![]() Author has written 9 stories for Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kingdom Hearts, Teen Titans, Yu-Gi-Oh, Juno, House, M.D., and Inception. Yes, I know I'm made of awesome. I have a new penname! It is now AXOLOTLABULOUS. (pronounced Axo-lo-tul-abulous) Axolotls are my new favorite animals. You know Wooper from Pokemon? IT LOOKS JUST LIKE IT. NOT EVEN KIDDING. So, if anybody has actually looked at my profile, you may have noticed that there's a slight change. Basically, the autobiography that was my profile is now nonexistant. I've deleted it, along with my silly, frivolous, Anime geek past. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm the biggest geek out there. But my focus has sort of shifted away from Anime and onto bigger and better things, like live-action television shows. Things like House, any Star Trek except Enterprise, Merlin, all the Stargates, Bones, FINAL FANTASY VII, etcetera have captured my interest immensely. Though I am devout in some anime fandoms such as the world of Bleach yaoi, Naruto isn't on my list of priorities right now and I've kind of lost interest amidst all the melodrama. I've fallen too far behind to ever catch up again. My current, world consuming obsession is the fandom of Star Trek: The Original Series, or as I like to call it, True Trek. I'll go for anything TOS related, be it the new or any of the old movies, or anything concerning the people Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Karl Urban, or Deforest Kelley. Anyway. If you want to know anything about me, know this: I am a hardworking student enrolled in NJROTC who is probably young enough to be your...younger sister. I live on the Jersey Shore. I see guidos on a daily basis but I have yet to interact with one, nor am I one. I am whiter than the whitest white person can get. Unfortunately, that also leads to terrible, terrible sunburn when I go to the beach or try to get any sort of tan. For that I envy the guidos. I enjoy writing immensely, but unfortunately, most of the pieces I put my effort into writing are personal projects littered with OC's that I share with my friends, so I don't post them up here. I am a bit of a music fanatic, which is weird because the minute I try to pick up an instrument it either breaks or emits a horrible wailing noise. :( I'm also a clumsyfuck, kind of a dumbass, and a little bit of a ditz, so despite being a borderline booksmart genius, I'm socially awkward, regularly break things, can't get a boyfriend, usually one of the last ones to get a joke, and trip all over the place. xD School is here and maybe learning will motivate me to write (who am I kidding?). I'll try to work on Three Wishes, and maybe throw out a continuation to my Teen Titans/House M.D. fic. Maybe. The thing is this year, I actually have a social life, which is pretty amazing. And that's it I guess. I'm fucking writing slash now! |