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Joined 11-23-05, id: 936247
Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter.

Hi! My name is iceskater25705! I am TOTALLY over-obsessed w/ harry potter (especially the goblet of fire book #4 because it is my favorite book) My favorite movie is Grease. I was introduced to Fanfiction by my friend I am a member of neopets. com and ...and now ! YAY! I am an athletic-hyper 14 year old who is rotting her brain writing pathetic stories that my readers just HAPPEN to find funny and/or soap-opera-ish. Y ou PROBABLY won't see me writing any stories from anything accept Harry Potter.

My fav. 'ships are





please note: I got permission from the authors of these stories to put quotes from these stories on here - so if you like the quotes - read the stories! BECAUSE THEY ROCK!

Harry Potter and the Rings of Ceangal Fala - Moonlit Tiger Lily

-Harry found himself outside of Ginny’s room as he walked up the stairs and he paused at the door. It was open wide enough for him to see inside, but not enough that it welcomed anyone inside. Pausing a moment, Harry pushed the door open, turned on the lamp and took a step inside. Immediately, the flowery scent invaded his senses and he closed his eyes for a moment to regain focus. Memories flooded his mind of the last time the scent had been so strong, of a long walk by the lakeside last year. That had been before Dumbledore had died, before things became so dire.

-You could ask her to dance," Hermione offered, though it seemed a half-hearted suggestion.

"Brilliant," Harry replied. "If she doesn’t start talking to me after I’ve humiliated myself in front of two hundred people she probably never will."

"Why do girls think everything can be solved by dancing?" Ron asked with a glance at Hermione.

"Just what is that supposed to mean?" Hermione retorted, her blood heating up as she prepared for an argument.

"All you birds think about is dancing. It’s scary, really," Ron replied.

"Just because you are afraid to dance doesn’t mean I am obsessed with it!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I am not afraid to dance!" Ron countered, his ears turning pink.

"Then why don’t you ask me to dance?" Hermione fumed.

All right, I’ll prove it to you." Ron grabbed her wrist and pulled her out onto the dance floor, Hermione blushing furiously as Fred and George began catcalling. Harry watched as Ron awkwardly placed one hand on Hermione’s waist.

The Diary of a Redhead - Snowy Winter Tales

Of course, Ron had to be a git again.

'Ginny, why is the area around your eyes blue?

'It's called make-up, Ron.'

'Well, don't wear any. You look like a scarlet woman.'

Die Ron. (diary)

Maybe I can get a head-start on my homework. Snape gave us a fifteen foot long essay about the uses of Dragon Blood in Potions. Stupid overgrown dungeon-bat.

11:10 AM

Wrote five words on Potion Essay.

11:11 AM

On second though, don't think that 'You git. I hate you.' will get me good marks. I mean, with all the O.W.L.'s and stuff.

11:15 AM

Yes. O.W.L's are coming this year. I'll go change into my normal clothes.

11:16 AM

Wait a minute. OWL's!

11:50 AM

Am done screaming hysterically out the window.

11:51 AM


12:00 PM

Am officially going to avada myself. Harry, Fred, George and Ron just heard and saw me (wince) screaming thirty-four minutes out of the window.

Somebody up there hates me.

12:05 PM

'Ginny?' Somebody knocked on my door. It's my mum.

12:08 PM

Ignored her. Which is really hard.

12:09 PM

I'd like to see you try ignoring somebody when they are wailing hysterically outside your door screaming 'Arthur, she's not answering! Do you think she's been kidnapped! Arthur? Arthur? ARTHUR!' and then tries to break the door down.


It's not as if any normal teenage witch doesn't scream out of the window once in a while.

12:10 PM


Most witches don't.


-May your ears turn purple and fall off.

Are you sure you aren't a minion of the Dark Lord?

9:50 AM
I do not believe you.

10:00 AM
Your purpose on this earth is to destroy my life. I know it is, don't deny it.

10:01 AM
I bet that your name is some twisted version of Tom.

10:02 AM
Tomeyo, perhaps?

10:03 AM
No. That sounds Japanese.

10:05 AM
I know! Thomas.

