![]() Author has written 1 story for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Hey I'm Tori I've Been into Fanfiction For About 3 Years I like Harry Potter JK.. Rowlling is a great Writer!!! Pairings Hermione/Draco Hermione/Harry Hermione/Blaise Any Harry pairings Any Hermione pairings (even though some authors make her a mary sue) cough cough I also like Out Of Cannon Pairings...In Harry Potter Too ;) "Draco, only you would find some sort of merit in being more likely to be eaten.” “Don’t be jealous, oh stringy one.” “Well, if you’re so juicy,” Harry mused in a thoughtful tone, “and the variety of food in the pack is getting dull, maybe I could just add you to the menu. Roast Draco.” “Potter, you’re one sick bastard.” “Sleep with one eye open, Malfoy.” This is a funny quote in Eclipse by Mijan Great Story!!! Vampire section favorite Vampire series I just found these quotes perfect for this section about what fanfiction I like...: It's from the story Invictus by opalish Nunquam lamiae morde me dice. - Never say 'bite me' to a vampire. -Anonymous "Pig," Leander muttered, his upper lip curling in distaste as Harry practically drowned his food in sugar. "Says the bloodsucker." "You wound me deeply, Potter." "Just call me Harry, the Vampire Hunter." "Now equipped with syrup." "Arse." "Twit." Twilight Stephenie Meyer Is a Great Writer!!! She Is My Inspiration Love All Pairings! Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Is there any thing else to say?) Spike/Dawn Dawn/ All Pairings Marysue + cool + teen angst =Dawn (In my World) End of the section... The XMEN are Awesome I Love Rogue Fics SHE is AWSOME with Angst and Badass rebal rolled in to ONE!!! (and so is Logan which is why they're PERFECT togather!!!=) (Don't care if he's old she can be older to...=) This is another favorite quote it's a way you can tell you've been reading to much Logan/Rogue fanfic...it could also work for Fanficion period... 31) When, you can't keep all the Rogue/Logan fanfic straight and it all turns into this crazy roller coaster ride of near death experiences, hot&lusty scenes, crying, screaming, pain, need, fear, games etc, etc,. . . but you don't really care cause it's Rogue and Logan and WHAT A RIDE!!! -Angel 201) You devise an ingenious plan to fool your mother into thinking that you ARE NOT on R/W FanFic sites at Four in the morning. (I'm doing it right now!!!) -Elizabeth (that actually happened to me a couple times...=) I think I'm offically Addicted...lol Gilmore Girls My New Love To Read About Tristan/Rory All Rory Pairings I like most Crossovers Anyway I'm more into reading then writing I spend some of my little time trying to write actual stories. I appresiate good stories an writing though... and I'm Working on a Story Right now It's called Going Sunny Review Please!!!! Forgive the Cornyness...some of us are called to write cornyness...others just read it..lol Soooooooooooo I think It's about time for a new story!!!! Here is a quote from What the Hell? By Sabrinaw Its Inuyasha and It's HELARIOUS (I never can and never will spell...thank god for spell check) “where’s your pride?” She sat up and huffed. “it saw all those men with pointy swords, jumped outta my back pocket and said ‘ta hell with pride, RUN bitch, RUN!" Kagome groaned. “you do realize, that they’re probably laughing themselves stupid, don’t you? “there’s nothing wrong with running!” Bryan yelled. “those who run, live to run another day.” This is a couple lines from The Fast and the Furious Story by LisLuv05 (Memiors Of A Distressed Inmate) It's Hella Funny!!! "It may sound like I'm a sadistic, chaos-craving, sarcastic bitch, But I really am so much more then that." "Oh and you stood..." He paused. " Run Lil Run like you've never run before," AllofthesearemyfavoriteqoutesAllofthesearemyfavoriteqoutesAllofthesearemyfavoritequotes! These are quotes from the story Invictus by opalish...it's hella funny ;) When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger have handled this?" -Brady's First Law of Problem Solving "'Back then'?" Leander drawled. "All right, so I still am," Harry said without shame. "Who cares about politics and culture when you can get drunk and start a fight?" (thats hella funny cause it's so true ;) "And here I thought you might turn out to be a Slytherin," Leander lamented. "But that mentality has Gryffindor written all over it." "Slytherin's for the cunning and ambitious, not necessarily those with aspirations of political power," Harry retorted. "I've certainly got ambitions enough, and I'm as cunning as they come." "And modest, too." Anime Samurai Champloo: Expect Litttle Sleep Tonight By Citadel “I don’t give a flying fuck, I ain’t Captain-Save-A-Hoe!” It's hella funny cause thats a inside joke with me and my friends and it cheers me up! |