Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha. This is the profile of the allmighty Hotaru Kasumi... For all of those who might care, my name is Elissa. I'm seventeen years old and in my senior year in high school. My life consists of GEC (Great Expectations Choir), school, drama club, and writing. I've got a 4.2 GPA, and I like it (it is possible people). When I graduate, I'd like to go to A&M, or possibly OSU, though my friend and I have planned to apply to all of the best ones in the Country, and a few in Europe. Also, please note that it is not programed in my sytem to write depressing endings, unless I can't possibly twist it around, and even then it won't be drastically depressing. I don't know what it is... Fav Books Harry Potter Fav Anime Inuyasha Song Of The Week: Over The Moon from Rent Last night, I had a dream OOOOOOO I gotta get outta here I'm all about the impossible... I love stories about things that will never happen. Anything about Kagome running off, getting captured by Sesshoumaru and falling in love with him, or Kagome getting hurt by Inuyasha and getting comforted by Miroku. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Inu/Kag, but there's nothing better than a well written Sess/Kag, Mir/Kag, or even a Kog/Kag every once and a while. In case you couldn't tell by now, I am odd. Favorite quotes from my friends... Person: Bite me... Reply: Where at and how hard? -Unknown Put that in your pipe and smoke it! -Unknown Do you bite your thumb at me, sir? -Shakespear Konichiwa! -Foamy What took a shit in your cornflakes, then crawled up your ass and died? -Deanna Cruel... but cute, so I'm worth it. -Happy Bunny I can count to purple backwards. -Sam Out you carrion, you baggage, you tallow face! -Shapespear Ever get the feeling someone is watching you? Seriously. _Me We need to buy Paul a bell, that way we know when we need to reach behind us and smack him in advance. -Me Kris: I want my pants back. Bobby: Why would I have your pants? Kris: From when you took them off the other day. Bobby: But that was so you could put mine on. Kris: But you took those off too! Bobby: They were my pants, they were so much easier to take off... -Bobby/Kris And Pauls eyes just kept getting bigger... -Bobby The shark and its anonymous victm. -Bogdan I feel so sorry for the paper... -Me You know what I think? -Cameron We filled her full of every kind of pill so she won't cough and make a noise! -Emily/Anne Frank NO TALKING! YOU'RE ON DRUGS! -Nathanial Leave the drama on the stage... -Kris I'M GONNA DIE IN A BLONDE SHIRT! -Vikki I don't hate her... I just want to beat her with a stick. -Deanna The longer the better! -Me It looks like a pizza ate his face...? -Unknown Favorite Potter Puffs Quotes... Severus Snape- Bastard? Yes. Evil? That too. Severus Snape-is sick of being force-fed sherbert Albus Dumbledore- 'tis but only a flesh wound Ron Weasley- is about to be badly hurt Harry Potter- can't quite look away from Ron's doom Draco Malfoy- Secretly huggs kittens and campaigns against animal cruelty Bill Weasley- Is too busy bleeding to do much of anything right now... Kingsley Shakelbolt- is enjoying the secretary gig a bit too much... Draco and Myrtel- cheer up emo kids Dolores Umbridge- will not let you fight the power Favorite Serious Quotes... I wish I had all the tears you made me cry so I can drown you in them... I play the same song over and over because it reminds me of you The worst way to miss someone is when they're right beside you and you know you can't have them I hurt myself so you can't I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold It wasn't my fault I fell for you... you tripped me When he smiles at me I can't help but smile back It's funny how someone can break yourheart, and you can still love them with all the little peices Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them I'm not one of those girls you can play with... if you want that go buy a barbie Every girl wants a man who she can come to in her sweats, her hair not done, and her eyes red from crying, and the first thing he says is 'baby, you're beautiful.' I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel A few things that irritate me to no end when I'm reading stories... -When people write about something that they clearly don't know anything about. You don't sound smart, if anything you soud really stupid. Stick with the stuff you know. -When someone places an adjective in front of a verb or noun for the sake of sounding smart, or thinking it makes them a better writer. I'm all for descriptivness, but my English teacher from eigth grade always used to say show, not tell. If you're going to describe something, don't just say the humungous room. Describe just how big it was. The cavernous room rang with the laughter of the many people filling it, the sounds echoing off the high celing and wide walls. -When a story clearly hasn't been proof read, at all. Simpe grammar mistakes like the sound was a loud as an screaching siren. Totally throws me off, and I have to go on a rampage about the grammar instead of reading the story. -BLATANT SPELLING MISTAKES! I admit, I'm not the best speller in the world, probably one of the worst, but that's why Word has Spell Check people. -A story with no plot. It's pointless and a waste of the reader's time. -Cliche. I do admit I like some of the old steriotypes, but when every other story becomes Inuyasha goes to Hell with Kikyou, and Kagome decides to travel with Sesshoumaru. It get's kinda old, don't you think? -The word big. I don't know why, but that word get's on my nerves. There are so many other adjectives that you could be using other than big, don't you think? -Jumbled paragraphs. When one sentence is saying something, and then the next sentence is something totaly different. It's irritating. -Redundancy. It's probibaly the most irritating thing under the sun. No one wants to read something like; It was dark. Darkness surrounded her. Nothing could be seen. Most people get the point after you say it the first time. -Flames. Totaly inconsiderate and not needed. If you don't like my wiriting, I don't care, but I don't need a review about my hard work telling me it sucks. I don't think anyone likes that. -Those stories where the same thing happens over and over again. Like, when the girl leaves a note and runs away, then comes back. Then leaves a note and runs away again, and comes back... ect. Enough with the negatives... Now with the positives! -When I can actually see what the character is seeing. The vivid imagry that makes you forget that you are in your house, and makes you think you are in Ancien Japan, or anywhere else for that matter. -A good, jucy plot. Something complicated and totaly original that makes me think and keeps me hungry for more. -Character development. I want to know right at the begining who the character is, and everything about them. But in a creative way. Not My name is (name here) and I'm an average High School Student. One-Shots. They were a gift from the fanfiction gods. -Fluff. I'm a sucker for fluffed up romantic scenes between characters, even a bit of tasteful lemonage. -I want to care about the character. No one wants to read a story about a character that they care nothing about, and can't relate to. The only exception is when the author is bashing said character. Then, it's kinda amusing. Current Projects Living On A Prayer- (COMPLETE) 1 Chapter Living On A Dream- (COMPLETE) 1 Chapter Take This To Your Grave- (INCOMPLETE) 8Chapters Without You- (COMPLETE) 1 Chapter About The Current Projects Living On A Prayer- I wrote this on a random idea, no idea where it really came from, except that I wrote it when i was listening to the song Better Than I by some guy the the movie Joseph, King Of Dreams. It's basically about Miroku being captured by Naraku and praying to Buddah for his friend's saftey. Very angsty, slightly fluffy. A bit of Mir/Kag, but nothing drastic. Living On A Dream- Sequel to Living On A Prayer, one shot follow up on Kagome and Miroku after the final battle. A lot more fluff an romance than the first one. Will be rated M strictly for Miroku's wandering hands and just plain pevertedness. Take This To Your Grave- I was going to start the next chapter when I got 120 reviews. Now that I've got them I don't have an excuse anymore... damn... Without You- Just a little one shot that popped into my head when I was listening to the soundtrack from Rent. I think it's the least AU thing I've done yet. Basically, it's about Kagome dealing with Inuyasha leaving her for Kikyou. And Inuyasha... well, we'll just have to see about him. Very much Inu/Kag (my first one, by the way) and a little on the angsty side. |