10:06 AM
Tommus? Thomis? Tamys?

10:07 AM
Maybe Toom-huu?

10:08 AM
Thoméé, then?

10:09 AM
Well, fine. Don't tell me then. I'm only pouring out my heart to you everyday at least five hours if not more. Stupid men.

10:10 AM
Or are you a woman?

10:11 AM
Why can't you give me a hint!

10:15 AM
I find you annoying, you know.

I find you annoying, you know.Honestly. Of course, Ron had to be a git again.I do not believe you.Your purpose on this earth is to destroy my life. I know it is, don't deny it.I bet that your name is some twisted version of Tom.Tomeyo, perhaps?No. That sounds Japanese.I know! Thomas.Tommus? Thomis? Tamys?Maybe Toom-huu?Well, fine. Don't tell me then. I'm only pouring out my heart to you everyday at least five hours if not more. Stupid men.Or are you a woman?Why can't you give me a hint!I find you annoying, you know.Honestly.

I find you annoying, you know.Honestly. Of course, Ron had to be a git again.I do not believe you.Your purpose on this earth is to destroy my life. I know it is, don't deny it.I bet that your name is some twisted version of Tom.Tomeyo, perhaps?No. That sounds Japanese.I know! Thomas.Tommus? Thomis? Tamys?Maybe Toom-huu?Well, fine. Don't tell me then. I'm only pouring out my heart to you everyday at least five hours if not more. Stupid men.Or are you a woman?Why can't you give me a hint!I find you annoying, you know.Honestly.
Padfoot Prohibited - Lively

1 - Not allowed to threaten anyone with "Black" magic..

3 - Not allowed to let enchanted sock puppets take responsibility for any of my actions.

4 - Not allowed to let enchanted sock puppets serve detention for me.

7 - If the thought of something makes either myself or James Potter giggle for more than fifteen seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.

10 - The proper way to report to Headmaster Dumbledore when ordered into his office is, "You wanted to see me, Professor?" and not "You can't prove a thing!"

15 - There are no evil clowns living under my bed.

18 - May not call the divination professor immoral, untrustworthy, lying slime even if I am right or become possessed by a spirit and give prophecies of my own in the middle of class.

19 - Not allowed to challenge fellow Quidditch players to 'Meet me on the field of honor at dawn,' and then show up wearing a full suit of armor that I "borrowed" from the dungeon statue.

21 - Not allowed to magically wash the hair of hygienically challenged students, even if they are greasy, slimy gits (cough-Snivellus-cough) and even if I am doing it "for the greater good of the student body."

24 - Not allowed to host an "Inter-house Challenge Slip 'N' Slide Tournament" using the house tables and 147 buckets of water in the Great Hall.

27 - Not allowed to trade Quidditch balls (i.e. the quaffle, bludgers, and snitch...actually James kept the snitch) for inflatable sheep.

31 – "To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys" is a bad long-term goal to give at career advice.

33 - Not allowed to play strip Quidditch.

41 - Not allowed to even set foot on the entire left half of the common room (which leads to the girls' dormitories).

42 - Not allowed to turn Severus Snape's clothes pink and expect to get out of detention by arguing that "pink is definitely his color
" or that "men love pastels on a woman."

44 - Not allowed to put a charm on certain Slytherins so that rainbow colored foam comes out of their mouths every time they try to speak ill of a Gryffindor.

50 - Not allowed to charm Hogwarts statues to kick all Slytherin's "where the sun don't shine" as they pass by.

51 - Not allowed to tell Lily Evans "thanks for last night" in front of James Potter and therefore provoke the latter to hex me..

54 - Not allowed to be myself.

56 – I am neither the king nor queen of cheese and should not claim otherwise.

65 – Not allowed to drink three liters of blue food coloring before my yearly Quidditch (pee-in-a-cup) physical given by Madam Pomfrey.

66 – Nor allowed to drink three liters of red food coloring and scream during the same.

68 – "I’m drunk," is a bad answer to the question, "Why would you do that, Black?" posed by my head of house or any other figure of authority even if I was joking.

70 – The whole of Hogwarts’ suits of armor cannot be assembled into a giant battle robot.

