So I've been searching around for dances for this story and I found some that I think fits the different characters and group dances. Just go to youtube and add these to them.
Marco: /watch?v=YTBFNfRDUDc
Ace: /watch?v=1BnnNF4i3Ys
Thatch: /watch?v=lSGPHgTzZt8
Izo: /watch?v=krsa4IoNohY
Haruta: /watch?v=wynM0plyBz8 (replace Luffy with Haruta and ignore the other characters showing up)
Ann and Ace: /watch?v=NNR0TT8EeSs (replace Marco with Ace and Hancock with Ann)
(For the list below, look away from the fact it's known pirates dancing)
1st division group: /watch?v=QYYep8oJIs4
2nd division group: /watch?v=JfDria9WAE0&list=PL384CD364CCCA87A8&index=33
4th division group: /watch?v=W6RPV3clBBc
12th division group: /watch?v=GL7CykSMdmQ
16th division group: /watch?v=ixxwEhMN-gs7
Ann: /watch?v=uchLRnSW-Tw (replace Perona with Ann)
I hope you enjoy those MMD's and if you do, then just search for more. There're plenty of them. Have fun.