Author has written 4 stories for How to Train Your Dragon. Let’s see here. I suppose I SHOULD put something down in my profile, huh? Well, I might as well go with the basics… FULL NAME: Classified ADDRESS: Classified GENDER: Male AGE: Too damned old to be writing such silly stuff. EMPLYMENT: Chemist MENTAL STATE: Crazy DATE OF BIRTH: Classified PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Classified HOBBIES: Classified FAVORITE FOOD: Classified FAVORITE MUSIC: Classified FAVORITE MOVIE: Classified Well, now that you’ve gotten to know me, you can feel free to move on to the stories I’ve posted here! Which will, hopefully, be far more interesting than my profile! Oh, I should also make a little disclaimer that I don’t own much of anything. Including How to Train Your Dragon and the character therein. And any other characters from any other franchises that I may add in here. What little stuff I DO own isn’t likely to be worth suing me over, so please don’t! UPDATE: As unbelievable as it may sound, I have actual made a How to Train Your Dragon music video! My muse has by and large left me (I knew I should have stuffed it in a stronger cage...) But before it's escape, I actually managed to produce my first ever video. And even more shockingly, it seems to have come out fairly decently! You can find it on Youtube atg, or search for it under the title of "HTTYD - what is Eternal" by "CrazyChemist01." |