Here's Day 9!! We hope the wait wasn't too unbearable. This fic is officially for the time being second to Misadventures in Ipswich, our Covenant misad, but if we do have a chapter finished, like this one, then we're definitely going to post it.
Disclaimer: You know the drill. Everything you recognize isn't ours. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
DA and TRO would like to thank Readerfreak10, Dark Wolf666, cleopatra32003, Lithiel, Silverlight05, Fairy-Tales123, Budding Authoress, and Lady Tanyata for reviewing the last chapter! Thanks for your unending support!
Here's the next chapter!
Happy Reading!
The next day started like most other days have begun in this lovely little misadventure.
With Katie waking up, of course.
Gently pushing Jenny's sock covered foot away from her face, Katie grabbed the navy blue sweatshirt she had stuffed under her pillow the night before, and put it on, quietly getting off the bed, and sidestepping Lancelot's bed where the knight was snoring away.
"Morning Tristan." She whispered to the knight who was wide awake, reading her tattered copy of Twilight that had been on the bookshelf next to his bed.
The Scout glanced up momentarily from the book, nodded to her, and continued reading while Katie headed out of the room and into the kitchen.
Padding quietly through the den, she made her way into the kitchen, around the corner and into the pantry that had enough food to feed a third world country.
Reaching up, Katie picked out a small packet from an open Tupperware box filled with similar white packets with red lettering.
Katie walked back into the kitchen and tossed the packet onto the counter next to the sink. Then she reached up into the cabinet over the sink and grabbed a glass, which she placed next to the packet.
Twisting around, the brunette was about the move to the refrigerator when she came nose to chest with Dagonet's torso, "Uh… Morning Dag."
The tall knight took a step back, "What are you making?"
"My breakfast." Katie answered as she sidestepped around him and walked to the refrigerator.
Dagonet picked up the small white packet, "This is breakfast?"
"Yeah," Katie said, grabbing the milk, "It's kinda like chocolate milk."
"Kinda?" Dagonet asked with a raised eyebrow.
The brunette smirked, "Yeah. Apparently it's got some other healthy stuff that makes it a decent-ish breakfast replacement."
A little while later, Katie was at the island with Dag, sipping her breakfast, when Tristan walked in, looking slightly confused.
"What's going on Tristan?" Katie asked, setting her drink down.
The scout shrugged, "Couldn't concentrate on the book."
Katie looked at him quizzically, wondering how that would confuse him, and asked him just that, "Why?"
"Jenny was talking in her sleep."
"Oh. She does that some times. What did she say?" Katie asked.
Tristan was quiet for a moment as he tried to remember the unfamiliar words, "She said something about Cling-ons on the starboard bow."
"Wait. Jenny said that?" Katie asked slowly, now slightly puzzled as well.
Tristan nodded.
"Jenny, the girl that nightly shoves her feet in my face?"
"For serious?"
Katie laughed and shook her head, "She must have been listening to my iPod again to get to sleep." She justified.
"What is a Cling-on?" Dagonet asked, the scout nodding in agreement as he was curious too.
"It's Klingon." Katie corrected.
"What are they?"
Katie thought of a way to explain Klingons without having to go into details about Star Trek, "They're… aliens from a TV show."
"Like Battlestar Galactica?"
Jenny stomped into the kitchen a short while later, throwing the refrigerator door open angrily.
"Is everything alright Jenny?" Gawain inquired.
The girl in question turned around and glared at Katie, "No, things are not alright Gawain."
"You should talk about it Jenny," Arthur said, having a moment of wise.
Those didn't come about very often.
"Why don't you ask Katie what's wrong…" She snapped as she pulled out some milk from the refrigerator, closed the door and headed into the pantry.
The knights looked to Katie curiously, but the brunette shrugged, "I don't know what crawled up her butt and died."
"What she did," Jenny said, stalking back into the kitchen, cereal box in hand, "Is she is trying to turn me into a TREKKIE!"
