As promised this chapter is about Law. This is the last for this round. Maybe I get inspired and continue this in a sequel or maybe writing more blind dates drabbles. Who knows? (I don't yet). So enjoy ;)
It was just one of those boring days at the ER. As a medical student, he had not that much responsibility yet, tough he was on his fifth semester. Trafalgar Law was annoyed by that and hoped time would pass fast, so he could get home. He loved his studies and it was his dream to become a surgeon, but the way could sometimes be hard and slow.
Suddenly one of the regular visitors at the ER came in and Law sighed. Luffy loved to do parkour and was often injured by it, though never too badly. Luffy sent Law his brightest smile, and he knew it was one of those minor wounds.
"You better be careful, Mugiwara-ya. One day I'll charge you for this," said Law, as he had finished.
"Neh Law. Ace was hoping you and he could get a drink later," said Luffy, totally ignoring Law's words.
"Where?" asked Law.
"At the usual place. I met him before coming in here and he was about to text you. He might have done so," said Luffy.
Law just nodded. A beer would be ice. It had been a while since he and Ace last had hang out. Mostly Ace was surrounded by his brothers, girls or Luffy and his friends. So it was rare when the two young men could have a beer together.
"Thanks for the warning, Mugiwara-ya," said Law and placed Luffy's beloved Straw Hat back on the younger's head.
With a smile and a wave with the hand, Luffy was out, just as quickly he had come in. Law now couldn't wait till his shift was over.
"A blind date?" Law looked baffled at Ace.
"Yeah. Her name is Kia and she's really nice," said Ace.
Law had heard that name before. It was one of the new girls that hung out with Luffy. He had seen her shortly a few weeks ago, but he couldn't remember who she was. Knowing the people that hung out with Luffy, Kia must be a nice girl.
"What's in it for you Ace-ya?" asked Law, knowing that Ace would never just do something like this, if he didn't get something.
"A date with Kia's friend Zoey. If I find a date for her three friends. I'm going to ask Thatch to date one of the girls too," smirked Ace.
"So you are matchmaking so you can get your own date? Why go through the trouble?" Law took his beer and drank.
"Zoey is not like other women. As I asked her, she challenged me for a fight, which I won. Then she told me she would go on one date with me, if I could manage to find three good looking and sincere men for her three friends. So are you up to it?" Ace grinned.
Law sighed. "I'm not sure if I should be touched that you find me good looking and sincere, Ace-ya."
Ace laughed. "Actually, I met the three women and they described to me what kind of men they wanted. You are closets to what type Kia want."
Law starred at ace with disbelief. "You got to be kidding."
"Nope. So are you up for the challenge? It's not like you meet you only love at work or studies," said Ace.
Law snorted. He had met all nurses and nurse students. None held his interest.
"Well, you owe me one, Ace-ya. Just have that in your mind," said Law and agreed for a blind date.
Law had heard that Thatch and Marco had agreed to date the other two women and he was mild surprised that Marco had said yes. That Thatch had said yes was not a big surprise. That man lived for the women, but he wasn't a womanizer like Sanji, though Sanji was gay. Just one of Luffy's weird friends.
Standing in front of the cinema, he gazed around, hopefully to see his date, though he had no idea what she looked like. Ace had refused to show him a picture of her and there were no pictures on Facebook of her, since she just recently started to hang out with Luffy. And he barely knew how to operate on facebook.
Suddenly a young woman with short raven black hair, red summer dress and long legs came towards him. He was sure it was Kia, since he had caught a short glimpse of her once. She had chocolate brown and warm eyes. She smiled shyly to him. He was taken aback by her simple beauty. She was naturally beautiful and didn't need make-up and other things to show it.
"Uhm, hi," she smiled shyly.
"Kia-ya, I assume?" law couldn't help but drown in her eyes.
"Yes. So Ace pulled it off, eh? Never thought he could," she grinned.
"Ace-ya, is always good for a surprise. So what movie do you want to see, Kia-ya?"
She chuckled as he said her name and then she took her arm in his. He felt the warm spread from his inside and to his cheek, as they walked inside to buy tickets, popcorn, soda and chocolate. Kia had a warm and friendly aura and he knew he would have a lot of time getting to know her better. After all, she was a friend of Luffy and sooner or later he would have met her. Luckily it was sooner than later, because now he could get to know her without having the others around. He made a note to thank Ace for this opportunity.
"So do you think Ace-ya will be happy on his date?" asked Law.
"Zoey is the best. She loves to challenge people into the impossible, just for a date. I'm sure she would have gone out with him, even if he didn't find a date for Lucia, Lyra and me. Just that he tried, was enough for her to prove to her that he really wanted to date her," smiled Kia.
"She seems to be a woman Ace-ya would become happy with," said Law, thinking of the hotheaded young man that loved to challenge and be challenged.
Kia chuckled and nodded. "They might be a match made in heaven."
Law smirked and soon the movie started. It was an action movie and Law was relieved. Kia had said she had nothing against a love movie, but she would rather watch it with her friends than a boy. And she was more an action girl, than a love girl. Something that was uncommon, but just what Law loved. Maybe a blind date was not a bad idea after all.
Law: Who is this Devilgirl83 and where can I find her?
Bepo: I don't know.
Law: Then find out. NOW.
Bepo: I'm sorry.
Shachi: Don't be sorry you big teddy. Just let's find out.
Penguin. We'll hurry, captain.
Luffy: I know who she is.
Law: Tell me, Mugiwara-ya.
Luffy: Ace told me that she has just become his sister.
Penguin: You mean she's now a Whitebeard pirate? Captain we can't harm her.
Law: He's just another enemy that we later have to fight, if I want to be the King of Pirates.
Luffy: Oi I'm going to be the King of Pirates.
-Law and Luffy argues about who's going to be King, while their crew watch-
DianasLilleMus: My sis is crazy. Now Law wants her head. Well good luck sis. And to all you readers, leave a review and Devilgirl83 might write more.
Me: Oi sis where did you come from?
DianasLilleMus: Been here all the time, reading these small drabbles. -Chuckles-
Me: -smiles- Great. Hey I became a Whitebeard pirate. Going to kick some asses now. Let's start with ...
-Leaves with DianasLilleMus, talking about who they want to fight and who they want to tease-