Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Flies, and Naruto. So, each time I decide that I want to hop back onto this account for a time I change this little box, in order to keep it current with the last "me" that was on here. And since my last update was two years old, it's time. I was born in 1993, so my age is, as of 2012, 18 years. I am an avid Harry Potter fan, and reader of many a fantastic Dark!Harry fic. I like Smart!Harry, because seeing someone fight with intellegence makes me smile, if you have a fanfic about that, please, please reccomend it to me, I promise I will read and review. I also like to read and write slash, usually of the fluffy variety. I pair just about everyone, but my main ships are Remus/Sirius, and Harry/Voldemort (Though I'm not as enamoured with that one as I used to be). I love reviews, like everyone else on here, so if one of my fics brought you here, and you didn't review at the time, please go review! Even just "cool story bro" is fine. I really love constructive reviews, so don't hesitate to tell me what you did or didn't like, I can take it! |
expiry 4.23 (18) flufflybunny (26) Fuegodefuerza (0) | iceskater25705 (3) MythicRhyvon (19) remuslives23 (168) | Serpentseeker (46) slash mania (0) whydoyouneedtoknow (61) |