Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter, and Merlin. Dear Readers! If you’re reading this profile, I’m assuming you want to know something about me… But then again, we all know what you (the ‘universal you’) do when you ! [heehee] Anyhow, I will keep this short and possibly relevant. I am Norstra, which was a name I created when I was in high school for a world and story I had designed. It means ‘Guiding Light of Mankind’ and represents the North Star among other things. After a while, my beloved world was put on hold and Norstra became my avatar name for online gaming etc. As this is a fanfiction website and not an original fiction website, that will be all the information on Norstra offered here. Let’s see, I adore lore, mythology, folktales, legends and anything else that falls under those types of categories. It’s slightly ridiculous how much I’ll immerse myself in them and how passionate I’ll get about preserving the ‘facts’ and storylines. I can argue with you (the ‘universal you’) about the lore in World of Warcraft, and then turn around and rip the newest Robin Hood movie to pieces all in the same conversation. Remember, many tales have a moment of truth or life-lesson tucked away in them somewhere. After all, for thousands of years books and teachers were called Storytellers. Ruins are truly a double edged sword. They are inspiringly beautiful in that they oftentimes represent a gorgeous and mysterious building or civilization long forgotten. However, ruins are also depressingly broken in that you will never truly see how it looked in its glory days. How much effort went into ghost towns, temples, and stone hedges? And now all we can do is guess what the world was like back then. Yes, some guesses are more informed and clear than others. I always keep in mind: History was written by the victors. Personally, I like to have my heart bubble with laughter and then have my eyes pricking with tears. Those are the signs of a well written story in my opinion. If you’re investing emotionally in the characters, it’s easier for you to drop right into the world the writer is offering you… a world full of possibilities. The following two paragraphs are my soapbox and preferences in regards to Harry Potter. They are my own opinions. You don’t have to agree with me or try to change my mind. On the other hand, if you don’t see where I’m coming from you may not enjoy my writings very much. I enjoy Harry Potter stories that have time travel in them as well as apathetic, internally sarcastic Harrys. Therefore, you’ll probably see that in my writings. Weak-willed Harrys don’t really do it for me. I feel that he’s got an amazingly strong, beautiful character despite his upbringing and the circumstances he is constantly enduring. He certainly is NOT weak in my books. Also, being ignorant is not the same as being foolish. He is a child swimming in a chaotic world without a clear guardian or instructor to help guide him (Dumbledore hardly gives enough input to be considered reliable). If you don’t know to look for something, odds are you won’t. In addition, Harry was abused so that is also part of his character. The definition of abuse is as follows: 1) use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse. 2) treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. 3) speak in an insulting and offensive way to or about (someone). To be called a freak by your family is abuse. To be worked harder and dressed and gifted less than another equal-status member of the family is abuse. To be closed/locked into a cupboard under the stairs of a (at least) three bedroom house of a family of four, is abuse. To force a child to go without food is abuse. I say again, Harry does the best that he can with what he’s been given to work with. Another pet peeve of mine is the argument that Harry doesn’t respect authority. Like heck he doesn’t. What authority figure in his entire life is actually helpful? McGonagall ignores his warnings. Dumbledore withholds all kinds of things he could tell Harry. Quirrell, Lockhart, and Moody/Crouch Jr. were his teachers…enough said. Snape? Please. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia? Are you kidding? Sirius and Remus have little interaction with him due to Dumbledore’s interference and aren’t exactly steady adult figures. So who is Harry supposed to go to? Respect is earned. That last argument brings us to another point of interest: I strongly dislike Dumbledore (disguised manipulator/betrayer of trusts) and Snape (mind-rapist/abuser...being in love with another man's wife doesn't make him a good person...he has his moments, I'll grant you that, but over all 'dislike' stands). James (bully who matures) is not a particular favorite. Ron (jealous deserter) is also disliked in the later years. Hermione (know it all/loyal) could be a fifty-fifty like or dislike depending on the slant of the writer. The Weasley Twins (kind/amusing), Neville (dependable), and Luna (interesting) are all definite favorites. I like Tom Riddle (genius/picture of ‘survival of the fittest’ instinct left unchecked and unguided). I think the possibilities of helping him (hence love of time travel stories) are fascinating. Lord Voldemort is a murderer. I won’t ignore that. Revolutions come at a price, and he is legitimately insane by horcrux and unicorn blood. However, Harry wouldn’t brush off the deaths of his parents and Cedric as unavoidable, nor would he brush off the fact that Voldemort forced him to become a killer at the tender age of eleven when Quirrell died at his literal touch. Well, that about sums it up for now, wonderful Readers. Hopefully this has been a quick but informative report for your perusal. Feel free to review or comment as you wish. :) Thank you for reading, Norstra P.S. Sorry for the hundred ‘I’ sentences, but hey, you’re the one profiling me! :P |
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