Author has written 47 stories for One Piece.
Nicknames: Di, DiDi, Sis, Sheila
Country: Denmark
Hobbies: Writing Fanfiction, read Fanfiction, read/watch One Piece, reading books, be with my boyfriend, watch some series, friends. Enjoy spending time with or/and tease/speak with DianasLilleMus (my baby-sis). Roleplaying on tumblr. Accounts: @chefs-on-the-moby-dick and @my-muses-in-op and a personal blog, where I post fanfiction, headcanons and incorrect quotes: @one-piece-ff-and-hc-writer and you can actually leave a suggestion or wish. I also like to chat with friends on Discord or through IM on tumblr. Feel free to reach out for me there. I'm mostly on my my-muses-in-op blog, so if you want to be sure I respond, contact me there.
Right now I'm writing One Piece stories for fun and to relax, so it can take some time before I upload, because I have many different stories on my laptop I'm writing on. It's because I have many ideas, mostly inspired by some fanfiction here, tumblr ideas and my sister. All my stories are finished when I start publishing them here, so you can be assured I will finish them.
I can now feel that my desire to upload stories here are at a low, since I don't know what people think of them. All I get are favorites or nothing. I can only get better, if you tell me what is not so good (without being rude to me). Maybe people just don't like reading fanfictions anymore or maybe I'm just overthinking this. Anyway, I don't feel like publishing here for time being.
Some of my favorite quotes from One Piece:
If you can't take risk, you can't create a future - Monkey D. Luffy
Hero? No! We are pirates! I love heroes, but I don't wanna be one! Do you know what heroes are? Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates would have a banquet and eat it, but heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat - Monkey D. Luffy
Being alone hurts worse than pain - Monkey D. Luffy
I don't want to conquer anything.. I just think that the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean….is the Pirate King! - Monkey D. Luffy
You can pour drinks on me, You can throw food at me. You can even spit on me. I'll just laugh that stuff off. But ... Good reason or not ... Nobody hurts a friend of mine - Shanks
Good job you young navy soldier. The courageous moments that you created, by risking your life just now, have changed the future of the world tremendously... for better or worse - Shanks
It's not some sort of special power, but he has the ability to make allies of everyone he meets. And that is the most fearsome ability on the high seas - Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk
It's wrong to resent a child for the sins of his father - Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate
We are all children of the sea- Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what’s wrong and what’s right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! - DonQuixote Doflamingo
I do like to read yaoi and here's my favorite parings from OP, not in order:
- Ace x Marco
- Marco x Thatch
- Ace x Thatch
- Thatch x Izo
- Shanks x Mihawk
- Shanks x Benn
- Izo x Ace
- Marco x Ace x Sabo
- Marco x Thatch x Ace
- Marco x Izo x Thatch
- Marco x Izo
- Shanks x Thatch
- Marco x Shanks
- Izo x Haruta
- Marco x Sabo
- Thatch x Benn
Other ships:
- Shanks x Makino
- Zoro x Perona
- Sabo x Koala
- Roger x Rouge
- Rayleigh x Shakky