72 – Not allowed to organize a Disco Fever Dance at 2 A.M. in the Headmaster’s office, even if the Headmaster was the one who requested "Macho Man.".

74 – Not allowed to claim that my first name is indeed a very fitting description of my personality and burst into bogus tears when a professor suggests otherwise.

Black Blood - Lively

1. "I have only three months to live…"

Telling a girl this is obviously…misleading, to say the least. Adding "I wish I wasn’t still a virgin…" is even more deceitful and will most likely result in a slap to the face. This pick-up line can also go even more wrong...

2. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

The ideal response from my victim in this case would be something along the lines of them laughing and thinking I was charming for calling them an angel. But no!...

4. It’s probably not a good idea to randomly kiss a girl after they’ve continuously refused to go out with you. This isn’t exactly a pick-up line per se, but forgive me for thinking she might actually enjoy it if she just stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Although Remus says I’m not allowed to do it again, I think I should count this one as a victory because Ashe didn’t slap me or swear at me afterward. Okay, it’s probably because she was in too much of a shock. Clearly, she didn’t expect me to just kiss her while she was shouting at me. But she just stared at me after I pulled away… Well, all right, maybe she was glaring daggers at me… Actually, it could have been that she was just standing there because she was waiting for me to do it again… Maybe she liked it… Maybe I should have…kissed her…again…

It’s probably not a good idea to randomly kiss a girl after they’ve continuously refused to go out with you. This isn’t exactly a pick-up per se, but forgive me for thinking she might actually enjoy it if she just stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Although Remus says I’m not allowed to do it again, I think I should count this one as a victory because Ashe didn’t slap me or swear at me afterward. Okay, it’s probably because she was in too much of a shock. Clearly, she didn’t expect me to just kiss her while she was shouting at me. But she just stared at me after I pulled away… Well, all right, maybe she was glaring daggers at me… Actually, it could have been that she was just standing there because she was waiting for me to do it again… Maybe she liked it… Maybe I should have…kissed her…again…"I have only three months to live…""Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" It’s probably not a good idea to randomly kiss a girl after they’ve continuously refused to go out with you. This isn’t exactly a pick-up per se, but forgive me for thinking she might actually enjoy it if she just stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Although Remus says I’m not allowed to do it again, I think I should count this one as a victory because Ashe didn’t slap me or swear at me afterward. Okay, it’s probably because she was in too much of a shock. Clearly, she didn’t expect me to just kiss her while she was shouting at me. But she just stared at me after I pulled away… Well, all right, maybe she was glaring daggers at me… Actually, it could have been that she was just standing there because she was waiting for me to do it again… Maybe she liked it… Maybe I should have…kissed her…again…

It’s probably not a good idea to randomly kiss a girl after they’ve continuously refused to go out with you. This isn’t exactly a pick-up per se, but forgive me for thinking she might actually enjoy it if she just stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Although Remus says I’m not allowed to do it again, I think I should count this one as a victory because Ashe didn’t slap me or swear at me afterward. Okay, it’s probably because she was in too much of a shock. Clearly, she didn’t expect me to just kiss her while she was shouting at me. But she just stared at me after I pulled away… Well, all right, maybe she was glaring daggers at me… Actually, it could have been that she was just standing there because she was waiting for me to do it again… Maybe she liked it… Maybe I should have…kissed her…again…"I have only three months to live…""Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" It’s probably not a good idea to randomly kiss a girl after they’ve continuously refused to go out with you. This isn’t exactly a pick-up per se, but forgive me for thinking she might actually enjoy it if she just stopped yelling at me for two seconds! Although Remus says I’m not allowed to do it again, I think I should count this one as a victory because Ashe didn’t slap me or swear at me afterward. Okay, it’s probably because she was in too much of a shock. Clearly, she didn’t expect me to just kiss her while she was shouting at me. But she just stared at me after I pulled away… Well, all right, maybe she was glaring daggers at me… Actually, it could have been that she was just standing there because she was waiting for me to do it again… Maybe she liked it… Maybe I should have…kissed her…again…
What? Your Sister is Dating Harry Potter? COOL! - xXxAngelwithAttitudexXx

I SWEAR ON MERLIN’S BEARD IF THAT LETTER IS FROM ONE OF OUR BROTHERS, I WILL CASTRATE YOU WITH A PLASTIC SPORK!" All the muggle-borns laughed, knowing exactly what a spork was, some boys looked sorry for Ron. Ginny grabbed the paper away from Ron, who looked very red, for being called by his middle name and that threat about his manhood...

