A/N: Hey guys! This I came up with when the word catastrophe just came bombing down on me hurting my poor head in the run! The word is so hilarious, Cat – a – strophe! It just makes sense; this could definitely be a fanfic with a certain cat in it! Heh heh! Mwu-ahaha-ahahahhh! Oh and all charecters are probably OOC way too muc.. heh heh!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and characters belongs to J. K. Rowling! I make no profit out of this, and if I did I'm J.K! Which I'm not! (No I'm not J.K. in disguise!) So...

Summary: Someone's in big trouble!

Cat – a – Strophe!
Chapter 1


"...Therefore I would assume classes are all set, if we all agree on this timetable next staff meeting!"

"Ahh, how fabulous, Minerva. Just one tiny little problem!"

"And what may that be, Albus?" she said a small smile playing on her lips, though her eyes sent him a sharp patronizing glare.

"Well assuming every teacher agrees it's perfect, but I remember last time, where agreement seemed very distant!"

"Snape was being very uncooperative!"

"I'm sure he had his reasons!"

"Reasons! What reasons! He was just out to get me!"

"Out to get you, my dear! I guess that's one way of looking at it!"

"Oh, come on now. You know how much he gets off by annoying me the best he can!" she exclaimed and got a chuckle from Albus.

"I will admit the two of you gives the rest of the staff a great laugh at times"

"Har-har! Aren't we funny today!"

"I was simply telling you the truth about how ridiculous and childish a certain Minerva Mcgonagall and Severus Snape can be!"

"Thanks a lot Headmaster," she snorted.

"Your welcome, Professor!"

"Oh don't professor me, and quit that hurt look! Puppy eyes will get you nowhere!"

As a respond to her statement he chuckled merrily, supporting his weight with his elbows on his desk. Taking off his glasses, he wiped a few tears away from his twinkling eyes.

"Getting a little sentimental on your older days!"

"Just a little, my dear"

"Little seems underestimated!"



"Would you care for a cookie?"

"Why, for the sake of Merlin's beard! He's offering me cookies!" She cried in exasperation to the sky and no one in particularly.

"Or would you rather care for a Lemon Drop?" he asked ignoring her little outburst.

Sighing she rolled her eyes: "What happened to 'would you like a Sherbet Lemon?'"

"My supply is reaching 'nothings left'!"

"Uhhh! Are you saying, that Albus-the-candy-devourer-Dumbledore hasn't got any Sherbet Lemons left? Has the world finally run amok!" she quipped while waving her arms around dramatically.

"Har-har! Aren't we funny today! I knew I shouldn't have let you consume chocolate yesterday! You really get cranked up on it!" he got nothing but a smirk from her.

"If you must know, I only have one Sherbet Lemon left! I'm keeping it for a special occasion."

"What special occasion?"

"I do not know yet!"

"Hmm. Where do you keep this last Sherbet Lemon?"

"I'm not telling!"


"The glint in your eyes reminds of the mischief I see every time looking into Fred and George Weasleys eyes! Your intentions to know my hiding place for my dear Sherbet Lemon are highly suspicious!"

"Thanks for your trust in me!"

"Ahh, you're trying to make me feel awful! My conscience is clear, that won't work with me missy..."

"...Well...Sniff...I guess I'll just...sniff...go find some real friends! Someone who trusts me, and doesn't...sniff...think the worst of me...." He looked at her, trying to see if she was being seriously or just fooling around. Alas she looked on the point of tearful, yet he knew she's was just acting. But nonetheless he might as well tell her! She wouldn't try anything, she knew how precious his Sherbet Lemons were for him.

"...Okay, you get your way, Professor!" He sighed.

"Excuse me?"

"My one and only Sherbet Lemon is in the pocket of my cloak" He took out the little candy from the inside of his colourful cloak, placing it gently on the table. After that it all happened so fast.

Minerva stood up, and before he could utter a word...

"Accio Sherbet Lemon!" was the words that doomed the both of them.

"Hi hi hi!!! You'll never catch me!" And with that she was off, running the fastest she could out of the room.


It didn't work, so he dashed after her...


Hmmm. So what do you think? Ridiculous, but worth reading! Funny, but a waste of time! Well tell me, you know a.k.a. review! =)

pALLy...... AnD pLeAsE sPaRe Me! ThIs Is JuSt A pAtHeTiC eXcUsE wHiLe TrYiNg To GeT rId Of My FkInG bLoOdY wRiTeRsBlOcK fOr AnOtHeR sToRy PrEsEnTlY jUsT aS pAtHeTiC aS tHiS!!! HMmM! aM i MaKiNg AnY sEnCe YeT! pRoBaBlY nOt! SoRrY! I'm RaViNg MaD; i KnOw It AnD aRe OvErLy PrOuD oF iT!

i MuSt Be BoReD sInCe UsInG mY tImE wRiTiNg sIlLy StUfF lIkE tHiS!!!!

hEh HeH fOrGiVe Me!!!