![]() Author has written 17 stories for Yami no Matsuei, Saiyuki, Outlaw Star, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, Kingdom Hearts, Kuroshitsuji, and Young Justice. March 24: Editing Bird the last time before I post it! Thanks for stopping by! I have been pursuing original writing for a while now but periodically bounce back to fanfiction. The latest piece is a Young Justice fanfiction. Though I love yaoi and slash, this story has no official pairings but feel free to read it as slashy to those of you who like it. I want to say a really big thanks to anyone who has reviewed my stories. They're a great motivator and they can help improve my writing! I try to keep characters in IC but remember that I write the story how I want it and I can really only predict how characters may react to a situation. Also, I know I can't everyone happy with how I unravel the plot and so forth but I hope you enjoy the ride nonetheless! The old stories are atrocious but I keep them up since, if nothing else, you can have a good laugh at them. Other random facts about me: I play a lot of musical instruments, read stories with male leads, I love DC comics, criminology, lyric-less/soundtrack music, and rainy days. |