"A what?"
Katie turned to Tristan and Dagonet, "The song." She said, and they nodded in understanding… ish.
"What song?" Galahad asked.'
"That damn Star Trek song!" Jenny snapped.
Katie rolled her eyes, "I'm not trying to turn you into a Trekkie, Jenny, the song's on my iPod."
"You should have warned me."
"Charge your iPod then next time and you won't have to listen to it."
Jenny rolled her eyes, "You Trekkie."
And that was the end of that, for Jenny then dug into her breakfast.
"What are we going to do today?" Galahad asked some time later once it seemed like Jenny had calmed down.
Jenny looked over at Katie, who was reading the newspaper, and shrugged.
Katie then folded the newspaper she was reading, one of the middle pages open and tossed it across the island to Jenny, "What do you think?"
The black haired girl looked down at the paper to what Katie was referring to, "Good idea Trekkie."
She rolled her eyes, and then turned to the knights, "We're taking you to the circus today."
"What is a circus?" Lancelot asked.
"It's a place where a bunch of really unique people get together and put on a show." Jenny said vaguely.
After breakfast, they all piled into Katie's car, and headed off to the circus.
"But it's just a big red tent," Arthur said as the brunette drove into the paring lot, "How does everything fit in there?"
"Magic." Jenny drawled, watching with amusement as Arthur started twitching in the back seat at the dreaded 'm' word.
Katie parked the car, and the large group headed across the large parking lot to the big red circus tent for a day of fun.
They were approaching the tent, when Jenny spied a group of rainbow colored wigs, "Oh look guys," She said, pointing to them, "Those people over there are clowns."
Something snapped inside Galahad's mind.
He had seen far too much new in the past week and a half, and was already nearing the edge.
Apparently the clowns pushed him off.
"What in the world is this madness?!" Galahad yelled when he saw the multicolored outfits and garish makeup.
Jenny sighed bringing up one hand to rub her forehead as she felt a headache coming on thanks to some whining, "They're clowns Galahad."
"No, clowns," Katie said slowly as if speaking to a toddler… that had a learning disability, "Say it with me, c-l-o-w-n-s."
Galahad shook his head, "NO! They are surely of the devil's making. I will not participate in this madness."
And with that, he ran full tilt back to the car.
Which was parked all the way at the other end of the parking lot.
Katie and Jenny shared a look as the other knights watched the youngest of their group run off, "I hope he knows you locked the car."
"I sure as hell won't let him in there unattended." Katie nodded, twirling the key ring around her finger before pocketing it.
Arthur looked at Katie and Jenny, "Should we… go after him?"
"Nah," Jenny shook her head, "Let him stew at the car while we have fun. If he wants to be a Debbie Downer, that's his problem."
Gawain chuckled, "Debbie… Downer?"
"Yep," Katie nodded and then led the knights into the circus tents, "Well, that's one less ticket for me to buy."
Katie bought the tickets for herself and the knights, Jenny paying her own way, and they all headed inside.
"So guys, we should really stick-" Katie started, wanting to stick together so she didn't lose any of the knights, but they were gone anyway.
She looked at Jenny, Lancelot, and Tristan who stuck around and sighed, "We should probably try to hunt them all down before the show starts."
Jenny nodded in agreement, "I'll take Lancelot, I think I saw Bors go this way." She said, pointing to her left.
"Sure," Katie said, "Tristan and I will look for Wart. He's most likely to get into trouble than Dag and Gawain anyway."
"See you inside." Jenny said before they went their separate ways.
Jenny and Lancelot walked through the area outside the rings, trying to find the missing knight.
They had been walking in relative silence, Jenny calmly answering Lancelot's questions about things that he passed.
All in all, it didn't seem that bad.
There's no way in hell it's going to last.
"I don't get it Jenny." Lancelot commented after a moment of quiet walking.
