Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, and Avengers. Hi! I'm Lizzie! I'm a 20-something geek from NYC, who has a slight obsession with reading and writing all things fanfic. :) Most of my stories are HP fanfic, though not everything is posted here and while I'm transferring things, the rest can be found on under the same username - looneylizzie. As of right now, all of my one-shots will be transferred here, as well as three of my five WIPs (this is because the other two need some pretty heavy rewrites). My HP stories are also all written in their own little universe, so you'll see some references as well as some of the same characters cross over in my Next-Gen works. Don't worry, they can all be read independently, but if there is a reference, I'll point it out for you. ;) I'm also branching out into Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, and have started writing the first of five books in the Totally Expendable Series. I'll try to update as much as I can as my muse comes and goes at will. Well, that and real life likes to take over Thanks so much for checking out my stories! |