Author's note: all right, this is the very first lotr fic I'm actually typing up… the story sucks and I don't know y I wrote it. =D I'm still getting used to…I have no idea how this site works lol

Umm err yeah, I'm trying to decide if I want to continue this story or if I want to make this the end. So if u read it and actually like it, please make suggestions… =P all righty, thanks! Take carez and God bless

Disclaimer: I own nothing here except for legolas. Legolas is MINE~~~~~~~~ yeah don't I wish. -_-+ yeah, I own none of the characters…I don't even own the plot. I tend to think that all ideas I get for my stories come from some sick voice inside my head. O yeah and if this story seems similar to n/e other story here, please tell meeh… =D I don't want to get accused of plagiarism even though I have yet to come across a story that's like this one…I'd rather not take the risk… =D

Would it be…?

It was the day after the Fellowship had broken. Gimli, Aragorn, and Legolas had settled down for camp, though the Elf had voiced much disagreement with the decision.

"We will fall behind. The Orcs are strong and sturdy; they can go many leagues without rest and we will lose Merry and Pippin." Legolas had protested when Aragorn had decided to rest the night. Aragorn could not say he did not agree with Legolas, but they needed rest. Gimli was weary, though he would not admit it, Aragorn knew. They needed this night to rest and Aragorn, as the leader of their broken group, was solely in charge of their well-being. Though he was as worried and anxious about the merry little Hobbits as Legolas, he needed to think of his two companions first.

"We shall rest tonight and leave again early tomorrow morning." Aragorn informed Legolas and Gimli. He received a brisk nod of the head from the Dwarf but Legolas only looked away. Aragorn sighed. Legolas' disapproval of the decision visibly showed and it irritated the Ranger. It irritated him perhaps more than it should have but Aragorn had been aware of his feelings for the Elf since the beginning of their quest. These were feelings he couldn't let out in the open, Aragorn knew, but everyday he watched Legolas, everyday he heard his voice, the more Aragorn longed to be more than a friend to the fair Elf. How mortified he felt to be betraying his supposed love to Arwen, who was awaiting his return at Rivendell!

"Who shall stand watch?" Gimli asked, breaking into Aragorn's thoughts.

"I shall," Legolas answered. "Both of you are fatigued and need rest."

"As do you, Legolas," Aragorn countered. Legolas glanced over at him.

"I would not be able to rest tonight, Aragorn." He replied softly. Aragorn yearned to hear his melodious voice again but Legolas said nothing else. He only sat down on the ground a few feet away from them and stared up at the stars he had always been so infatuated with.

"There is no use talking to him, Aragorn." Gimli mumbled, yawning as he set up his bedroll. "You should get your sleep while you can. We have an eventful day tomorrow." Aragorn nodded silently as the Dwarf slid into his bedroll and almost immediately began snoring softly.

Aragorn also pulled out his sleeping materials but as he lied there, he could not sleep. He stared at Legolas' figure, illuminated by the moon's pale light.

He could hear Legolas' soft voice singing an Elvish song and though he was too far away to make out the words of the song, judging from the tune, Aragorn knew it was a song of love…. a tragic story of one who loved another who would never return his love.

If only Legolas knew that was how Aragorn felt about him. If only Legolas knew…

As Legolas finished his song, Aragorn felt a sadness overcome his soul. How much he longed to hear Legolas' voice again…hear it whisper into his ear…whisper words of comfort, of love…

Would it be wrong to long for your touch? Long to feel your hands caress my face, your lips to tenderly kiss mine?

Would it be wrong to long to hear you speak? Speak words of love to me; secrets of how I am the only one you could ever love?

Would it be wrong to desire to feel you next to me? Hold you in my arms, wake up feeling your heart beat with mine?

Would it be wrong to wish you were mine? That you could help me forget my other, that you could love only me, and never look at another with love in your eyes again?

Would it be wrong…for me to love you?

Legolas looked up at the stars, searching for any stars he could make a wish to. Every star was pale, as though they were messengers come to tell him his wish would not come true even if he did not dare make it.

He softly sang a song of tragic love; of one who loved someone he could not have…wishing so much to hold someone in his arms and yet mourning that it was not his place to do so… How fitting the song seemed for him.

Long had he wished for Aragorn to love him. Long had he wished for Aragorn to gaze upon him with eyes of love and comfort. But alas, Aragorn would never look at him in such a way. Aragorn already held another in his heart, one whom he did love, one he did gaze upon with eyes of love and comfort.

Would it be wrong to long for you to hold me? Long to feel your arms around me, your lips on mine, your soul come together with mine?

Would it be wrong to wish to feel you within me? To feel you make us one, to feel your soft kisses on my body, comforting me with soft caresses and whispers?

Would it be wrong to secretly whisper your name at night? Wishing you could hear me, wishing you could feel the way that I do?

Would it be wrong to sing for you? If every song I sang was for you, for your ears to hear, for your heart to accept?

Would it be wrong…to wish you loved me?