Title: Poison

Author: flirtandflounce

Rating: T (possibly M)

Characters: Caroline Forbes, Klaus

Spoilers: Pretty much everything.

Summary: She felt her eyes change, the veins bulging and her fangs popping out with a swift little 'click'. "Retract those claws kitten, you won't be needing those until next time."

Notes: Enjoy! This was intitally intended to be a one-shot, but I have a few ideas for a couple chapters. Just a short story!


Caroline Forbes wasn't quite sure how she got herself into this predicament.

Maybe it was some sort of Bonnie-the-witch spell gone horribly, horribly wrong. Or could be a spell gone completely right and the bitch just wanted to watch her best friend suffer. Either way, Caroline didn't really care.

But it was definitely not that. As she was thrown across the room, slamming into the bookcase and sliding to the floor, she didn't even have to let out a whimper of pain. Because it didn't hurt. That was the beauty of drinking human blood, it never hurt.

She was in this situation because she put herself in it. Caroline had a big mouth, one that seemed to have a mind of its own sometimes. And of course, that big mouth was the exact thing that made Klaus wrap his hand around her throat and toss her like she was a baseball across the library.

It was also her big mouth that said, "Was that supposed to hurt?"

This time, instead of being tossed to the other side of the room like a old doll, Caroline found herself pounded against the bookshelf, his hands wrapped around her upper arms, squeezing so hard that she was sure they'd pop off any second. His eyes, cool and blue, narrowed momentarily before sprouting the usual black veins and she could vaguely hear the pop as his fangs erected.

"It would be wise not to test me," he said smoothly, his breath hot against her neck. Caroline was sure he wasn't going to bite her, vampire blood to other vampires tasted worse than animal blood, something Caroline had never even developed a taste for. But even so, they oldest vampire in the history of time might be a little different than little baby vamp Caroline Forbes.

She wanted to plead out, because yes, this time, he was hurting her. The pain was suffocating, taking over her body until she could no longer move, no longer kick and try to punch him away. While it was her big mouth that got her into it, it would surely be her big mouth to get her out.

Caroline's mouth had gone dry, though. It wasn't the only thing that had gone dry over the last few months, and she hardly liked to think about her lack of a sex life when she was being pinned to a bookcase in a slightly dominating sexual manner by a more than slightly sexy vampire. But Caroline was barren. She subconsciously licked her lips, hoping to bring herself some sort of power.

But she's Caroline Forbes, she always has power. She just has to find it within herself. She's the girl who can take you down with a single glance, she's the girl who has everything and nothing at the same time. She's always needing, but always pushing away.

For a moment, as she stared into Klaus' demeaning eyes she can't even remember how he got there. She had been sitting on the Salvatore couch, her feet resting over the edge and drinking a glass of Damon's expensive scotch. She had been trying to read one of Stefan's wordy, and highly boring books, but nothing could entertain her. She knew she'd be around for, well, for forever, but it still didn't mean she wanted waste her time reading something she didn't even understand. But Matt was still angry with her and Tyler was gone. She was almost certain Stefan and Elena were on some romantic date with Jeremy and Bonnie and only the Lord knew where Damon was. Not that Caroline wanted to know either.

Then he'd shown up somewhere in that time. Caroline could briefly remember looking up from her cell phone, seeing him sitting on the opposite couch, his arms resting along the back and that dirty smirk on is roguishly handsome face. Caroline had never been in his presence before, sure, she'd been in the background once or twice, but never this close. This up close and personal? Never. Alone? Hell to the no.

He startled her. The glass flew from her hand and shattered on the carpeted floor, "Fuck!" she had shouted, "Damon is going to kill me. Literally kill me."

"I think that should be the least of your worries, little one." He had cooed softly, his eyes flickering with amusement as Caroline tossed Stefan's one of a kind book on the ground and started to wipe her hands over the stain. It does nothing.

Caroline ignores him, "I am so dead. I'm deader than dead. I'm undead and then I'll be dead again and Damon will just kill me again." She a mess, she's shaking. Caroline hates pressure. Her anxiety, ever since turning into a creature of the night, has worsened. She thought that she'd be able to control those emotions, turn them off and appear all suave and cool and like she has everything figured out. She doesn't though, it's worse than ever.

Suddenly Caroline finds herself shaking, the last time she spilled something, water, Damon made a point to remind her if she ever did it again he'd end her short stint as a vampire. Of course, Stefan had been around and he could have been fluffing his feathers, but Caroline took Damon seriously. She always took him seriously. She may have been his progeny or daughter or whatever they were calling it, but they did not have a close relationship. They hardly even had a relationship at all.

