Prompt one:Fire





Marco always wondered what attracted him to a certain feisty, hotted, yet sweet and loyal freckled faced teen well now he knows. Looking down he can't help but smile at the boy wrapped so peacefully in his arms. It all started with a simple flame.

"I hate night watch it is so boring." The freckled male's complaint fell upon deaf-ears considering one tiny fact; he was alone on night shift. So his mind began to wonder and as usual it ended up thinking of a certain blonde, 1st division commander Marco the Phoenix. He loved everything about the man. Hell! He was one of the reasons Ace joined the crew. He was perfect, from the way he held himself -relaxed, never moving or speaking without reason- , his constant bored expression, his body with well sculpted muscles and a neck that looked so deli-. He was going to stop their before his 'friend' down below woke up. Giving up he began to turn and climb down from the crows nest when something caught his eye. It was big, blue and on fire. Ace immediately knew what it was, or rather who. The figure flew down and landed on the deck with grace, causing Ace to jump up and run down their as fast as he could only to see the source of his infatuation standing there, except for arms he had wings with feathers of blue, an azure fire dancing upon them. Which did not help Ace in his problem at all.

"Well,damn he looks good, perfect, fucking hell. Argh man up and confess! Whats the worse he could do? Oh yeah, he could find you disgusting and hate you forever." Ace was broken away from the wanderings of his mind by a deep voice that sent shivers down his spine.


"Y-yeah" Damn he stuttered. Portgas D Ace does not stutter!

I a flash Marco was infront of him. "We need to talk"

"About what?" Ace asked focusing on not jumping the male infront of him.

" I need to tell you something, but I know you have something to tell me too." Marco said grabbing Ace by his hand leading him towards the sleeping quarters.

"So Marco what is it?" Ace asked running his finger around the top of the glass of wine Marco had given him from his personal stash on the bed before he placed it onto the counter.

"You first." Ace glanced up only to see the back of Marco's head from where he was at his desk rummaging through a drawer. He turned back A vial of some sort in hand.

"Here goes...well..everything."

"Marco I have fallen in love with you!" Ace shouted out as fast as he could using the band aid method. Marco's blank stare caused him to panic. Thinking he did something wrong he started to ramble out apologies and excuses.

"I understand if you hate me for it, maybe we can pretend th- hfmhf" Those ramblings fell short when a pair of hungry lips latched themselves to his. Marco was on top of him, A knee rubbing against his forming erection causing him to gasp. The elder of the two took advantage of this and delved his tongue into the younger's mouth earning a sweet moan , he found that he loved hearing them. Marco started to trail kisses down Ace's jawline earning a moan when he bit at the junction of the neck and shoulder. He continued his path until ha reached ace's nipples making Ace unravel as he went. The older male gave a experimental lick to the left nipple. The feeling of Ace arousal hardening even for from his ministrations gave life to a fire that began to rage within him. When he started to go lower leaving butterfly kisses along as he went until he reached the top of Ace's shorts thankful that the kid hated shirts. He took the off and tossed them carelessly aside. When Ace's erection sprang free, Marco ran his thumb over the tip watching Ace's every expression.

"Marco! AHH" Hearing his name called with such lust prompted said man to take Ace's cock into his mouth all the way to the base. Marco bobbed his head all while watching Ace for his limit. He came back up and licked around the tip before taking him whole again, moaning when Ace's nails dug into his back sending Ace over the edge.

"Marco I'm Cumming!" Ace Moaned out but Marco had squeezed his cock blocking his release.

"No not yet." Marco whispered in Ace's ear watching as the younger male's face. It was flushed highlighting his freckles and contorted into something beautiful.

Ace regained some kind of consciousness and lit his hand on fire and trailed a path down the blonde's chest and stomach watching as blue fire ignited wherever he touched earning short gasped from the man above him making him even harder making the ragging fire in his heart burn twice as hard. before sliding the older man's shirt off, fumbling with the sash and pants. Marco chuckled as he help Ace shimmy him out of his pants. Letting his cock free, noticing Ace staring at him he smirked.

"Like what You see yoi" Marco asked huskily voice dripping with arousal.

"So b-big" Ace replied reaching out rubbing the the fully erected member.

Marco didn't wait for anything else before he reached over to the nightstand and picked up the vile from earlier.

"Whats that?" Ace managed to pant out

"Lube, I need to prepare you so I don't hurt you." Marco answered hissing as he poured the cool liquid onto his cock and coated three fingers in the process. The slicked hand disappearing between Ace's thighs.

"What are You- Ahh MARCO! It Haaahhha" Marco the lent up to swallow Ace's gasps of pain soon adding the next two digits before making a scissoring motion.

" AHH MARCO!..Please I-I-I need you inside NOW!" Ace screamed and begged out arching up perfectly when his sweet spot was hit.

At this point Marco had lost all control and lined himself up with Ace's entrance before burring his member all the way hitting Ace's sweet spot dead on while swallowing Ace's scream of pain.

"Damn Ace you're so tight, relax" Marco soothed stroking Ace's black locks, licking away tears. The elder slowly rocked his hips back and forth until moans of pain became that of pleasure. Marco then began pulling out to the tip before slamming back into the body underneath him hitting Ace's prostate each time, Finally accustom to the tight warmth around him.

"HARDER! FASTER!" Ace yelled over the creaking of the not caring if anyone heard when Marco began fisting his cock he couldn't hold it back and came with a scream of Marco's name. Hearing his named called in such a way doubling with Ace's walls clutching around his length, he thrust one time before cumming. Marco pulled out as he and Ace came down from their highs only to pull the sleeping freckled man closer whispering.

"I will love you for eternity." Before falling asleep himself

Done in a hurry!