Slogans I'm not allowed to put on t-shirts 2

WOW I'm updating something

Mmmmmm hope you all like this one. Just a few ideas I've had lol LUVS YA ALL AL

41. I will get you and your little dog.

42. Cower before my flying monkeys

43. Shrieking shack or love shack?

44. Harry + Draco = TWOO WUV

45. Harry + Snape = TWOO WUV

46. We don't need no education. HEY teacher leave those kids alone (from LunaPadma)

47. If you want top marks in potions kiss Snape

48. Make Snape happy = Kill Hermione

49. Lucius is dobby's love slave

50. Hermione is illiterate

51. Save our souls, burn books

52. Voldie deserves to visit school if he wants

53. Want a hug? Talk to Snape

54. Want help with pranks? Ask Hermione (the true Hogwarts prankster)

55. Want a good time? Call Snape

56. Dumbledore, Santa's day job

57. Slytherins, Hogwarts' dumping ground

58. Slytherins, no more than Hogwarts' punching bag

59. Ravenclaws, obviously compensating for something

60. Huffelpuffs, nature's killers

61. Hermione and Crabb are soul mates

62. Draco loves Harry who loves Snape who loves Dumbledore who loves lemon drops

63. Lemon drops = poison = Dumbledore is trying to kill us all

64. If I hex you will you go away?

65. The amazing bouncing ferret (on the back: See Draco Malfoy)

IF you have anymore review them to me lol