All Good Things Come To An End

Danielle stepped out of the lecture hall and straight into the outstretched arms of a friend offering yet another sympathy hug. She accepted it graciously, though all the pity she was getting was starting to wear her thin. She just wanted to rest, though she was sure that was unlikely to happen.

"Call if you ever need anything," her friend said, and Danielle just nodded and mumbled a thanks. She was distracted, her stomach a tight knot of fear. She glanced around the parking lot, worrying her keys in her hands.

She only made it a few steps before she saw the two "FBI agents" from the other day approaching her. "Hi," she said.

"Hey, Danielle. Can we talk?" Agent Tyler asked. "In private."

Danielle glanced at the other agent, Dean, who was staring at her with hard eyes. She knew he was the fiercer of the two, the one more likely to shoot first and ask questions later. She also knew, though, that he wouldn't hurt her. She led them back into the lecture hall just like she had in her dream.

As soon as she was inside and the doors were safely closed, she said, "I know you're here to kill me."

The brothers shared a surprised look. "You can drop the cutesy little Southern belle act then," Dean snapped.

"'S not an act," Danielle said. "Can I ask why?"

That confused the boys. "You know why," Sam said. "You killed that girl."

"Who, Addison?" Danielle asked. "That wasn't me."

"So you're saying you're not a witch?" Sam asked.

Danielle shook her head. "No, I'm not- I didn't-" She was flustered. She'd been having these dreams for months now, horrible ones, and she hadn't believed for a second that they were true until the brothers who starred in said dreams had showed up at her doorstep. The brothers hunted monsters and ghosts, and even though she'd accepted they existed, she was still struggling with being okay with it.

"Okay, I'm getting annoyed now," Dean said. He pulled out his gun and clicked off the safety.

Danielle's mouth went dry, and she held up her hands. "No, wait, please!"

Dean aimed at the girl's chest, and a tremor went through the room. Danielle clutched at the nearest chair as the overhead lights popped, raining sparks down on them.

"Cut it out!" Sam had to shout to be heard over the chaos.

"It's not me," she said, though she was so scared it came out as a whisper. The shaking grew worse and various objects crashed onto the floor. Danielle clutched at her hair, squeezing her eyes shut. Her dream had stopped here, but she knew what happened next. It'd happened with Addison too, and it would no doubt happen with the boys- she'd open her eyes once the shaking stopped, and there would be nothing left but a decimated building.

"Put the gun down, Dean."

There was a man standing behind the boys. Castiel, the angel, by the looks of it.

"What are you-" Dean started, but Castiel cut him off.

"No harm is to come to her. She's a prophet of the lord."


"Dean, get out here," Sam said. He turned the volume up on the T.V.

Dean stepped out of the bathroom, toothbrush dangling from is mouth. "Is it hot in here to you too?" he asked.

"Shut up and listen," Sam snapped.

The news reporter was crisp and pristine with blonde hair pulled back into a perfectly curled ponytail. "Addison Charles, 25, was meeting a friend in one of the University's science labs when it exploded. The whole room was obliterated, but the friend escaped unscathed." Two pictures floated on the screen, one of a blonde and one of a brunette. The blonde faded away, but the brunette stayed in place.

"The friend, Danielle Samson, has been released from police custody and is not under any charges."

Sam shut off the T.V. then, raising his eyebrows at his brother. "Sounds like our kinda thing."

Dean grimaced. "Yeah. Definitely."

"Duke it is, then."

A few hours earlier found them pulling up to the ruined lab on campus. It was hard to miss; the burnt building was a huge eyesore. Whatever was left of the walls were charred and crumbling and glass and other debris scattered all over the ash-covered floor. They walked up with the sheriff, Dean smiling at a few nearby students clustered.

"So, a bomb did this?" Sam asked.

The policeman sighed, scratching the back of his head. "That's what the report says but…" Dean started sniffing through the debris, looking for any clues. "What the hell kind of bomb do you know that does that?" The sheriff pointed to a small area that was untouched. The floor was sparkling white tile, the wall still completely intact, the anatomy poster not sporting so much as a wrinkle.

"What the hell?" Dean muttered.

"Exactly. That's where the other girl was standing."

"Danielle, right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, Danielle Samson. Good student, good kid. This really shook her up." He grimaced.

"We're gonna need her address," Sam said.

The policeman scribbled it down on the back of his business card and handed it to Sam. "Good luck. She's not saying much and, what she does say, doesn't make a lick of sense." The sheriff nodded before going over to talk with one of his deputies.

Dean wandered back over and waved a yellow-dusted fingertip in the air. "Is that what I think it is?" Sam asked. Dean nodded, and they headed back towards the car.

They threw theories back and forth, but none of them fully explained the one spot in the room that didn't receive any damage. They knocked on the girl's apartment door, hoping that this might give them more answers.

A frazzled older woman opened the door. "Yes?"

Sam took the lead. "I'm Special Agent Tyler, this is my partner Agent Perry. We're here to talk to Danielle Samson."

