Chapter 5 Part 1

Disclaimer: Do Not Own!! Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Scooby's and Co. split in to three groups. Group 1- Anya, Xander, Tara and Willow were staying behind in the magic shop to do more research on the First. Group 2- Buffy and John took the cemeteries. Group 3- Dawn and Spike places in town open at night (there where few).

Dawn had a feeling Spike was with her to grill her about John and the whole "partner" thing and tofind out how she felt about it. She KNEW Buffy was going to interrogate John to, she sort of felt sorry for him….

But he can take care of him self or he wouldn't have agreed to Buffy's "suggestion" get to know him and ignore the frantic gesturing she was doing behind Buffy's back. So here she was with Spike who looked like he was actually thinking about what he was going to say before he said it. This alone was a miracle because in all the time that she knew him, he has never really thought about what he was going to say before he said it, that being said it made him thinking about things a little scary. Spike started looking like he was about to speak.

"Uh Nibblet?"

"Yes?" Like she didn't know what he was about to say.

"Whats with you and John? Do I have to threaten to skewer him?"

"No" Dawn laughed "Buffy's doing enough for the both of you"

"Ahh so you caught on to Big Sis's secret plans?"

"Please!" Dawn exclaimed "Secret? She all but dragged him away from the group since she didn't get to do the threatening that she wanted to when we first got here!" "Where do you want to go Willies or the Bronze?" Dawn asked

"Willies place I want my two kittens he owes me."

"Spike!" "No eating poor innocent kittens their just babies!" "I wasn't going to…just sell them to demons who will….a blokes got to eat…"

"That's not much better!" She exclaimed!

"Lighten up Bit we need information; not to go on a crusade for all the kittens in the world."

"Oh ok fine!"

At that Dawn started walking towards Willies leaving Spike standing there. He caught up with her in four short strides and started to match her angry pace easily.

"I'll give them good homes Bit, Scouts honor." Spike said

"You where never in Boys Scouts" she threw back at him.

"All the same I will." "Promise?" "Promise."