They realized that everyone in the Hall were laughing their asses off. Harry saw that Ginny did not quite reach the castrating part. She was enjoying choking the life out of Ron. Before Harry and Hermione could have reach them, Dumbledore was already on the site.

"Miss Weasley, why are you choking your brother?" he asked, his eyes twinkling and smiling.

"Don’t worry, sir. I’ll stop when he passes out I will castrate with this Spork!" Ginny said, smiling. After this statement, Ron really did pass out. It was too much for Harry and Hermione, both collapsed on the ground laughing.

"Why do you wanna castrate your brothers?"

"Because he upset because Harry is my new boyfriend," she answered calmly, picking up her Spork. Dumbledore smiled, he were happy that Harry found someone strong and who would be willingly to stand up next to his during the war. ‘Potters and there redheads,’ he thought. He never told Harry this but during his life in Hogwarts every Potter he met always, in the end, married a redhead.

"Ginny, classes are about to start. Maybe to should leave this situation to be solved another time," Dumbledore used using his talent of making question sound like and order.

"Okay, sir! Enjoy your day!" she said walking off to the Gryffindor table for her bag, holding Harry’s hand walking out of the Great Hall, with Hermione walking behind them, still chortling. Dumbledore chuckled, and floated Ron to the Hospital Wing.

Hey! How come she gave you a ‘dear’ and I just got an ‘oh’? That’s so unfair!" Ginny said breaking the silence among the four of them.

"Er – look Ginny! Dancing sporks!" Harry said, randomly.

"Really! Where?" Ginny said jumping up, and Ron ran out of the Great Hall, screaming like a little girl, "I WANT MY MUMMY

When Fanfic Characters Attack - citygirl1116

Oh, Hi Ginny."

'"O-o-oh. H-h-hi H-h-haa-rry. Mmblmbmlmlbe." She blushed, and giggled.

'"What did you say Ginny?"

'"It's Ginevra, Bitch! And you better not forget it! I have a whole new attitude!"

'"Um, that's great Ginny, er Ginevra, but I've kind of got a problem..."

'"Damn you Harry Potter! All I want is for you to love me! Why can't you see that we're soul mates?"


'"How can you do this to me? After all we've shared? After that one amazing night of (drunken) burning passion, how can you abandon me...and our son!"

'"I don't have a son!"

'"Do you think it's easy being a young teen mother! But that's okay, because I'm going to go to the mall to get some new nail polish and get my bellybutton pierced, 'kay?"(attack)

'-"I'm also tragically hip! Want to go clubbing? Word."

'"Sir! Aren't you worried that Ginny has a baby? Or Hermione's having an affair with Snape? Or Draco's going to kill himself?"

'"Well Harry. You must remember this...May the Force Be With You."

'"What? You just ripped that off from Star Wars!"

'"Yes, I'm very wise. Now go to class."

Hermione paused again for effect, as if enjoying everybody’s bated breaths, when half of them were actually bored. She pulled out a scrap of parchment from her pocket. "The fundraising activity is going to be really fun. It’s...a beauty contest."

The Gryffindors stared at her blankly.

"It’s a one-of-a-kind beauty contest, I assure you. Have you people ever heard of the Miss World or the Miss Universe pageants? Well, Miss Hogwarts will be something like that—it’s got a talent portion, a question-and-answer portion—"

"A swimsuit competition?" Seamus Finnigan added hopefully.

"There’s a swimsuit competition?" Lee Jordan repeated.

The whole room suddenly erupted with cheers from the males. The girls all groaned.

"No, no, there’s no swimsuit competition, sorry, and thank you for reminding us all, Seamus," Hermione went on, much to the boys’ disappointment. "Now, like I was saying, it’ll be like any beauty pageant—except for one thing."