Jenny looked over at the knight as they stopped walking, "Don't get what? It's a machine that makes cotton candy. Spun sugar."
"No no, not that Jenny," Lancelot said, waving a hand, "I just still don't understand why you won't become one of those cheerleaders."
The black haired girl blinked owlishly at the knight, "This again Lancelot? It's not my thing. Okay?"
Jenny was getting really annoyed that he kept bringing up these cheerleaders.
It wasn't her thing, but she didn't need to be reminded of it all the freaking time.
Lancelot just shrugged, "It would certainly help with your popularity, I would think." He said.
Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at the knight, "Who says I need help with my popularity. It's not like I need it to be happy."
"Well wouldn't it help?"
Jenny was getting frustrated, "Does it really matter? Go harass Katie or something. I've had enough."
Lancelot took a step closer to Jenny, "But Katie isn't here, is she?" He asked, giving her a look that made all the tavern girls swoon.
All it did to Jenny was make her more annoyed, "Back off Lancelot." She snapped pushing him away.
Lancelot stumbled back-
-Right into the cotton candy machine that he had been asking her about before this little altercation.
The knight caused the table holding the large machine to buckle, and the large plastic bowl where the sugar gathered toppled over, right on top of the knight, covering his head and shoulders with the sugary strands.
Which were, of course, pink.
"Ouch." Lancelot groaned as the people in charge of the machine moved to get the bowl off of his head.
Jenny just stood there and laughed, "You hahahahahah look hahahahahahah ridiculous! Ridiculous!"
"Glad you're amused." Lancelot growled, holding a sugar covered hand out.
Still laughing, Jenny helped him up and slipped two twenty dollar bills to the two teens in charge of the cotton candy machine so they could… forget about the incident.
"Come on Lancey, let's see how much trouble Bors has gotten into before you fall into something worse."
Lancelot tried to scrub the pink sugar off of his face, "Like what?" He asked a little nervously.
"Well, there's always the popcorn machine." Jenny said, pointing to said machine which was across the way.
Lancelot paled.
Oh, and about how much trouble Bors has gotten into…
Let's just say it's about ten zillion times worse than what just happened to dear old Lancelot.
Bors looked at the growling lion in front of him to the door of the cage and back to the cat once more.
He had no idea how he had gotten stuck in the large gold cage, and knew even less about how to get around the large and probably hungry animal that was seemingly guarding the exit, trapping his prey as it prepared to pounce on its next meal.
This sure wasn't good at all.
"Arthur? Dagonet?... Katie? Jenny? Anyone? Help!"
Arthur was lost.
It's unsurprising, considering he's in an unfamiliar time, in an even more unfamiliar place, after all.
But one would think that after nine days of new situations and dealing with things he has never heard of, that he'd have the sense to stick close to either Katie or Jenny, who obviously knew more about the new time period he was in than he did.
Then again, Arthur had little to no sense… at all.
Makes one wonder how he came to be in charge of Hadrian's Wall.
Arthur was walking around the large circus tent, trying in vain to find where Katie and Jenny went when he ran straight into one of the most baffling things he had ever seen in his short life.
A large billboard advertising a bearded lady.
'What in God's name is this madness!? Women are not meant to have beards…' Arthur wondered as he stared wide eyed at the large, brightly colored sign.
"Personally, I think the picture makes my butt look big."
Still wide eyed and very startled, Arthur whirled around to come face to face with none other than the Bearded Lady from the billboard, "Um… hello there." He said with a ridiculous little half-wave that made the Bearded Lady chuckle.
She… er… he… The Bearded Lady then slid to Arthur's side, "You're a cute one. You single honey? I could show you a good time."
Arthur wondered why God would torture him so, putting him in situations like these so often this past week and a half, "I'm uh… umm… er…" He stuttered, "…flattered… miss, but I am involved with someone at the moment."
The Bearded Lady's perfectly manicured eyebrow rose, "Oh really? She must not be a very good girlfriend if she lets you wander off all by your lonesome."
