Reviews for Little Dragon
Lonely-Strike chapter 12 . 2/5/2018
I cried, I cried a lot in this story that you have created. magnificent fic.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/20/2017
Ha, thank you very much for writing this (you won't believe how hard I cried during this chapter, believe me) and considering that English isn't your native tounge, you should be damn proud of yourself - you've written an amazing tribute to the show and yourself. Please keep on being awesome! :)
Eadane chapter 12 . 11/1/2015
Dam this story hits you right in the feels, oyu did a dam good job in writing this.
Latias876 chapter 12 . 9/28/2014
Thank you for writing this story, Kaeera! It made me realise a few things that I was aware of but didn't really take note of before... This story also gave me newfound respect for Davis. I always knew that Davis was cool and funny but it was such a long time since I watched Digimon 02 that I forgot... Thanks for having me remember again! :)
MysteryAsia chapter 12 . 4/20/2014
That was really great. I was crying through the whole thing... The most touching story I have read!
kellie viola chapter 12 . 12/16/2010
iluv this story!especialy when i read the last 3 chapter,it's so sad i-literally- crying!i always luv your story,it's like everytimes i search the genre -angst- in daisuke story your name 'KAEERA' always appears!daisuke is one of my favourite character in every anime i watch,i hope you can make an angst story more about daisuke!


nequam-tenshi chapter 12 . 8/22/2010
A bittersweet story. :)
SilverLight7 chapter 12 . 8/4/2010
This story was written such a long time ago, but I just recently came across it and read it from start to finish.

I was crying pretty much all the way through.

Though I've never lost anyone to cancer, I did lose a friend that I considered a brother about two months ago. What made it worse was that he lived with us, so I know the feeling of an empty, quiet home.

The small things got me the most, like leaving the room in tact. One hesitates in packing things, since it seems to make it much more real, but it hurts to look at them too. My own family hasn't quite reached that point yet, so his room still has most of his things inside.

I'm rambling now.

I guess my point is that I can really relate to this story, and that's what makes it so good. I love stories that are deep or that reach me at an emotional level, and I can say that yours definitely fell into those categories. Despite the crying, I really enjoyed it. Wonderful job, I'm very glad I read this. Keep up the great work.
Wanderer chapter 12 . 4/14/2010
I think I'm a brute for punishment because I couldn't stop myself from finishing reading this story - sobbing the whole way through. Emotional tear-jerkers always got to me in the past, but now it worse. I lost my mother to cancer almost two years ago and the experiance was just as painful for me as it was discribed in your story. Although I crying like crazy right now, thank you - thank you so much for story and the way you made it come to life. It was very good. Thank you.
EsotericGhost chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
Daisuke is the best anime character. Ever.
blueneko8 chapter 12 . 4/5/2009
-can't do anything but cry- amazing!TT_TT
EsotericGhost chapter 10 . 1/30/2009
Did it have to be Ken in the end? Why not Kari? I never liked Ken, never will. Did you HAVE to make him an important sub-character? Fraker
Amazed Reader chapter 12 . 1/12/2009
I just finished reading your story it was amazing. It made me cry a lot, but a few parts made me smile. A few times I smiled and cried at the same time. It was an amazing story; beautiful and sad, with a good and realistic plot. I really think this is one of the best stories I've read, and I know I read more than a hundred fictions on this site. I'm simply amazed.
TheGreatAnimeFan chapter 12 . 10/26/2008
Antother beautiful story from you.
FallenUpStairs chapter 12 . 8/15/2008
Please excuse my lateness in my review, I have had this story in my favorites in a while. You are one of the most talented writers I have encountered here. Little Dragon has all the perfect elements in it, right up to the ending that I can't help but cry. Its made me think of how it would be in Davis's place, of how my siblings and my relationship is so much like Davis's and Jun's. So I would like to thank you and to wish you luck on any future stories in the midst.
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