Again, the blank stares from her fellow Gryffindors. Hermione savored their lack of reaction, for she knew that her next words would drop like a bombshell.

"Only male Hogwarts students are allowed to join."

-"Ah, Justin, you’re ruining your lipstick!" Hannah exclaimed, running over to him.

The Fanfiction Trials - citygirl1116

"The fanfics…the things they make me do. I’m so tired with all the fighting Voldemort, all the abuse, and the angst fics, and the twisted romances they force me into…it’s horrible." He rubs his hands over his face, a desperate look in his eyes.

"Harry, do you know the fic in question?"

He nods resignedly. "Another American. I don’t even like Americans. And since when do I need her help to fight Voldemort? Last time I checked the series was about me. And the writer…she called me….she…" He trails off, unable to go on.

Harry looks down, wringing his hands. "She...she made me...she made me be in a slash fic with Snape!"

He covers his face with his hands, as the audience gasps.

"It was awful." He says, his voice muffled through his hands. "I mean, I'm not gay, and even if I was, I wouldn't be with someone old enough to be my father, and even if I liked guys, and liked older guys, I wouldn't be with Snape." He glares at the author. "In case you missed it in canon, I hate Snape! And he didn't even wash his hair for the fic..." He shudders.

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Taste of Cinnamon

Great. Just great. Of all the people who could’ve wished me a good morning, he had to be the one to do so. He isn’t a bad man, really, but he tends to annoy the living crap out of me. One would think my telepathic death wishes would’ve had him dropping dead by now.

No wait, I take that back. I’d much rather see him stuffed into a size small parachute and dropped of the astronomy tower. As it is, however, he is still my professor, and I’ll need him to pass the NEWTs. I put on a fake smile.

You’d better start picking out your favorite pair of boxers, Potter."

"How’d you know?" he asked, his tone surprised for once.

I grinned to myself. Every time he took on a bet, his part of the deal was to run around the grounds with nothing on but a pair of underwear if he lost, and he always did. If nothing else, James was entirely predictable. I let my glare drop (it wasn’t working anyways) and replaced it with a mocking smirk, leaning close to him.

"Myself," I whispered, "I prefer the pair with the little purple house elves on them, the ones you wore last year

-As if the French Maid’s uniform wasn’t bad enough

Lily, my Lily (he sang)

You are my one and only,

Your eyes are bowls of jelly,

And my love is far from silly.

Lily, my Lily,

The mountains may be hilly,

And the weeds grow willy nilly,

I’ll serenade you with my quill-y...

I’d put on something frilly,

If only I could touch my Lily...

Lily sings quite well-y,

Her voice is like a bell-y...

And I’d feel quite swell-y,

Like a farmer in the dell-y

The Five Greatest Mischeif Makers - Werewolvesrule282

But Darkfur!" his sister glared wrathfully at him. "Fine, fine. Nobody listens to the sexy guy," Sirius muttered as he regretfully followed the rest of the Marauders away from the sleepwalking girl.

"Hi, Black. Lily, wha-oah!"

Cassie had snatched Isabelle as well, and now was singing, "We’ to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

Lily and Isabelle actually did learn something about Cassie. Like her brother, she could keep up a steady flow of chatter with anyone, but unlike him, she agreed with the girls about hexing people who didn’t deserve it. However, she reproved them about yelling at James and Sirius when they cursed Snape or other Slytherins

C’mon Darkfur," whined James. "If you help it will go so much faster." He gave her the puppy-dog pout. Sirius soon joined in. Peter, who had never been able to do it, just looked on.

"No! Not the puppy dog pout!" Cassie held her hands over her eyes.

"Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeee," begged Sirius.

Cassie groaned. "Fine, but," she said looking at the boys, "you will write the essay yourself. Shrub would notice if they were all the same." she finished, grinning mischievously. The three boys beamed at her.

"Knew you wouldn’t let us down, sis."

