![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Updates: 7/15/20 -Chapter 81 is nearing completion of Eclipse of the Sky. Robin Hood Chapter 6 has several thousand words written. ECOTS will get finished first chapter wise though. We've got a discord server though if interested, where we have more regular updates. 5/26/20 - Chapter 5 of Eat Your Heart Out Robin Hood has been posted. 5/20/20 - Chapter 81 of Eclipse of the Sky is in progress. Sorry for the delays everyone. Blame COVID. (Work has been insane.) 4/27/20 - Chapter 80 of Eclipse of the Sky has been posted. We also have a discord channel now, and I tend to post updates about updates a bit more frequently there. The link is here but just remove spaces: https:// discord. gg/ 6Gvbtsx 2/1/2020 - Chapters 1-20 have been updated and I just outright deleted chapter 21. Chapter numbers are still 'off' after this so bear with me while I fix those (may be a week or so since I reduced this from 85 chapters down to 80). In the meantime happy reading. A huge shout out to SammyBlueGA and Nauze for beta reading these Eclipse updates. You are both awesome! 3/26/2018 - If you are headed here from HPFF or from elsewhere, you have found the right place! This is the same firefawn from HPFF, and I am finally finishing Eclipse of the Sky. (I felt terribly guilty about leaving it for so long.) So yeah, I am back! (Over a decade later...) All of these were originally posted at Harry Potter Fan , and my main story, Eclipse of the Sky, had the privilege of being the site's Number 1 story until late November of 2005. It was still in the Top 10 back in 2013, even when I was on a sabbatical from writing for close to a decade, so the readers there rocked. That being said I have no clue why as that story needed a lot of work back then. I took a hacksaw to it earlier this year and rewrote those early chapters (like 200,000 words of them). Still doing some beta-edits to those though and proofreading...be kind, I don't get paid for this stuff. :) My other teeny one shots and stories are products of sleep deprivation. Try not to take them too seriously. I certainly don't. On a personal note I'm an EMT, Wilderness EMT, caver, novice rock climber (emphasis on novice) and avid backpacker and that's not including my 'day job' or volunteer work with search and rescue (who needs sleep right?), so consequently my stories tend to have lots of injuries and medical junk in them as I find it totally unrealistic for characters to always escape unscathed from things. They also all tend to be M rated for later chapters. You have been warned... I welcome (in fact I encourage) constructive criticism and reviews. Anything that helps me become a better writer I love. Flames and just unnecessarily nasty critiques I just find ridiculous. Honestly if someone can't leave a polite constructive critique and feels like they need to be super harsh to some stranger on the internet, or to snap because something went a way they didn't like, I consider it a mark of a low IQ or flat out rage issues...there's absolutely no reason we can't all be polite and helpful to one another after all. There is no honor in being a jerk. You never know what people on this site are going through personally, and people come here for the fun and joy of writing and learning to improve their writing. I've seen one too many new writers give up as a result of flames, so let's try to all be better people and help one another when we see a story we don't like by offering suggestions, rather than snarling yeah? :) (I know that can be hard if a story annoys us but I believe polite comments are something we can all do, and if we can't then saying nothing is better.) Figured I'd post this PSA here, since I've seen this happen to one too many people and experienced it myself. On an aside, if you'd like a constructive critique of your story from someone who is going to be polite and rational about it, I'm happy to do so. Send me a PM. :) But please, please do not let hateful people destroy your love of writing, or your motivation to improve. None of us start off good, after all (myself sure as heck included in that statement). I'll get off my soapbox here, but I feel like this needed to be said since too many people have told me how they've been discouraged from posting on here and I hate to see that happen. Story Updates Eclipse: I am working on Chapter 81, but it may become 81 and 82 as, per usual, it is quite lengthy already. Eat Your Heart Out Robin Hood This is a side project to Eclipse so Ill be updating this from time to time. Daphne is, for all intents and purposes, practically an OC and since OCs are challenging to write this ship (Harry/Daphne) naturally appeals to me. Chapter 6 is in progress. Shadow of Fear On hold, possibly abandoned. I can only assume an insomnia-writing fest caused this thing to be written. It's perhaps salvageable as a short, short story but I will be finishing Eclipse first. Welcome to My Litter Box Not abandoned, but this needs proofread and I honestly haven't had the motivation to do so yet. I used to suffer from truly terrible insomnia (I'm talking 30 hours of no sleep at a time) and would write when I couldn't sleep and that's how this occurred. I will be finishing this at some point when a burst of insomnia hits at 3 am I'm sure...for old time's sake. The Other Stuff I honestly have no idea what I was thinking with those two one-shots. I'm horrified and leave them up mostly to horrify myself at how bad I was at writing originally. |