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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Inheritance Cycle. Hey, people! Thanks for checking out my profile. Name: Due to secrecy reasons... nah. Age: Currently 16. Gender: Currently...male. And I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. Likes: A good book, a good fanfic, or any good thing I can read. Typing away at a chapter that literally flows from your hands with nothing to stop it. Dislikes: Badly written romances. Self-boasting writers who can't really write that well. Unstable wireless internet connections. Casts. 9/20. The day Brisingr was out. 9/24. The day I got the damned expensive thing. 9/25. The day I finished it. 9/28. The day I started my fanfiction of the fourth book. My point? Guys, I know for one thing that I'm only an average writer in the Eragon section. And yet I managed to think of a plot and type down the starting chapters of the fic in a mere few days. But really, where are the others? C'mon, there are great authors out there that could pwn all my writing with a single sentence. Show us some of those amazing sparks of geniousity (is that even a word?) that dazzle us mortals, leaving us in awe at the raw brilliance that we cannot even begin to fathom. If you don't, this fandom is going to seriously die... On Brisingr: I... really don't know. It was a good read, and it was exciting (in some parts, that is) and it fleshed out most of the characters. But it didn't seem to have a real storyline. It was kind bits of this and bits of that mashed into a piece that will bring about the (hopefully) awesome fourth book. I've talked to one of my friends who read it as well, and he had pretty much the same opinion (he expressed it in a much more wordy way though). And after all we had discussed, we came to a final conclusion: CP better not make us wait for another 'effing two years! My Own Stories: Shadow Rider: My first step into the world of fanfiction. I reread it now and then when I'm not busy, and sometimes (no, all the time) I'm shocked by my own naivete. Sometimes (most of the time, actually) I have to resist the urge to throw my laptop out the window. And I live on seventh floor. Who in the world of heck made it so falsely angsty!! Damn it!! So, it's normal if you read a few chapters and then decide to stop altogether. It happens. Basically, it was my view on how the third and fourth book were going to turn out. In the end, Eragon becomes a loner and defeats Galbatorix on no side but his own. Night of the Falling Stars: The sequel to Shadow Rider. Filled mostly with my OCs, but now and then someone familiar pops up. It was originally going to be a whopping big 'un, but due to the release of Brisingr (and the fact that the popularity was going down like a wingless airplane) I stopped it. Well, because it was supposed to be quite long I kinda dragged out the beginning a bit. Therefore, for about four chapters there were little less than politics. For those who like it, they like it; for those who don't, they stop reading altogether. The Beginning and End of a Dream: I'm thinking of deleting it because of the recent changes in Brisingr. I will probably write something like it in the future, though. Galbatorix and the Forsworn intrigue me. Red Petals: As it's summary says. Though it was written before Brisingr's release, the story fits in quite well with it. Like the rest of my stories, they were typed up in the middle of the night when my mind generates the most ideas. The Six Spokes of a Wheel: Six different scenarios in which the inheiritance will probably end, with a final ending to wrap them all up. A good idea, but horridly hard to write. Blood on a Knife: This came somewhat from a discussion with a friend of mine. We were laughing about CP's lack of originality, and how his books would make fine (bleep)Wars fanfics. And then as the talk progressed, I said something along the lines of, "Hey, since Star(bleep) already has futuristic and medival settings, how about a semi-modern one? Where the Shur'tugal/Jedi wield short knives and pistols instead of sabers? While the rest happily let loose with their AK-47s?" So came this crazy fic. I actually have it planned out quite well with plenty of blood and gore, but Dreams of Moonlight is my current work now. Dreams of Moonlight: What I am currently working on. Heck, I know it's probably impossible, but I really want a story of mine to reach that sacred 1000 review mark. It's every writer's dream (for those who haven't yet done it). A continuation, to put it simply. The final story that will put an end to the cycle. Though you can't see it now, I'm planning to make it into the ultimate plot twister. Good becomes bad, bad becomes good. So on and so forth. Results from the previous polls will be listed below: What type of stories do you like best? Happy endings, not so happy endings, or tragedies? The second poll: As we all know, the title of the new Inheritance Trilogy book is called "Brisingr". What do you think of it? 1. I like it! (0 votes) 2. I wish that CP would stick to the "Starting-with-an-'E'-and-having-six-letters" style. Ex: "Empire", "Ectasy". (2 votes) 3. Don't care, as long the story is good. (4 votes) |