Cassie winced as she stepped into the boys’ dorms; a putrid stench wafted up to greet her. "I swear," she muttered, "how does Moony put up with this?" As it was the full moon, it was Cassie’s job to wake up James, Sirius, and Peter, which was no easy feat. In order to do this, she had to say a certain thing to each one, or they would sleep on. Nothing less than a Death Eater attack woke them up. Sighing resignedly, she walked over to James’s bed. "Prongs, Evans is naked in the Common Room."

James shot up faster than a bullet and jumped out of bed. When he saw Cassie laughing he sat back down on the mattress, which incidentally didn’t even contain sheets. "You’re cruel, Darkfur, cruel."

Cassie laughed again. "Thank you, I try. You do realize that if you would get up easier, I wouldn’t have to do it." She moved on the Peter’s bed and said loudly, "You’re right, Padfoot, we’ll just have to leave Wormtail behind, he’’s not waking up."

Like James, Peter sprang out of bed and yelled, "No, wait, I’’m up!" Observing Cassie and James smirking, he blushed. " really shouldn’t do that, Darkfur," he mumbled.

Cassie ignored him and walked to Sirius’s bed. She grinned manically and yelled in his ear, "They canceled Quidditch!"

Like the other two before him, Sirius leapt out of his bed. "THEY CANCELED QUIDDITCH! ARE THEY INSANE! HOW CAN THEY CANCEL QUI-"

"SILENCIO!" Cassie yelled, but Sirius didn’t seem to realized he couldn’t talk. He kept mouthing furiously and pacing up and down the room. Cassie rolled her eyes and grabbed Sirius by the ear. "Listen, bozo," she hissed, while Sirius grimaced in pain. "Quidditch is not canceled; I just told you that to wake you up, and wouldn’t you think you would remember that as you have been woken up like that every single bloody day of every single bloody year!"

Cassie released the silencing spell and Sirius, who started rubbing his ear. "You really should cut those claws, Darkfur," he muttered.

"I’m sorry, Padfoot, did you say something?" Cassie asked, turning to face him.

"N-no, D-darkfur, course n-not." he replied shakily.

"I didn’t think so."

James snorted "C’mon guys, lets eat."

""FOOD!"" Sirius leapt past James, Cassie, and Peter and ran out the door, incidentally, still in his boxers

Let me see that," said Cassie, grabbing the piece of parchment from James’s hands. Quickly, she scanned it until coming to Sirius’s section. "You have a problem, Padfoot!" she said with a disgusted look on her face. "Do you have any idea how badly that’s going to scar me just picturing it?"

"Which one?" James leaned over Cassie’s shoulder to read. He sat back, a look of revulsion on his face. "That’s just wrong, Padfoot!"

"But it’s funny!" defended Sirius.

Cassie rolled her eyes. "Clearly, we’re going to need some editing," she said, dipping her quill in ink and marking out various ideas.

Two Hours Later (9:00 AM)

"Are you done, Darkfur?" whined Sirius.

"Yep!" said Cassie happily. "Finished."

"Better be," grumbled James. "You took long enough."

Ignoring him, Cassie continued. "I’ve narrowed it down to five."

Sirius sat straight up from his position on the floor. "Only five? Are you crazy?"

Cassie sniffed. "Well, those are the only ones that we can afford, won’t harm anyone, and that is actually possible," she said, glaring at Sirius.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Okay, maybe it is impossible to possess someone."

Raising his eyebrows, James said, "I don’t even want to know."

"Oh, no!" gasped Cassie.


"I forgot to think about how much time it would take! With that in mind..." Cassie bent over the parchment again. When she looked up, her face was dejected. "We can only do one"

The Torments of Lily Evans - MagicalMischiefMakersInc

One, you have to use a quill. Now, how incredibly stupid is that! Have you tried writing with a quill? It’s not easy! You have to dip the stupid thing in a pot of ink, and when you lift it over your paper (which is parchment, but I’ll get into that later) it makes a big ugly blot! Thankfully, I know how to clean that up now, but in years 1-4 I didn’t! All in all, it’s just much simpler to use Muggle writing utensils. That’s why I’m writing in here (you, whatever) with a Muggle pen that I smuggled into Hogwarts. I tried to ask for permission to use a pen instead of a quill on homework and stuff, but Professor McGonagall just stared at me as if I’d asked if I could try to use magic without a wand. Then she resumed her usual manner (straightening up, glaring at me through her square spectacles) and said crisply, ‘Ms. Evans, I understand that you are from a Muggle family, but I insist that you follow the rules of the magical community during your stay at Hogwarts.’ Then she just turned stiffly and strode away. I didn’t ask anyone else after that.