The future King of Britton stuttered, trying to think of something to say about his imaginary girlfriend when he heard from behind him, "There you are. We've been looking all over for you."
He spun around to see Tristan and Katie walking toward him, the brunette female looking at him and the Bearded Lady with undisguised amusement.
Arthur got an idea that would surely get him out of this mess with this bearded character who was propositioning him.
As soon as she was close enough, Arthur grabbed Katie, wrapping an arm tightly around her waist, holding her to him, "This is my girlfriend, Katie."
(TRO chuckled, 'Well if you'd look at that! I think Tristan's about to go on a murderous rampage right about now.')
She's right.
The scout was looking at Arthur with a very murderous glare.
A glare that could be seen by people who weren't just Katie.
('Yippee!' DA squealed with a smile, but just as quickly as she smiled, the authoress frowned, 'Wow. I sounded just like Mini Vader there. Kill me now.'
TRO shook her head, 'No can do, we still have more fics to write.'
'Oh yeah...')
Katie craned her neck so she could look up at Arthur who's unrelenting grip kept her pressed against his side, "What?! Wart, what are you talking about?" She demanded, glaring up at him.
Arthur ignored her and looked over at the Bearded Lady, "See, we even have pet names for each other. Right… uh, my sweet?"
The Bearded Lady shrugged, "Too bad a catch like you is already taken. Listen if your relationship doesn't work, give me call." She… he…. er…whatever, look at Katie, and then to Arthur once again, "You could do much better than her, honey."
Katie glared at the woman who was a good head taller than her, "Excuuuuuse me, Miss Man-!" She was about to rant when Arthur's free hand covered her mouth, stopping her angry speech.
"Let's go, my love!" Arthur said quickly, steering her away, "You too Tristan." He added, almost as an afterthought, not noticing the glares his scout was sending his way.
Once they were far enough from the Bearded Lady who watched their departure with a laugh, Katie pushed away from Arthur, making the knight stumble, "I am never speaking to you again." She seethed, shifting around so Tristan was between her and the future king of Britton.
('You sure that's a good idea TRO?' DA asked, 'Tristan still looks pretty pissed. I can see that and I didn't even have to ask Katie.'
'Hmmm,' TRO mused, debating about whether or not to rewrite that little moment to keep Tristan away from Arthur, 'Katie… Tristan… Either way Arthur's screwed. I'm not going to bother.')
Gawain and Dagonet were feeling a bit out of sorts too.
But unlike Arthur, they had the good sense to stick together.
So they weren't completely lost.
No, they'd like to use the term, 'exploring'.
"Hey, you two!" They heard someone say from behind.
Turning around, they saw a short man wearing a rather ridiculous outfit that consisted of a pair of tight black slacks, a white shirt under a light blue vest that was under a large, navy blue colored velvet jacket with very long coat-tails, and he was wearing a large blue top hat on his head, the color matching perfectly with the jacket.
Dagonet looked left and right, but it seemed like the man's focus was on the two of them, "Us?" He asked.
"Yes, you," The man, a magician, said, "You two look like circus freaks."
Gawain, who was used to Katie and Jenny allowing themselves to be called things that were normally insulting, was slightly confused and unsure if the man wearing the large top hat was saying in the same way, "Is that an insult?" He asked cautiously.
The magician shook his head so fast Gawain and Dagonet thought his top hat was going to fall off, "No, of course not!" He said quickly, "We are in dire need of help. Some members of our troupe, including our ringleader, are sick and we need some people to fill in for them."
He turned to Dagonet, "You look like a talkative young lad. You will be the ringleader for the day." The magician decided.
Gawain wasn't about to be left out and let Dagonet have all the glory, "What about me? I want to help too!"
The blue jacketed man thought about it for a moment, "Ah. You would be perfect as my lovely assistant!"
