Author has written 163 stories for Star Wars, Gilmore Girls, Dukes of Hazzard, Instant Star, Neopets, Stargate: SG-1, Firefly, Kathy Tyers, Stargate: Atlantis, Chronicles of Narnia, Charles Dickens, Bones, Dark Angel, Eureka, Smallville, House, M.D., Pirates of the Caribbean, Who's the Boss?, Law and Order: CI, Twilight, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Burn Notice, NCIS, Ironman, and Mentalist.
Thanks for dropping by this profile... Hope you find what you're lookin' for. If ya don't, just PM me.
About Me
Name: Call me Nerca
Hobbies: Writing, reading, writing, writing, writing, listening to music, fishing when I can, watching TV
Addictions: REVIEWS, reviewers, country music (particularly old country... you can tell from my fics I love me some Bob Wills, Hank Williams, and Johnny Cash!), writing, the internet, caffeine, sugar, chocolate, TV, Coca-Cola
About my Penname:
I've had some questions about my penname and people are wondering, so... Alright, yeah, you're probably one of them. You stop by my profile only because you saw the name "The Noble French Fry" (or maybe if you saw the insane amount of fics I've written, but that's not the point) and thought, "Weird!" So, truth is, it is weird. It's just a funny name that my friend Kelsey gave to me one night, and it just sorta stuck. So there's the uneventful story of The Noble French Fry.
Bones, Dark Angel, Dukes of Hazzard, Eureka, Firefly, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, Star Wars, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Firebird, Farscape, BattleStar Galactica, House, and the X-Files. Anyway, I watch way too much TV and movies for my own good, and will read fanfiction for almost anything I've ever watched or read...So it's a long list.