"Would you stop with the fussing already?" She is reminded that he is there, sitting on Stefan's couch, looking so fucking relax and cool. Caroline snaps her neck around to look over her shoulder. He is looking down at her, amused and also annoyed.

This time, Caroline doesn't ignore him. She narrows her eyes and says in that 'I'm Caroline Forbes, bitch' tone of hers, "Would you stop staring at me all creepy like? Stalker-much?"

And that's how she ended up tossed across the room, the spilled scotch on the floor a distant memory. Of course, she's Caroline Forbes, and she doesn't back down easily. And that brought her back to being pinned to the bookshelf, arms squeezed to oblivion.

Caroline felt herself grow angry, he was doing nothing but holding her there and just staring. She felt her eyes change, the veins bulging and her fangs popping out with a swift little 'click'. "Retract those claws kitten, you won't be needing those until next time," Klaus said, Caroline wasn't sure if that was meant to be playful or insulting.

She took at the latter, "I'm not a kitten." A growl emitted from her lips, and suddenly the power she felt allowed her to push back, sending Klaus only a step of two away and Caroline time to land on the ground safely.

Her arms, still stinging, magically turned away from the red handprints back to its normal, milky white skin. She rubbed them, not bothering that Klaus was still a step away, eyeing her carefully. Spitefully, she said, "You know, that was rude."

To which Klaus replied, "You have not seen rude yet, little vampire."

"So mysterious," Caroline waved it off, stepping away from the bookshelf, looking down to see some of Stefan's prized first edition classics on the floor, damaged. She made a mental note to grovel for forgiveness. That is, if she got out of this encounter alive. "What are you even doing here? Elena is gone."

Klaus, unlike Elijah, was not the type of man to humor whoever he was with. He didn't believe in charming small talk or compliments or anything of that sort. He was straight to the point, told it like it was. "Well, I'm here for you. Isn't that obvious?"

Caroline crinkled her nose, "What for?"

"Well you are quite the interesting vampire. You have two makers, my Katerina, and of course that Salvatore you were fussing about earlier." Caroline frowned, she did not like to think of Katherine as her maker. Katherine was her murderer, it was Damon's blood that flowed through her veins. "You're best friends with my doppelganger," She almost rolled her eyes, my doppelganger, Elena could never belong to anyone. Not even Stefan. Klaus continued, "a werewolf, a witch, and I'm almost certain that boyfriend of yours is hunting you. Such a tragic love story."

"Matt?" Caroline's brows twisted, she tilted her head to the side, confused. "What did you say?"

Klaus ignored her, "I came over here to see exactly what it is that's got those Salvatore brothers protecting you every goddamn second of the day. This is the first time I've ever found you alone, I figured it would be a great chance for us to get to know each other."

Caroline gulped, looking at her feet and taking a step back, thinking of an escape plan from the house. But there was no where she could go. Klaus was older, so, so much older and so, so much faster. "I'm thinking that would be a bad idea."

"You remind me of someone, a vampire I used to know during the French Revolution." Klaus mused, talking a slow step in her direction. Caroline backed up against the bookshelf again. "She was tragically beautiful, much like yourself. She was quite the spitfire, always challenging me, always wrongfully thinking that she could have any sort of pull on me. She never did. It was her words that had her staked."

Caroline knew where this was going. It was a warning, some sort of warning that said to watch your damn mouth.

"You see, Car," Caroline cringed at the use of her childhood nickname, as he closed the gap between them, placing his hand on her head and slowly pulling it down through her golden hair, "words can be poisonous to you. That mouthy little personality will surely get you killed."

Caroline was frozen in fear, unable to back up any farther, hitting the bookshelf with a thud. A few books tumbled to the floor. Klaus didn't not move, but his head turned over his shoulder. "What's your poison?"

"Excuse me?" she managed to squeek out.

Klaus sighed, as if it was tiresome for her to ask a question. "What is your poison? What is your blood of choice?"

"I just drink what's available. Blood bags." She mumbled carefully, eyeing him and wishing he'd back away again.

That seemed to disgust him, Klaus made such a face and backed away, throwing his arms into the air. "So your one of those are you? How betraying to your race! It is in your nature to kill, to feed from a human. That is why we are stronger, faster, smarter."

"Why are you saying all this?" Caroline was frightened now.

"I get bored," he shrugged lazily, "and it would be such a waste of a pretty little vampire like you to feed on blood bags." He paused for a moment, as if he thought of a solution. "Let me show you how a real vampire lives Caroline."

Caroline shook her head furiously, "I'll pass. You see, so many plans-"

Klaus wrapped his hand around her neck, shoving her against the bookshelf. "What did I say about the talking thing?"