Author has written 11 stories for Lord of the Rings, X-Men, and X-Men: The Movie. Hey. I go by many names here at . these include Arden Skysender, and Kristianna Bailey I like Lord of the Rings ,Labyrinth and X-men fanfic, but not your conventional pairings generally. I live a bit of an off-the-wall existence, and now that i think about it, the wall moves daily! I have a great love of literature, and books of all kinds (bar crime. never could get into them) I hope you all enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Best wishes to you all, and keep the stories and reviews coming. I will do my best to do the same Favourite bands include: Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Evanescence, Nickleback, Veronicas, Kelly Clarkson, Bond, Missy Higgins, Favourite movies/shows include: The Village, Signs, Quills, Reign of Fire, LOTR, Phantom of the Opera, X-Men trilogy, V for Vendetta, Kill Bill vol 1, Frida, Family Guy, Ally McBeal Favourite Books: anything by Juliet Marillier, Anne Mccaffrey, Tolkien, Raymond E. Feist, Naomi Novik, and Tamora Pierce, the Bitterbynde trilogy, the Dark Heavens Trilogy (Mary Sue galore, but still great reading) Favourite atcors/adtresses: Keira Knightly, Johnny Depp, Gerard Butler,Cate Blanchett, Joaquain Pheonix, Kelsey Grammar, Lucy Lui, Hugo Weaving, Liv Tyler, Craig Parker, Clive Owen Favourite Characters include; X-Men - Dr Henry McCoy (Beast) - Warren Worthington III (Archangel) - Piotr Rasputin (Collossus) LOTR: Haldir Glorfindel Erestor Elladan/Elrohir Any good fics that you've read? I'd love to hear about them. I love reading other writers work. So if you want feedback, or some constructive criticism, give us a yell! If you read one of my old stories, still review.I go back over them every so often, and Id love to hear what you're all thinking. thanks very much By the way, i am currently renovating 'wherever your hope has gone'quite drastically. there are so many holes in that story it isn't funny. lol. ta NEW NOTE: If you are newly reading my work, I would not recommend my older stories. They are inaccurate, (as much of my work is, but whatev) smutty and at times rushed and just plain bad. So if it's smut with a little plot here and there, go ahead. lol. My best work is probably I'd Give Up Forever To Touch you, and ever that is rushed. I suffer from bad hand brain coordination. my hands cannot type fast enough what my head is thinking, so i leave out all kinds of things, and jump to the next exciting part of the story. it's a terminal illness for some fanfic writers. |