Author has written 7 stories for Ranma. I am a superpowered genius, beautiful and charming, that travels through space and time to unravel the denizens of the universe and save whole civilisations from impending doom. At least until I wake up in the morning. The rest of the day I spend pretending to work at my job and crashing on the couch afterwards. Honestly, I do prefer the nights. But luckily, on those occasions when I happen to be free, awake and terminaly bored, there's still fiction to write. So I do. Ever once in a decade. I mean honestly, just look at the gap between the dates of my stories. I guess that proves that either I haven't got enough free time or that I'm hardly ever awake. As always, the truth hides somewhere in the middle. But enough of the banter, let's hear some facts. By the time I'm writing this I have already turned fifty. Maybe you heard that men might age after their seventh birthday but arrest their mental development at that point. The person who told you that has probably met me. Even now I still watch Anime. I read Manga. I play Videogames. I was born in Karlsruhe, Baden. That's in southern Germany. If you go 'Ah! Bavaria!' you're sooo in for it. Honestly, we don't like that kind of talk down here. But it's still better than calling us 'Schwaben'. Obviously this means that English is a second language to me. I'm not trying to make excuses for my spelling errors. Honest! When it comes to Manga, nothing beats Ranma 1/2 in my opinion. Not because it's the best one. But it was the first one that hit me over the head and took me hostage. And since no one has bothered to pay the ransom as of yet, I'm still being held captive. When it comes to favorite pairings, it's obviously Ranma and Akane for the win. Apart from those two there's Naruto and Hinata, Raku and Chitoge (Nisekoi), Shoya and Shoko (Koe no Kadachi) and Kyoko and Izumi (Horimiya) just to name a few. I just threw these in to show how well read I am. Basically I only really care about Ranma and Akane. I probably should go and see a doctor about this. I do actually read real books too. I especially recomend the works of one Terry Pratchett. Even though he wrote mostly stories taking place in the fantasy setting of the 'Discworld' I can honestly say that no one taught me more about how people 'tick'. Or dwarfes. Or trolls. People are people. Never mind the skin they dress in. If I had the ability I'd love to write FanFiction in that verry setting. But I doubt I'll ever be good enough a writer to dare. Apart from that, no Ranma and Akane? No deal! (What's a Crossover again?) But enough of this. Go and read my stories. Or better yet, write some of your own. Come on, give it a try. It's gonna be fun once you get the hang of it... |