Three, their books are hideous. In the Muggle world, books are bright and shiny, with pages that were typed, not handwritten in quill by some author with terrible handwriting. The pages are white, not crackly yellow and faded and liable to rip or crumble into dust as soon as you touch them. You would think that in the wizarding world things would be much more sophisticated, but they’re not. The books are all moldy and falling apart. I once was looking for a book in the Restricted Section for the Defense Against the Dark Arts, picked up the wrong book, and it screamed. Seriously. Creepy. No Muggle books scream when you touch them.

Four, you have to wear robes and cloaks and the like. There is a reason why Muggles ditched robes way back in history. You can barely walk in them without tripping over the hem, (and I had a bad experience in first year, my robes were too long and I kept tripping all the time) and I really don’t know if you’re supposed to wear anything under them. Think about it. Those robes are so bulky that you probably could, but the question is should you? I would have worn them long ago except for the McGonagall-quill conversation. The wizarding world is weird. But I’ve started wearing clothes under my robes regardless of what McGonagall says ever since the Potter-Snape-hanging-upside-down-Giant Squid-fifth year incident. No way am I going to give Potter the chance to see my knickers. Never

Just so you know, I am going to be ranting a lot during this point. JAMES BLOODY POTTER REFUSES TO TAKE ‘NO’ FOR AN ANSWER! INSTEAD, HE ASKS ME OUT EVERY SINGLE WEEK, WHERE HE NO DOUBT SPENDS THE REST OF HIS TIME TO LEARN REALLY BAD PICK-UP LINES, INTENDED TO ANNOY AND CAUSE ME TO HEX HIM, AND THEN I HAVE DETENTION! IS THAT FAIR! Okay, I’m done ranting. It’s just that Potter is so inconsiderate and immature, and arrogant and bullying, that I would never dream of going out with him. The only reason he keeps asking is because he wants what he can’t have, just like the spoiled brat he is. I don’t know why he asked me in the first place, but he certainly wasn’t expecting me to say ‘no’. The look on his face was priceless. He was actually lucky then. I’ve never been fond of Potter, but I am always polite to people, no matter who they are. He changed me. And what’s worse is that he hexes Slytherins and innocent students in the corridors and shows off with that stupid snitch even more just to impress me! Another reason why I would never ever ever ever ever go out with Potter: He is not smart at all. I have told him over and over and over and over that I hate it when he does those things, but does that stop him? No! Because that would actually make sense, and I really don’t think that Potter is capable of anything logical.


Ok. In some of my stories, I have put some characters made by yours truely. Each one is a little bit like my friends, and I am putting liks for you to see what they look like, because they won't load for my story. So, here you go.

Jemima Hinkley (aka Jem)


Geniveve (aka GG)


Missy (outfit # 1)


Greenly (at ball)


Missy (At ball - note this IS ONLY HER OUTFIT)


Greenly (at concert)


Mrs. Granger


Mr. Granger


Bridesmaids Dresses (fOR h/R's wedding)


mAIDS/MATRON of honor dresses (for h/r's wedding)


flower girl dresses (h/r)


kinds hermzies gown, but actually it is different, message me if you want to see the real one