"Tyler Perry?" the woman questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes. Funny coincidence," Dean said.

The woman stepped back and let them in. The apartment seemed smaller than it was with all the traffic; an older man stood next to a teenage girl. She had the same brown hair and brown eyes, and Sam mistook her for Danielle.

"I'm her sister," she said. "She's in there."

Sam and Dean walked into the living room. The girl in question was sitting on the couch, eyes red and puffy. She looked up at them, and her eyes went wide in shock. She gaped and the glass in her hand slipped. Water splashed all over her lap, and she rose to her feet in a fluster.

"S-Sorry," she stammered. "U-Um I'm D-Danielle."

Sam introduced them as Danielle sat back down on the couch. They sat in chairs opposite the girl. "Danielle, can you tell us everything that happened?"

"I don't understand," her dad said from the doorway. "She already told the cops everything."

"It's okay," Danielle said.

"We just want to cover all the bases."

"Why don't y'all go get some lunch?" Danielle offered. Her family complied, leaving the boys alone with her.

"Sorry," she said. Sam couldn't help but notice how she peeked at the boys when she thought they weren't looking.

"Well, Addy called me wanting to meet up at the lab to study for the test coming up in our class. When she showed up, she was acting really… weird. Like… I don't know how to explain it." She sighed in frustration.

"She wasn't herself," Sam said.

"No, she wasn't. But then… It all happened so fast." She started tearing up and picked at a thread in her blanket. "The whole room started shaking, and then light started shining through the windows. Things started breaking and flying around, and then Addy was screaming and everything just … exploded." Danielle brought a hand to her face, before excusing herself to the bathroom.

While she was gone, Dean poured some of his holy water into her glass. He was pocketing it as she came back out, wiping at her cheeks. She apologized and took a sip. She showed no unusual response.

"Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" Dean asked. Danielle shook her head, and Dean eased towards the bathroom.

"We're sorry for your loss," Sam said. "But is there anything else you can tell us? Something you saw, maybe? Did you smell anything strange?"

She looked at Sam, and he slipped into her bedroom. He started searching through drawers, putting everything back in its place so as to not raise suspicion. He found a box under her bed, sliding it out.

"Rotten eggs," Danielle said. "But I didn't see anything; the light was too bright."

He opened up the box, letting out a small whistle at the accumulation of black occult objects. He slid into the bathroom when she wasn't looking and flushed the toilet.

When he came out, Sam stood up. "Thank you for your time. Call if you remember anything else."

She gave Sam a small smile, but her eyes were mostly locked on Dean's. They stepped out of the apartment.

"Found a hex bag under her bed," Dean said. "Knew it smelled witchy."

"So a witch and a demon? That doesn't make much sense," Sam said.

The boys got her class schedule from her campus advisor and parked outside the lecture hall, waiting for any sight of Danielle.


"She's a what?" Dean bellowed as a sharp, piercing noise began echoing throughout the room. Light shined through the windows, though it was nighttime. Sam snatched the gun from Dean's hands and threw it on the ground.

The shaking stopped. The noise and the light died away, and the silence was near deafening.

Danielle collapsed into the nearest chair, clutching onto the armrest until her knuckles were white. Her face was as pale as a sheet, and her brown hair fell in front of her shoulders. "Is it gone?" she rasped.

"Yes," Castiel said.

"E-Even if I was a witch, you couldn't kill me. That… thing won't let you."

"That thing was an archangel," Castiel said.

Danielle felt goosebumps rise over her skin. "You mean… Like G-Gabriel?"

"What in the hell did you say she was?" Dean demanded.

"A prophet."

Danielle moaned, cupping her face with her hands. "I am not Moses."

"No, you are Danielle," the trench-coated man answered. "A variation of the name Daniel, the-"

"Dream interpreter," she interrupted. "I know my Bible stories. This is too much," she whispered, shaking her head.

"Well, if you're a prophet, how come you didn't see this coming?" Sam asked.

"My dream ended with the archangel coming."

"So you knew about us?" Dean questioned. "And you just played along?"

"Yeah, agents 'Tyler Perry'," she joked. She rose, though she seemed to be shaky in the knees. She looked at the angel. "Why did Addison try to kill me?"

"That wasn't Addison," Sam answered, putting the pieces together. "That was a demon."

"So how much do you know about us?"

Castiel answered for her. "Her visions started when Azazel killed Jessica. I must go."

He vanished, and Danielle jumped. "Does he… Does he always do that?"

"It's a bad habit," Dean said.

She nodded, her chocolate waves bouncing. "So… What now?"

"We hit the road."

"What about me?" Danielle asked.

"Stay here. Finish school."

"If you see anything interesting, give us a call," Sam said. He pulled out one of their fake business cards and penned their numbers on the back.

She squeezed the card in her hands, her brown doe eyes stretched wide. "Bye, then, I guess."

"Yeah," Dean said.

"See you around, Danny," Sam said.

The boys left the prophet alone, clutching the fragile card.