Dagonet, though not as talkative as the magician assumed, looked genuinely excited, which Gawain on the other hand as wondering what the hell he was getting into.
Then he shrugged it off, and followed Dagonet and the magician to the backstage area to get prepared.
Only time will tell after all.
Jenny and Lancelot were walking along, the former absently licking the remaining cotton candy off her finger while Lancelot walked and pulled the last of the cotton candy out of his hair, "Hurry up, Pinky!" She snapped, still annoyed at the knight about the cheerleader comments, "We need to find Bors. I have a feeling he's in trouble."
Lancelot, being Lancelot had been staring at Jenny as she cleaned off her hands until he heard his new nickname… again, "Will you stop calling me Pinky?! My name is Lancelot! L-A-N-C-E-L-O-T!"
Ignoring what he said, merely paying attention to the fact that he spoke, Jenny put a hand up, "Shh! I think I hear him."
"Yeah, that's Bors." They said in unison.
('TRO! They're doing it again!'
TRO sighed exasperatedly, 'What? We need to keep the interruptions to a minimum DA. I want to get this chapter up before the football game Saturday.'
'They're doing that freaky unison talking thingy!'
'Oh… Right' TRO rolled her eyes, 'I'm going to continue writing now DA…')
Jenny and Lancelot quickly made their way to the source of Bors' yelling, and as soon as Bors saw them out of the corner of his eye, because he's not going to look away from the vicious lion, he yelled, "Lancelot! Help me!"
Lancelot blanched. "How can I possibly fight off a lion?"
Jenny rolled her eyes, "Lancelot, hand me that whip." She ordered as she stepped toward the cage.
The curly haired knights' eyes widened at Jenny in a mix of surprise and amusement, "Jenny, I had no idea you liked it so rough. This is a whole new side to you."
"It's not for S&M you moron!" She glared, "Someone has to save Bors since you're too wimpy to do it."
"Are you insane?!" He yelled, "You cannot go up against a lion! It's suicide! And I am not a wimp."
Jenny fluttered her eyes mockingly at Lancelot, "Worried about me Lancey?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice before changing to a more serious expression, "I'll be fine." She snapped, grabbing the whip as she got into the cage.
"Bors, stand behind me and don't move," She ordered, grasping the whip tightly, and moving with a speed that neither Lancelot nor Bors could follow that ended up with Jenny standing in front of Bors.
Jenny cracked the whip, "Down girl! Down!" She cracked the whip again, "Back! Back! Easy girl," She said in a more soothing voice, "No one's here to hurt you."
Not turning to the knight behind her, she spoke again, "Bors, head for the door." She ordered.
The lion tried to snap at Bors as he moved, and Jenny cracked the whip again, "Back! Easy…easy," She got close to the lion who was finally calming, and patted it on the head, "Good girl. Very good girl," She cooed, "Did the mean old knight scare you? Aw, that's a good girl," With one last pat, Jenny stepped out of the cage, firmly shutting the door behind her and making sure the lock was locked firmly, hanging the whip on the latch.
She turned to an awed Lancelot and Bors, "Okay. Now let's go find Katie. She's probably wondering where we are."
If anyone's at all curious, Katie wasn't wondering where Jenny and co were.
She was still pretty pissed at Arthur to think about anything else.
Good thing Tristan was there to keep her from doing anything drastic.
Especially because if she did, he'd end up helping her, not his commander.
"Come on Tristan," Katie said, pointedly ignoring Arthur who was walking behind them as the three walked into the main tent, just before the show was about to start, "Let's find good seats."
"Don't you think we're forgetting something important?" Tristan asked, wondering where his other companions were.
Katie's eyes lit up as she came to a realization, "Oh my gods, you're right!" She said brightly, "We need popcorn!"
Tristan looked at her wordlessly for a moment before shrugging.
The others were probably with Jenny anyway.
