I know, I know, I know....
The call came in the middle of the night, rousing Lorne from the first deep sleep he'd had in weeks.
"They've escaped again," said Sheppard, his voice clipped over the com.
"Again?" asked Lorne as he rapidly laced up his boots. "I thought Ronon was guarding them tonight."
"Gave him the slip," came the reply.
"Unbelievable. Where have you looked so far?" asked Lorne, stepping out of his room and into a corridor filled with slightly panicked people.
"Usual places – lab, cafeteria, Carter's office, Teyla's room. Ronon and I are headed to the gym now."
"Copy that. I'm headed to the jumper bay – where they were last time," Lorne said as he picked up his pace.
"Will you need back-up? I can send Mitchell down," Sheppard said, his voice revealing his exhaustion from the past few weeks.
"Should be good," Lorne replied as he patted his pocket. The escapees loved Reese's peanut butter cups and the Atlantis crew had taken to keeping a few stashed in their pockets at all times. It was the only thing that could lure them out into the open. "But if you don't hear from me in 20, send them in."
"Copy. Good luck, Major."
"You too, sir." Lorne stepped into the transporter and slapped the button for the jumper bay level. His body was tense from lack of sleep and on edge about whatever he would find when he got to the bay.
When the doors slid open, he stepped quietly out and made his way to the bay with only a whisper of sound following him. A barely discernable glow was coming from one of the jumpers and Lorne began to make his way to it. His breathing grew more labored as he slid along the side of the jumper for he had dealt with the quarry and their attempts of hijacking a jumper before; he did not look forward to a repeat of those events.
Ever so slowly, he twisted his head around to look into the back of the jumper. Before him was a scene of chaos, and as he took it in and plotted how best to approach the enemy, something darted out and attached itself to his leg.
"Son of a bitch," he swore as he staggered back from the force of the attack. The thing attached to him stopped moving and everything went still. He looked down and took in blond curls, wide eyes and cowboy footed pajamas.
"You said a bad a word, Lorne," whispered little Rodney. Considering the adult sized Rodney could swear a blue streak in multiple languages, including binary, it always amused Lorne that the little version was so horrified every time someone swore. With a deep sigh, Lorne bent down to pick him up and stepped in the jumper.
"Sorry, kid. You took me by surprise. Well hello, little lady," Lorne said, addressing his comments to another head of blond curly that poked out from a hastily assembled pile of blankets and pillows. How they'd managed to drag them all the way here without being detected baffled him, but he'd learn to never doubt the combined brain powered of Rodney and Sam - no matter what their age.
"Hi, Lorne!" giggled a little Sam as she wiggled out of the pillow fort. She tugged at her stars and moons footed pjs before launching herself at him. He gingerly bent down to wrap his free arm around her for a hug as he also tried to set Rodney back on the ground. Lesson #16,574 of handling the twin terror toddlers was never to hold them at the same time or suffer a bruising when they got into a kicking battle. He slid the floor, leaning up against one of the benches, as both of them climbed on his lap and snuggled down.
It was down right terrifying how they were both snugglers. They'd even curl around each other like puppies when napping and Zelenka, the evil genius, had no qualms about snapping photos for future blackmail.
"You know everyone is looking for you two, again," he said, absently rubbing their backs.
"Are we trouble?" asked Sam in a loud whisper. She lifted her head up and looked at him with puppy eyes and asked him, "Will you protect us?"
"Depends on who gets here first," Lorne said. While they had managed to twist the entire crew of Atlantis around the fingers, so far only two had managed to resist the cuteness – Gen. O'Neill and Teyla. If they showed up, the little ones would be sent to bed and not allowed to have jello or play in the lab for a whole day. If it was anyone else, a few whimpers and tugs at pants legs would mean they were snuck extra cookies.
Lorne touched his com and said, "I found them. In the jumper bay, jumper twelve."
Gen. O'Neill's voice came across in audible frustration. "You keep those two brats with you until I get there." As his voice trailed off, Lorne heard O'Neill mutter, "Hammond never had deal to with this crap…"
Rodney and Sam had clearly overheard the conversation as they were both staring at them like he had stolen a puppy from them. They glanced at each other and Rodney said, "I think we're in trouble, Sammie."
Sam let out a deep sigh that broke Lorne's heart and said, "Again." She then glared at Rodney before saying, "It's your fault."
"Nu uh, it's your fault. You wanted to camp out in the jumper!" replied Rodney as Lorne tried to shove them further apart.
"Only 'cause you were scared of the dark!" yelled Sam, directly into Lorne's ear.
"Am not!" shouted back Rodney as he reached across and shoved Sam.
"You hit me!" was the reply and Lorne yelled, "Knock it off or I swear I will drop you both into the ocean."
They stopped yelling and stared at him with a look that was positively scary and reminiscent of their adult selves.
"No, you'd get in trouble with the general," replied Sam, calm and logical.
"And Teyla", added Rodney, just as calm and just as logical. "They wouldn't like it all if you hurt us."
Lorne rubbed his head and sighed in frustration. If the brains of Atlantis didn't get these two back to their normal selves soon, he'd throw himself into the ocean. "Fine, I won't." They nodded at and settled back onto his lap. He continued on saying, "Okay, who wants a story."
"Me!" came the simultaneously reply.
"This was one of my favorites growing up. Mike Mulligan had a steam shovel. A beautiful red steam shovel named Mary Ann…."
As he told the story, the two bodies on his legs grew heavier. As they fell asleep and Lorne wrapped his arms around them and held them close.