Reviews for Ballet of Kings and Dolls
Guest chapter 10 . 5/11
Can I read a story about a doll that is not ghost story

Story about evil doll is old that they not scare any more

I do just kinda feel bad for wolfam normal people go crazy

Why did Murata or any one do anything about the doll
Some times it feels in some fanfiction that Murata only care about yuri
I don't mind that type of characters the problem I has with him all so say he care about he kingdom wolfam is part of he kingdom that he care so much
Fi Suki Saki chapter 10 . 4/23/2015
I terribly can't see how this could end with Happy Ending ! Well, I can if we kind of force it.
And please tell me you would write this fic with Happy Ending !


I thought the story is just about the Miss Maiden ! I thought it was just about Cursed or Haunted Doll who need to be exorcised or realised !
But No ! This become more, related to many Dolls and the Freaking Crazy Master Puppeteer that Lead to War !
Where the hell they get very Powerful Magic that Overpowered others Demon Magic and Yuuri's ?!

And they way it goes, it seems Miss Maiden has more secret ! Why she wants Wolfram? To Save Her? From What? Whyyyy?!


Please Please Please Continue ! Don't let this Discontinue !
Manoella Nascimento chapter 3 . 8/16/2014
I might have taken my doll away before sleeping the other night after I have read this. KKKKK
Great story - giving me the creeps. Hope to read more soon!
Guest chapter 10 . 8/4/2014
please! I need more chapters!
Lady A chapter 2 . 11/17/2013
This is really great. Actually it made me cry( I really do not like dolls) and I even gasped and jumped up, yelling when Miss Maiden bit Greta. Seriously I hate those pretty porcelain dolls. I used to have three up high right across from my bed when I was little. I would look up at them when I tried to sleep and they would star right back. Not fun. Eventually my sisters and I would climb up and turn them away, but my mom would turn them back around when I wasn't looking. Terrifying. So yeah great story, I love the creepy Miss Maiden chant ( so creepy) and I can't wait to read more.
Despaired Author chapter 10 . 8/15/2013
Oh Shinou... I have a new reason to fear dolls. However although the villain I've always liked Miss Maiden. I've been really curious at what else happened between her and Wolfram. And when I read those last small thoughts going on in her brain, the first thing I thought was "Oh Shinou... Is she in a human body?!" Well that's for you to know! I really wanna read the rest of your story!
firerose132 chapter 10 . 12/18/2012
wow dude this story is awesome! watin for ext chap ;)
fan-fan31 chapter 10 . 7/7/2012
I feel bad for the dolls now :( Your fics are always so unpredictable! (Which is great, because it keeps the readers interested.) I dub you: King of Plot Twists!
Aw I don't fully understand the powers Gwendel has been given, but all will be revealed soon, eh? ;-)
Update soon!
angel-san801 chapter 10 . 4/5/2012
I'm so happy you updated! I'm excited to see what happens next! I think this one is my favorite of your stories (maybe). Can't wait to read more!
set chapter 10 . 3/21/2012
i'm on the edge of my seat - figuratively speaking. XD

please update soon if you can. can't wait to see where this is going. D
eirinatakebana chapter 10 . 3/4/2012
Excellent chapter, as usual!

"I have a loving family. Two, really. I have people who love me on Earth and here in the Demon Kingdom. I have bad days too but I think having had love in my life made me understand what it meant to be sympathetic. I don't think those dolls," Yuri found Wolfram's eyes again, "I don't think they ever knew there could be another way, that they could be loved.

"That's why I can't be so mad at them. I pity them," he finished.

That was one of my favourite passages of the chapter. I enjoy how understanding and clever Yuuri can really be sometimes. Once again, that was truly worth my reading; please, continue!
kotori-chan88 chapter 10 . 3/4/2012
I'm really confused but I love suspense so is a "good" confused haha thanks for the new chapter!
Katz chapter 10 . 3/3/2012
Great story. I really love it. Are you going to eventually write in more detail about when Wolfram first had Miss Maiden? Or do you think you would write up a prequel about it? Can't wait for the next chapter!
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 10 . 3/3/2012
You are super awesome! Gosh! You must know how you're driving us crazy! Really, I cant get enough of this madness. What is your brain made of? You're such a genius. Your writing is insanely great! Come on, give us the next chapter. Hehe. Love you so much! Thanks for updating! Be waiting for more..
fan-fan31 chapter 9 . 2/21/2012
What a crazy chapter! And of course I still support this fic... It's too good to just forget about. Please update as soon as you can!
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