Arthur's scout then turned to said man, and handed him a five dollar bill, "Get some popcorn," He ordered his commander, knowing that there was no way in hell that he was going to leave Katie alone with him, "We'll get seats."
Wart knew better than to question the scout and immediately turned around and headed for the nearest popcorn stand.
"You know," Katie said, linking her arm through Tristan's as they made their way down the rows, "He might get lost again."
"Do you care?"
Katie thought about it for a second, and remembered that she was mad at him, "No, not really."
Neither Lancelot nor Bors made any move to go find where Katie went off too.
They were still in shock about how Jenny handled the lion.
Lancelot stared in astonishment at said lion that was now lounging sedately in its Bors-less cage, "How on Earth were you able to tame that lion?"
Jenny shrugged nonchalantly, "I have a relative who joined the circus. We don't like to talk about him," She commented, "Something about an unfortunate accident should we ever find him."
Lancelot and Bors just stared at her.
(TRO and DA did the same, '…'
TRO broke the silence, 'Jenny has such a weird family.'
'Shh!' DA hissed, 'Did you not hear the part about unfortunate accidents?! Do you want to get us killed?!'
TRO nodded quickly, 'Right! Back to the fic!')
Let's go back to the dressing rooms.
Don't want you to think we've forgotten about Dagonet and Gawain.
The magician led the two temporally displaced knights to a large, ornate wardrobe cabinet, which was covered in multi colored feather boas, and it was surrounded by opaque changing screens
The magician opened the closet which was stuffed with various brightly colored outfits, "Now we need to make you two into charming, handsome gentleman," He consulted the wardrobe for a moment, "Dag, my dear, change into this." He said, handing him a costume of a ringleader that included a pair of tall black boots, poofy tan pants, a tight white shirt, black gloves, and a short red jacket with gold trim.
('Red jacket and gold trim?' DA spat, 'That's so USC. Must he wear it?'
TRO sighed, 'I couldn't find a better costume on Google. Sorry. I don't like it at all either.')
"And for my darling Gawain," He turned back into the closet and pulled something out, "This is especially for you."
The magician handed Gawain a bright blue, sequined leotard which the blonde stared out dubiously.
"Now change quickly." The magician said, pushing the two knights to the changing screens, "We only have a few minutes to prepare you for your roles."
Leaving them to change, the magician called to the rest of the troupe who were milling around the changing area as they waiting for the show to start, "Everyone else, get ready! Places! Places!"
Arthur brought Katie her popcorn just as the lights in the main tent dimmed.
"Thanks." Katie said absently before popping a few kernels into her mouth and munching as the voiceover started.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the main event. At this time we would like to remind you to silence your cell phones and pagers, and please refrain from using flash photography. Also, any recordings of any kind are strictly forbidden. Now, let me introduce to your our ring leader for this evening… Dagonet the Dago-nator!"
Katie spat out her popcorn, and thankfully the seat in front of her was empty, "What!?" She turned to Tristan, "Did he just say what I think he just said!?"
Tristan nodded and pointed to the center ring, where Dagonet, decked out in full ring leader regalia, stood rather uncomfortably.
"Wow," Katie commented as she saw what he was wearing, "His jacket looks horrible. Who would ever think to put those colors together?"
Across the tent from where Katie, Tristan, and Arthur were sitting, was where Jenny, Lancelot, and Bors managed to find seats.
"So that's where Dag went," Jenny commented when she saw the knight step into the center ring, his movement followed by the large spotlight, "I wonder where Gawain is. They went off together right?" She asked her companions.
But Lancelot and Bors weren't listening because they were too busy laughing at Dagonet and his outfit.
('Wait till they see Gawain.' DA said.)
Jenny looked skyward, 'What about Gawain?' She wondered, but only heard some innocent whistling from the authoresses.
'I guess I'll just wait and see.' She thought as she settled into her seat to watch the show which was sure to be entertaining with Dag on the helm.
As the show went on, Jenny was rather surprised at how smoothly it went with Dagonet in charge considering he knew very little about the circus.
