![]() Author has written 3 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, and Teen Wolf. About Me: Hey, my name is Beth. I haven't written in a while and I apologize for that to all the people who have placed my stories on their alert lists. I love reading about family relationships. I think they are much more interesting that romantic relationships often in shows. I hate how everyone must be paired up in shows, stories, etc. I would be perfectly happy with friendships being the center of things. I especially hate when things start as a story about friends and then suddenly, BAM, it becomes about dating. Especially if it's a trio. Why would two of them need to be together? Would it not be enough for them just to find other people? Is the idea of loving someone like family not a true thing anymore? Don't get me wrong, I like romances but there has to be a little bit more to the stories. I'm currently obsessed with Vampire Diaries and Secret Circle. I enjoy the Original Family, and love reading about their interactions. Pairings for TVD: Stefan/Elena Bonnie/Damon Jeremy/Tyler Gossip Girl: Chuck/Blair Serena/Dan Dan/Blair Vanessa/Nate Chuck/Vanessa ICarly I can't stand Sam. I would like her much more if they didn't make her act like a jerk to everybody. You can be cool and strong without being mean to everyone. Harry Potter Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Draco/Ron (I blame this one fic I read), Blaise/Draco, Blaise/Seamus, Neville/Luna Yugioh Fav Characters: Yami Bakura, Yami Marik, Yami, Joey, Seto, Duke, Valon, Alister and Rex Marik/Bakura/Yami (or any), Joey/Seto (if joey doesn't act weak; unfortunately, a lot of fics display him that way), Bakura/Seto, Joey/Duke, Serenity/Duke, Malik/Duke, Alister/Valon, Valon/Joey X-Men (Evolution and Movies) Pietro is probably my favorite character in X-Men Evolution and Rogue is my favorite of the female characters (except in Evolution; I know, interesting). My favorite fics are about the Brotherhood; I love their relationships. Gambit and Pyro is awesome too. I like Magneto but I don't like to read stories about him. D N Angel (The manga): Krad/Dark, Satoshi/Daisuke, Satoshi/Risa, Daisuke/Riku, Dark/Satoshi Digimon I love Davis' character. There's so much to create with his character and personality. Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts Inuyasha Stories The Unreachable party is complete. Life Sucks Sometimes is in progress. Different Thoughts is complete. and remember to always review : ) thank you! |