Reviews for Game over
Star chapter 20 . 4/1
This is so good, pretty I’ve read it before, but the second of this was still soo good
White Magic17 chapter 2 . 2/23
BleachIchi15 chapter 20 . 12/10/2019
What a wonderfull story I got the pleasure of reading. It took me a while to stumble upon this, can I say, a masterpiece of a story? I am so glad to have found it and then just as sad to see it coming to an end.

On one hand, the story is so dark and painful. Seeing al those loved ones of Harry dieing. Seeing his old life, that even yourself as a reader grew to love while reading the books and seeing the movies, shatter before your eyes. The people, the adventures en most importantly also Hedwig.

While reading, your feelings are going all over the place. And what I found most amazing, is that you managed to make me feel things that normally in real life is a little disturbing.
On one hand, I want Harry to stay true to his stubborn, selfless and still strong personality. To keep fighting against Voldemort and protecting all his loved ones. But on the other hand, I want him to satisfy Voldemort. Want him to stay with him, so lang as I can see the relationship between them blossom. It so weird, because knowing what Voldemort did to many people, to the his very parents, godfather, Remus and most recently Hedwig it's just insane that I want him to be with Voldemort. But it's so satisfactory to see the possessive/obsessive side of Voldemort towards Harry. It makes Harry also special. And the way you write it, there's so much delicious tension between them.
Same goes with the death-eaters. You just want them to start liking Harry. And the moments they talk about him as their prince brings a fulfilled feeling.
But the moment with Hedwig really broke my heart. Just as in the books, this moment was like you lost your own pet and best friend. I wish Voldemort would see, that maybe he got Harry to appreciate him more when he'll keep his loved ones a live.
Then there is the horcrux. What a beautiful scene which shows the true personality of Harry. Forgiving and caring. It leaves you wondering what that newfound bond between them could accomplish.
Getting closer to the last chapter brought sadness. Knowing that I don't get to read the further build-up relationship between Harry and Voldemort and ultimately the ending that you wanted to tell us.
Seeing that you haven't updated any of your stories sinds 2016 makes it most definitive that the story is over. But still thank you for what you have given us. A story so well written, that it could have been a book and I would have bought it without a blink of they eye.
You probably won't read this review, but I hope sincerely that everything is well with you. In your last writers note you told us about the incident with your computer and that you have fallen in a depression and couldn't look at fanfiction sites anymore. Even if you don't write (fanfiction) anymore. I do hope that you're mentaly en physical healthy.

Again thank you for this story. I am going to read what more stories you left for us. And hopefully I can see somewhere in the future an update pop up in my mailbox.
Star chapter 20 . 9/18/2019
That was the cutest, the Horcruxes and harry getting along
Guest chapter 20 . 9/12/2019
Nice one but still waiting for more
entrophy843 chapter 20 . 8/26/2019
This is absolutely amazing. This new Harry will be quite scary. Just like his eyes,he will be a perfect mixture of his old self and Voldemort.
HPowl chapter 20 . 8/5/2019
You HAVE to update this! Everything about it is amazing! Voldemort's transformation, the relationships between all the Death Eaters, the horcrux (which made me cry btw) and even Harry's transformation is believable and heartbreaking. I can only hope you return to finish this because I honestly have no idea how it's going to end!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 13 . 7/19/2019
my feels for the Horcrux. so much sympathy.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 12 . 7/19/2019
SERIOUSLY excellent story wow. Even on this second read through.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 7 . 7/17/2019
I'm rereading this BECAUSE IT IS SO BLOODY AMAZING. And I realised something. You know... Harry having Voldemort's soul in him, it sort of makes you think that HE owns Voldemort in a way. Rather than the other way. I'm sure if push came to shove, the Hallows would probably see him as a worthier Master of Death haha.

also that last Hedwig bit, hahaha NEK MIN HEDWIG IS A HUMAN
FearThePuggles chapter 20 . 7/8/2019
I need more, please.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/6/2019
Hello from Germany,
I have to say I was and still am just slightly disturbed by your story. In a good way though, I think. There are many stories I read where Harry ends up with Voldermort and either turns dark hinself pretty quicky or where Voldemort isn't as evil as origionally thought and actually pretty good with Harry.
I like your approach, what with Voldi being obsessed with Harry and still being evil and murderous and trying to mold him in the way he thinks he should be.
There are pretty extensive torture scenes (maybe a bit too many for me) and Harry is developing a curious version of the Stockholm Syndrome, I think.
Still, I really enjoyed this fanfiction and am sad to see it discontinued. Beautifully done, thanks for this unique story and all the work you put in it. I find myself curious as to the changes the merging with the Horcrux would have had on Harry.

WoP chapter 20 . 6/9/2019
OMG this is brilliant - I’ve ignored everything today to finish reading this and I look forward to seeing the new Harry!
tediuminahamsterball chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
An intriguing story building on Voldemort's Wins AU, unique as well, exploring the question of what if the bad guy discovers the Deathly hallows and not just the elder wand. Kudos, a very engaging fic up till the end.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 20 . 3/19/2019

NOT impressed with the Hedwig moment. If anyone hurt my companion/pet I would DESPISE THEM! I don't know how you could have had Harry not hate Voldemort in that moment?! It's a bit senseless, but I guess Harry had been coming off a weird few days.

Man I so hope you're okay and are inspired to write again soon! You are SO SO very talented! You can probably tell from all my reviews. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! I hope you're somewhere out in the world writing something because your skill needs to be shared.

Thank you so much!
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