They could all see the Magician helping him out a bit, which probably was very helpful to the knight.
Speaking of the magician, everyone got a huge laugh when his act began and he called on his 'lovely assistant'.
In a sparkly blue leotard.
Let's just say the blonde knight wasn't too happy right about now.
The magician did his show, which was supposed to be the last.
Dagonet stepped up to the center ring, "Ladies and gentleman," He said, repeating what the loud voice above his head said at the beginning, "For the last act of the evening, we have a special surprise. Can Tristan and Katie come down to the center ring please?"
Another spotlight flicked on, lighting up Katie and Tristan in their seats, and from where Jenny was sitting she could see Katie narrowing her eyes at the knight standing in the center ring.
After some prompting from the audience, Jenny, Lancelot, and Bors included, Katie walked down to this center ring arm in arm with Tristan.
When she reached Dagonet she said something to him.
Jenny wasn't a lip reader, but she was pretty sure she was telling Dagonet that he was completely and totally dead.
That, or he was banned from her kitchen for the rest of his time in 2008.
Chuckling, Dagonet spoke to the audience again, "My good friend Tristan here, is going to shoot an apple off of my friend Katie's head."
Jenny sure heard that from her seat.
Hell, Galahad probably heard it from over in the parking lot.
With some persuasion and a couple whispered words from Tristan that no one had any guess as to what he said, Katie was placed against a wall, an apple on her head, "You Dagonet, Dago-nator, whatever are so freaking dead it's not even-"
By this time, Jenny had pulled out her ever-present notebook from her purse and was writing down what was going on when she heard Katie's rant get cut off.
Looking up to see what happened, she chuckled at what she saw, before speaking aloud as she wrote in her notebook on a fresh page, "Note to self: Besides making a lovely pie, an apple is a great way to shut Katie up."
Katie, one apple shoved in her mouth, the other on top of her head, glared malevolently at Dagonet before turning to Tristan that clearly said that if he missed, he was in much, much more trouble than Dagonet.
"Now Tristan!" Arthur ranted as he had been ranting for the past twenty minutes since Tristan's act where he successfully shot the apple off Katie's head, "I know you are a very precise shooter, but shooting at friends, not to mention one of our hosts is simply not acceptable!"
He had pretty much been repeating the same thing over and over in different arrangements.
It was getting a little old.
Katie rolled her eyes as they walked through the parking lot to the dressing tent where they were going to meet Dagonet and Gawain, "You know Wart, you really, really need to lighten up and go choke the bishop." She said making gestures with the arrow that was still impaling the apple that she got as a souvenir for being such a willing participant.
Yeah right.
Arthur looked at her quizzically, "You want me to choke Bishop Germainus? I think I'd get into a lot of trouble if I did that."
"Well, yeah… but no. Not that bishop." She said, amused with his density as he didn't understand the reference, though the Jenny and the other knights did.
"I am afraid I do not understand…"
"Do you ever?" She deadpanned as she pulled the apple off of the arrow, handing the fruit to Tristan who had been eyeing it.
"Come to think of it…" Then he paused, "Wait. You're talking to me again?"
"Oh right," She turned to Tristan, "Did you hear something? I could have sworn I heard an idiot talking."
Tristan knew to be a bit sensitive around Katie since she was rather agitated with the events of the afternoon, "I didn't hear anything." He said, taking a bite of his apple.
And that's the chapter!
So sorry it took so long, but things have been pretty busy, which if you have read Misadventures in Ipswich, you'd already know.
And if you haven't read Misadventures in Ipswich, go ahead.
It's not half bad if we don't say so ourselves.
Bias or not.
Anyhoo, coming soon: Day 10, where we see how Galahad is doing ever since he ran back to the car, Tristan finally shows some emotion, well… more emotion than in Day 9 at least, and… some games are played.
Happy Reading!
TRO and DA