rons tux


more 2 come


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Padfoot Prohibited by Ever-Changing Anthem reviews
*Currently being re-vamped!* The Seventh-Years are given an assignment before they leave school – an essay instructing incoming First Years on how to succeed at Hogwarts. Sirius Black jumps at the chance to leave his detention-ridden legacy behind.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 15 - Words: 33,830 - Reviews: 819 - Favs: 822 - Follows: 175 - Updated: 6/5/2011 - Published: 4/19/2004 - Sirius B., James P. - Complete
Black Blood by Ever-Changing Anthem reviews
This is the sequel to Padfoot Prohibited. Our favorite Marauder is at it again...
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 34,923 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 117 - Updated: 4/21/2009 - Published: 11/11/2005 - Sirius B., Remus L.
Harry Potter and the Rings of Ceangal Fala by Moonlit Tiger Lily reviews
As if N.E.W.T.s, romance and the losses of Sirius and Dumbledore weren't enough Harry's got to destroy the four remaining horcruxes. The prophecy must be fulfilled, but Harry can't do it without the strength and loyalty of his friends. HPGW RWHG
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 23,172 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 12/28/2006 - Published: 12/11/2005 - Harry P., Ginny W.
Seven Causes by starbuckx reviews
All human actions have as their basis one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,520 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 3 - Published: 10/27/2006 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
What? Your sister is dating Harry Potter? COOL! by xXxAngelwithAttitudexXx reviews
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 24,350 - Reviews: 230 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 5/20/2006 - Published: 12/24/2005 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
The Twelve Days of Christmas by Taste of Cinnamon reviews
I have always had a reputation of being a bit uptight. But what’s a girl supposed to do when James Potter shows up on her doorstep dressed in a French Maid’s outfit? Summary inside.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 26,057 - Reviews: 82 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 29 - Updated: 4/3/2006 - Published: 11/6/2005 - Lily Evans P., James P.
Diary of a Red Head by Snowy Winter Tales reviews
Fifteen year old Ginny Weasley's diary, filled with embarrassing situations, sarcasm, and a lot of Harry Potters. She's not in love with him or anything. Honestly. [And it's won an award!]
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 25,061 - Reviews: 970 - Favs: 634 - Follows: 168 - Updated: 12/26/2005 - Published: 5/20/2004 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
The Loyal One by Alexia Mandragora reviews
A Remus Lupin Poem from my series of poetry on the favorite characters of my friends. Dedicated to Kebbie.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Poetry - Chapters: 1 - Words: 88 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published: 12/25/2005 - Remus L. - Complete
Shiver by Snowy Winter Tales reviews
Harry has a little accident with the peanut butter. Part 1/2 of the Summer at the Burrow series. H/G.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,121 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 11 - Published: 8/6/2005 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
When Fanfic Characters Attack by citygirl1116 reviews
They're OOC! They're badly written! They're having lots of sex! A baffled Harry Potter encounters a terrifying evil...the fanfic versions of his friends.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,543 - Reviews: 536 - Favs: 634 - Follows: 95 - Published: 7/8/2004 - Harry P.
Miss Hogwarts by JennaMae reviews
When the prefects hold a one-of-its-kind beauty pageant, the students are all up for it. But will the reluctant Gryffindor contestant pull HIS act off perfectly? (EPILOGUE UP; COMPLETED!!!)
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 54,854 - Reviews: 1053 - Favs: 813 - Follows: 120 - Updated: 6/5/2003 - Published: 12/6/2002 - Harry P., Ginny W. - Complete
Nick Nack...Padfoot Whack?! by Baka Kitsune reviews
The parody of "Nick Nack Paddywack"! Starring Sirius, Remus and Dumbledore with guest appearances by Snape and a hen!
Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 741 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/10/2001
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

If Only They Knew reviews
“If only he knew” I heard that same voice in my head say. ”If only they all knew”. POST HBP. Just a breif oneshot with a little added drama
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 765 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 12/29/2006 - Ginny W., Harry P. - Complete
The Diary Of Three Weasleys and A Potter reviews
The sequel to the Diary of Two Weasleys, A Potter, and A Grager. If you have not read it do not read this one. Hermione turns Suicidal, is Harry getting cold feet, is Ron thinking of his sibling in ways he shouldn't?
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 1,385 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 11/23/2006 - Published: 7/14/2006 - Ron W., Hermione G.
The Diary of Two Weasleys, A Potter, and A Granger reviews
Ginny's sixteenth birthday is a diary in which each person can spill their deepest thoughts and desires without the others able to read it. Rated M for later Adult Info
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 36,531 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 6/20/2006 - Published: 12/27/2005 - Ginny W., Harry P. - Complete