex Rider. A new story, a new bio! So, here goes... Hobbies: Writing (obviously), reading, painting, dancing, solving math problems, trivia, Model UN-ing, and singing in the shower Age: Greater than 3! but less than 5! Quick Facts: I am a grammar Nazi. Seriously. I will immediately stop reading any fic that has atrocious grammar, spelling, and/or plot. Minor syntactical errors are acceptable, provided they do not seriously detract from the flow of the story. And please, please, please let me know if you find errors in my own writing. I like to know these things. I like big words. I could go completely over the top and create an insanely long sentence using only trisyllabic words, but that'd just be cruel. And if you can correctly incorporate "amaranthine" into a sentence, I will love you forever. Chocolate and reviews are two big things I live for. I understand the inclination to read and add a story to favorites or alerts, but really, these things mean nothing to us authors without a review to tell us what we can improve, what you liked, what you want to see more of, etc. And while I'm certainly no angel - I've left many a story unreviewed because I was tired or something - I always try to write reviews if I add a story to my favorites or alerts list, so the author knows why I did so. My writing moods are bipolar. Some months I'll churn out ideas faster than I can type, and some months I want nothing to do with my stories. The end result is very, very slow updating. I'm working on it. And with 5 Advanced Placement classes at school, 16 college applications to finish (with 2+ essays for each), dance classes three times a week, and the various clubs and sports done at school, I am extremely busy. Story Progressions: Alan Blunt's Big Book of MI6 Carols: A work in progress. I don't know if I'll ever be done. They're humorous one-shots with a Christmasy theme and great stree relief, both for the writer and author. No refunds if it doesn't live up to your expectations, sorry. All in the Family: This was started a year ago, when I was completely in love with every single character in the Alex Rider series. It is an example of what not to do with writing. My attempted revamp didn't go so well, and since I really had no idea where I was going, it's been abandoned forever. What Do We Do With His Body?: Abandoned. I was an immature, bad writer back then and when AitF was started. I'm an immature, somewhat good writer now, I hope. Lie To Me: Latest work. I am determined to stick with this and complete this multi-chapter fic. I have a nasty habit of starting stories and leaving them uncompleted. But rest assured, updates will come. Favorite Pairings: Harry Potter Draco/Ginny Hermione/Severus Harry/Luna Ron can go off himself for all I care. Alex Rider Jack/Ian John/Helen (obvious, but I like the idea of them producing Alex) Alex is too young for a serious girlfriend. And no canon characters work well with Yassen (other than John, so I may occassionally endorse Yassen/John slash). Other Booth/Brennan (Bones) Abby/McGee (NCIS) Ziva/Tony (NCIS) Verses I Read Harry Potter Alex Rider Sherlock Holmes Firefly Chuck NCIS Bones |